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18. september 2019, 08:27:20
Teema: Re:
Bernice: i which way was i "not nice" ? i thought he was referring to the use of brains for buying memberships ... which isnt possible anymore ... so they arent worth any real-money anymore

you can still use them to enter tournaments though which i didnt think of .. so without brains you are excluded from tournaments which gives people with (unjustly) brains an access to tournaments which others dont have

18. september 2019, 08:24:32
Teema: Re:
Nice works: ok that is true, you can enter tournaments with them ... i thought you were referring for their use to buy memberships with as you could in the past .. luckily that cannot be done anymore as that would give brains a real-money-value ... but you can indeed still enter tournament with them ..

is this the same person to which you are referring in your profile, who is playing 2 accounts and making them play eachother?

then you should send a pm to fencer so he might block/ban/... those accounts as that is definetly cheating

18. september 2019, 02:21:48
Border C Rule 
Teema: Re:
Yes thanks.

However in the situation I was referring too , the three games won were not tournament or even stairs game. So yes thank you for determining it is possible,

As it wasn't in this case, what do you think in reference to my original question?


18. september 2019, 02:07:58
Teema: Re:
Aganju toimetatud (18. september 2019, 02:08:55)
Nice works: I'm not sure what kind of answer you expect, if you really except a serious answer, and are not just trolling.

Yes, it is of course possible to win an unlimited amount of brains in three wins - you enter a tournament with four participants, where X brains are offered for the winner, and win your three games. You will get X brains; with no upper limit on X. Is this the answer you wanted?

Realistically, the player has not won his brains that way; he either got them through cheating, or bought them, or as a donation - I got a 1000 brain donation some years ago, when I asked nicely for tips to be able to join those tournaments.

That approach might work for you too, but I'd recommend to reconsider the wording of your posts - if people see them as trolling, they are more reluctant to donate you brains. Otherwise, of course, you can write what you want.

18. september 2019, 00:47:09
Border C Rule 
Teema: Re:

Bernice, I asked two questions. Not of anyone in particular. I received no answer from anyone except the reply from Heals, that was not an answer.

I was not being disrespectful or not nice but as has occurred in the past,when anyone who isn't a long term club member asks questions they are "attacked" for asking and get at best deflective replies rather than constructive answers.

Once again it is like deja Vue all over again.

My original question is still unanswered. My secondary question,the same!

If it's ok that some can play tournaments requiring brains while those that don't use unethical methods to acquire them can't, then that is the possibly the answer to my secondary question you somehow construed as not nice.

It was asked in the hope of an answer.

I have read what the site has to say regarding brains

17. september 2019, 22:30:29
Teema: Re:
Nice works: that wasnt a nice answer to Hrqls...read up on brains and what they are all about and then ignore what you have read as they arent worth a tin of fish any longer....

17. september 2019, 15:50:56
Border C Rule 
Teema: Re:
There's a none answer to a question.

So using them to enter tournaments that others can't is ok by you?

17. september 2019, 15:47:16
Teema: Re:
Nice works: Brains arent important anymore anyway ... you cant do anything with them for real anymore

17. september 2019, 15:36:49
Border C Rule 
Is it possible to get 180 brains from 377 games with only 3 of them wins?

Doesn't seem cool to me!!

15. september 2019, 02:44:30
Teema: Re: A bug in game
Vinkel: That was a strange past move. I doubt you get a response, you might but Id ask Carl for a draw. Your BKR is near the same so it wont change on a draw.

14. september 2019, 23:46:07
Teema: Re: A bug in game
Vinkel: it must be nearly 2 years since he has said he isnt going to do any upkeep on this site...He is too busy with his music, i think....Maybe Rod can give you more information

14. september 2019, 22:39:13
Teema: Re: A bug in game
Bernice: Thank you. I'll wait till I have time to move, then maybe offer a draw :-).

14. september 2019, 22:09:45
Teema: Re: A bug in game
Vinkel: Fencer will look into it and if he thinks it is important enough to fix, he will...otherwise it wont get fixed....thats as I think it i happening these days....such a pity as this is a great site :)

14. september 2019, 20:08:22
Teema: A bug in game
I got a bug in one of my games nr 8290576 and I tryed to report it, usjng the contact form. Does anyone know, if I'll get an answer or if there is a better way to do it?

6. september 2019, 09:19:11
Teema: Re:
DeaD man WalkiN: I know a few but won't put the names up as I end up being abused.

6. september 2019, 09:01:13
DeaD man WalkiN 
Teema: Re:
mal4inara: is there a list of cheaters?

5. september 2019, 02:29:28
Border C Rule 
Teema: Human nature....
Like deja vue ... All over again

5. september 2019, 02:12:31
Teema: Re:
earldrake1: hmmmmmm....

5. september 2019, 02:02:38
Teema: Re:
Bernice: very efficient apparently... or maybe something else?

5. september 2019, 01:53:50
Bernice toimetatud (5. september 2019, 01:55:01)
WOW.....how can someone have nearly 10,000 brains and they have only been a member for just over 3 months???

4. september 2019, 18:30:25
Teema: Re: JMD
Carnie: thank you

3. september 2019, 19:13:23
Teema: JMD
thanks for membership

31. august 2019, 21:52:16
So have I never had never had that many brains.

31. august 2019, 21:52:01
Teema: Re:
Marshmud: I purchased 600 brains years ago when you could. Entered lots of tournaments,  won a few, lost more and was down to 2 brains. Won a tourney so back up to 42, entered another, so down to 37.

Those 37 I will be extra careful where I use them. I absolutely despise liars and cheats, and there are a lot of them crawling out of the woodwork. It really sucks the fun out of playing when you end up with games against known cheats.

31. august 2019, 21:14:36
Teema: Re:
Marshmud: i have played many brain tournaments and won some, that works automatically, and the brains come from what the participants paid, so there is no magic increase or brain generation.

there is however a bug that allows you to create brains for you, basically without limit. some people use the bug, and make themselves tens of thousands.
Fencer didn't fix the bug, but instead declines if you buy memberships from illegally gotten brains.

31. august 2019, 21:06:49
Something is not right for sure .

31. august 2019, 20:39:01
To those playing brain tournaments, which entry fee is 50 brains is Fencer paying them out? In other words, some of the players have over 100,000 brains. Some players are 2 months old and have 10,000 brains. So with fencer not selling brains Im curious how they get them? With this being said, I dont want to use my "good" brains with those obtained illegal so I'm just curious if anyone has won a brain tournament and received their prize?

28. juuli 2019, 10:17:08
Teema: Re: brainking
Carpe Diem: well said .. i agree

28. juuli 2019, 01:02:50
Carpe Diem 
Teema: Re: brainking
Carpe Diem toimetatud (28. juuli 2019, 01:03:50)
Bernice: I assumed she would be able to read it; nothing I said was meant to be a slam at her. I mean, I mentioned the resignation thing because I think if she comes back and this happens again, she should finish her games out rather than resigning them all. It's not a huge deal, and of course she's within her rights to do what she did, I just think it's not the best approach. That's all. My apologies to her if my comment came across as overly negative, as it wasn't my intent.

I disagree about banning people who transfer their membership. A pawn membership is free, so by transferring their paid membership, there's no reason they shouldn't have the right to go back to the pawn level. I mean, they could just create a new account anyway; I think it's better for all if such members continue on with their existing accounts. 

And I meant it when I said I was sorry to see her go; I'd be happy to see her renew some day.

28. juuli 2019, 00:01:37
Teema: Re: brainking
Bernice: She offered her subscription to someone and she left, that's all. For me, there’s nothing else to add.

27. juuli 2019, 23:49:24
Teema: Re: brainking
Carpe Diem: you must remember that she can see it all....just becuase she resigned her games and gave her membership to someone doesnt mean she isnt here lapping up all the lovely things people are saying....When people do this, as she has done, when Fencer transfers the membership to someone else he should also put a ban on her joining again....just saying...not trying to start an argument.

27. juuli 2019, 14:48:52
Carpe Diem 
Teema: Re: brainking
Crosseyed Mary: Again? I recall you did the same thing last spring (2018). It's a shame, because I think a lot of people would prefer you played the games out rather than have a bunch of resignations. 

Regardless, sorry to see you go.

16. juuli 2019, 14:16:11
Dice Cheater 
Teema: Re: brainking
Clandestine 1: 'Brainpawn' ;-) Love it!

14. juuli 2019, 02:43:02
I have not been happy about certain things in this site for a long time. This is a good site to play games in, there is no doubt about it.
I have been surprised how much Fencer has been in the site since he lost interest in this site.
But I have strong principles and I have to stand by them.
Thank you for your kind words too.

14. juuli 2019, 02:34:48
Clandestine 1 
Teema: Re: brainking
Crosseyed Mary: it would be great if the good people that frequent this site stay and play. It would make it even more attractive and fun to be a part of if everyone just stayed.  However,  I understand that we are all paying for a service and our expectations are high due to the services we have received in the past.  I for one have accepted the fact that “service” will basically mean essential services only and anything above that likely won’t be considered or dealt with. Brainking is more like Brainpawn now but still allows people to get together to play and have fun. 
With that being said, I encourage you to stay, but I also respect your decisions. 
Take care. 

14. juuli 2019, 02:33:11
Okay thanks. I will look for you there. I use the same ID name in there as here.

14. juuli 2019, 02:27:27
Teema: Re: brainking
Kookaburra toimetatud (14. juuli 2019, 02:28:27)
Crosseyed Mary:
Maybe I’ll see you in Goldtoken. I have some very active clubs there. Word, poker, chess and checkers of course. With lots of chess variants. And some others. If you are interested contact me there.

There are some problems there but plenty of games and players.

14. juuli 2019, 01:56:12
Teema: Re: brainking
beach: Thank you beach for your kind words.

14. juuli 2019, 01:01:07
Teema: Re: brainking
Universal Eyes: My mind is made up. There are other things too that have made me come to this decision.

14. juuli 2019, 00:58:27
Teema: Re: brainking
Universal Eyes:  I told her the same thing, she is a great person and friends to many on this site, I wish she would stay too

14. juuli 2019, 00:52:44
Universal Eyes 
Teema: Re: brainking
Crosseyed Mary: stay here your only mad,it will get better.
I wan't you to play here.
your a good friend to this site.

13. juuli 2019, 21:06:20
Teema: Re: brainking
ketchuplover: Thank you ketchuplover.

13. juuli 2019, 21:03:38
Teema: Re: brainking
Crosseyed Mary:

Wishing you all the best going forward

13. juuli 2019, 14:22:55
Teema: Re: brainking
Hrqls: I am leaving as soon as I resign all my games so I don't hold up tournaments.

13. juuli 2019, 12:08:43
Teema: brainking
Hrqls toimetatud (13. juuli 2019, 12:09:30)
this site isnt perfect but, in my opinion it offers the best with the least bugs/glitches

this site is especially great for chess types and its many variants

its a problem though that its becoming less active, which causes people to leave, making it even less active

persoanlly i loved this site, and it was definetly my #1
although for backgammong alone dailygammon is slightly better

personally i have achieved most of what i wanted on this siite, so far, and dont see any progress in the unachieved goals .... plus i wanted to play other games on a more active site, so i moved on to jijbent which is the dutch version of yourturnmyturn

if anyone doesnt like playing on this site anymore, i suggest them to move on to another site .... if they still do want to play on this site, then try to make it work better by motivating other players in a positive way

13. juuli 2019, 12:01:34
Teema: Re: Callous.
Crosseyed Mary: i know you paid for a membership for UE

13. juuli 2019, 12:00:07
Teema: Re: Callous.
Doris: crossed mary didnt mention that it was for a rook membership so i assumed th 10 days was according to the membership description and the she just complained about 10 being too little

13. juuli 2019, 00:04:17
Teema: Sites
All sites have issues and problems. I don’t think any of them are perfect and we all choose the ones we want to patronise. This seems like it could be a great site. But just not very active. Thanks for the discussion everyone.

12. juuli 2019, 17:37:52
Border C Rule 
Teema: Re: Human nature..honesty versus snide cowardice
Crosseyed Mary:


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