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Tsensor: Hrqls , coan.net , rod03801 

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31. mai 2009, 18:12:27
Teema: Re: last action
Czuch: Yes it is normal not to have this view of yourself. Don't you know what you are doing at that time anyways?

As far as the other question, it may have something to do with either you having them on your blocked user list, or them having you on their blocked user list. Just guessing on that one, but it seems the most logical explanation.

23. mai 2009, 20:57:08
Teema: Re:
Gouwe gozer: I believe on the tournaments, it would depend on what the creator chose. There is the option when creating tournaments with games with "random" positions, to have everyone have the same set up or not.

1. mai 2009, 03:36:17
Teema: Re:
Well this is all well and good, but there are systems here at Brainking that should keep Bernice from having to even see it. There has to be a way to get it to work correctly. From experience, I know that it can work correctly. I think if she follows a combination of coan.net's and czuch's advice it might work properly.

30. aprill 2009, 13:11:01
Teema: Re:
Bernice: Hmm. That shouldn't happen. Seems like a strange bug? I don't get messages in games from someone I have on my blocked users list. I believe there used to be a work around where someone could send you game/fellowship/tournament invitations with messages even if they were blocked, but I believe Fencer fixed that one.

30. aprill 2009, 12:56:01
Teema: Re:
Bernice: How are you receiving messages from him/her. In what form, I mean?

29. aprill 2009, 19:34:44
Teema: Re: favourite boards question
Niki: You're welcome, and welcome back.

29. aprill 2009, 15:09:28
Teema: Re: favourite boards question
Niki: Of course if you meant Fellowship discussion boards, you can remove those from the "Favorite Boards" list the same way. However, those discussion boards will still show up in the "Fellowships" list, just below the "favorite boards" list. The only way you can remove those on THAT list, is to leave the fellowship.

29. aprill 2009, 15:07:51
Teema: Re: favourite boards question
Niki: I can't think of any public boards that are not available to Pawns. (Except for Members Only board). However, any board you want to remove from your "Favorite Boards" list, is very easy. Go to the board, and slightly below the description of the board, you will see "remove from favourite boards". Just click that, and it will vanish.

6. aprill 2009, 15:00:27
Teema: Re: GUESS WHO?
rod03801 toimetatud (6. aprill 2009, 15:01:08)
Gammonator: Fencer DID say this, a little further down the board

BrainKing.com (Fencer, 2009-04-03 14:08:06)

Edit: Ooops, he beat me to it

5. aprill 2009, 18:45:15
Teema: Re: Guess who?
Pedro Martínez: I misunderstood. I thought Bwild was responding to "Gerry".


5. aprill 2009, 18:41:00
Teema: Re: Guess who?
Bwild: Look for the "Achievements" Tab on your profile.

2. aprill 2009, 20:22:58
Teema: Re: Guess who?
(V): I agree with you completely. Only Fencer, not Globals, can take care of it. If it were MY decision, and I had the ability to change it, I would have done it last year!

2. aprill 2009, 16:46:56
Teema: Re: Guess who?
I think the main issue is that a specific person should not be discussed. Hrqls has asked that this stop happening, in the past.

Personally, I think it's acceptable to bring it up as a general issue.

17. märts 2009, 16:21:51
Teema: Re:
MadMonkey: I'm using Firefox as well, and it works.

17. märts 2009, 14:50:52
Teema: Re:
MadMonkey: Working fine for me

13. märts 2009, 14:09:21
Teema: Re: google chrome
Snoopy: I was probably editing my post as you were reading it... No, I use Firefox.. So, my guess would be something with copy/paste in Chrome? I don't know about the smiley problem from before. I do remember reading about it here, before, though.

13. märts 2009, 14:03:08
Teema: Re: google chrome
rod03801 toimetatud (13. märts 2009, 14:03:39)
Snoopy: I can't imagine that would have anything to do with Brainking.

I just tried it in The Zoo, and it worked fine.

(I don't use Chrome, I use Firefox)

26. veebruar 2009, 19:24:11
Teema: Re: Reminder
Charles Martel: Well, a few have had suggestions, but I haven't seen any response from Fencer about it. So, I don't know

Fortunately, it's not a wide-spread problem. (As far as people buying memberships over and over again to get a few years' worth of vacation days in one year)

26. veebruar 2009, 15:19:12
Teema: Reminder
Please remember that Hrqls has asked that talk of this specific person should not continue. Abuse of the vacation days policy and solutions in general are welcome topics.

Thank you.

8. veebruar 2009, 02:26:26
Teema: Re:
"GERRY": Well, I personally don't suggest than anything be done about people who play slowly and take all their allotted time. It is the nature of turn based game sites. I am sure there is not a turn based game site where this issue does not come up. It is the nature of the beast. People who are that bothered by it, should probably only play at Live, real time game sites.

But, beyond that, there are people who have come up with some pretty clever suggestions on ways to help people who are concerned about it, avoid playing those people. I don't recall Fencer ever saying much about these suggestions, so I'm not sure he would do any of them.

8. veebruar 2009, 02:22:34
Teema: Re:
AbigailII: Actually, you have no idea what he makes from me . I also frequently buy Brains, occasionally sponsor prize tournaments, occasionally sponsor other players, and in the beginnings of Brainking even donated some money, expecting nothing in return. But none of that is the point. I do all that happily, because I absolutely love this site.

I have actually had conversations about this situation with Fencer, and he has said that he doesn't actually live off membership fees. I am more than happy to see him make as much money as possible from this site. The more profitable it is for him, the longer life it will have. At the same time, one person making dozens of other GOOD Brainking citizens miserable is not a good thing, and probably not worth it, in the long run. Let the guy buy as many memberships as he wants, but there comes a point where he should not be allowed more vacation days. The person many are talking about had at least 105 vacation days last year (maybe even 140! I didn't keep close enough track to know for sure) There comes a point where you have to do the right thing, regardless of the few euros it will not put in your pocket.

There is certainly no harm in those of us that it affects, asking for this is there? The person in question has already abused every other part of Brainking, and hasn't been allowed to get away with it. This is just one more part of his abuse that he should not get away with as well. Why play at a game site if you have no intention of really playing?

In the end, I suppose it doesn't really matter THAT much to ME, but I know it matters a lot to others. I will always be here, and always have plenty of games going, so I hardly notice.

7. veebruar 2009, 19:43:03
Teema: Re:
"GERRY": A person who waits until the last minute to make a move is not breaking any rule.

7. veebruar 2009, 19:21:32
Teema: Re:
rod03801 toimetatud (7. veebruar 2009, 19:22:14)
I think one other thing that a lot of people would like to know is, Is there a limit as to how many times a person can do this in a year. Would the extreme situation of a person buying another year's membership every other month be allowed? (Of course one would have to question that person's motives as to being on a turn based game site) Sounds extreme, and crazy, but there are people who have come pretty close to doing that. Very unfair to their opponents. (And everyone else who happens to be in the same tournaments as them)

29. jaanuar 2009, 15:35:35
Teema: Re:
ScarletRose: Yes

29. jaanuar 2009, 07:29:02
Teema: Re:
Bernice: If it is someone you now have blocked, old messages you already got from them will appear empty, I believe. May not be it, but it's a thought.

16. jaanuar 2009, 17:26:47
Teema: Re: memory laspe again..lol
Snoopy: I don't know what you mean. But basically, you need to consider any sort of match as the single entity that matters.

16. jaanuar 2009, 17:21:53
Teema: Re: memory laspe again..lol
Snoopy: Just the final results of the match affect BKR

13. jaanuar 2009, 18:46:45
Teema: Re: Finished Games
Pedro Martínez: Yeah, it must credit the win to whatever color the winner was in the last game of the match?

13. jaanuar 2009, 17:50:29
Teema: Re: Finished Games
AbigailII: I think he means that in a 2 game match, isn't it supposed to switch colors in the 2nd game? So if you were black in one game of the match, you would be white in the other game of the match. So he is wondering which color that would be classified as a win for, if one person won both games.

I had originally answered the same way as you, but then I re-read it.

7. jaanuar 2009, 16:08:48
Teema: Re:
Snoopy: Hmm.. If it is open fast espionage, I have no rating and can see a game of Nothingness' in there.

31. detsember 2008, 12:46:34
Teema: Re: vacation days
Hrqls: There are a couple players (or at least one, that many know about) who has had at least 90 (possibly 120!) vacation days in 2008 because of doing this. Not fair at all to the other players in any tournaments they are holding up.

17. detsember 2008, 02:08:18
Teema: Re: Serious security flaw found in IE
rabbitoid: True, but this also made the News today too.

1. detsember 2008, 15:13:49
Teema: Re:I had that problem yesterday...i just closed down and re-entered BK
Nirvana: I take that back. I just tried the link in your post, and I still see the problem. Odd. The ones I checked last night were all like that, and when I checked THOSE just now, they were back to normal.

1. detsember 2008, 15:12:38
Teema: Re:I had that problem yesterday...i just closed down and re-entered BK
It seems to have been all fellowships, but I believe it is fixed now. Try again. (It is back to normal for me, anyways)

28. november 2008, 16:45:45
Teema: Re: i cant remember
Snoopy: The answer is still yes. I just checked after you blocked me.

28. november 2008, 16:41:18
Teema: Re: i cant remember
Snoopy: Oh, I read your question incorrectly. You were wondering if YOU block someone if they can see your tournaments. If you would like to test that, block me and send me a PM letting me know, and I will test it out.

28. november 2008, 16:37:14
Teema: Re: i cant remember
Snoopy: I tested it real quick, by blocking you temporarily, and I was still able to see your tournaments.

28. november 2008, 16:20:58
This board is not for discussing/debating politics. The most off topic ones have been deleted. Stay on topic please.

21. november 2008, 13:46:36
Teema: Re:
Tuesday: The number of times that board has been viewed since the beginning of the day, Czech time.

13. november 2008, 06:19:32
Teema: Re: Membership
Fencer: Oh. I don't recall seeing any choices, there. (That doesn't mean there wasn't any, lol) I just did what I have always done, entered my log in information when taken to PayPal, and click Pay. I will have to look into it further the next time I use it.

I wonder why it never used to be a problem for me. Thank you for pointing that out.

12. november 2008, 19:36:34
Teema: Re: Membership
Charles Martel: I don't know. I don't use it for much. But for a little while now, nothing has been instant when I have used it. I also used it to pay for membership at another website (in USA) and it was a few days before they received the payment as well. (And this was at least a couple months ago). And as I mentioned, I bought brains here a couple months back, and I think it was almost a week before Fencer received it.

I have wondered if it is somehow that I have my account there set up in such a way that causes it to take longer. I have used it for years though, and it seems as though it always used to be INSTANT. (Even when buying brains/memberships here at BK)

I do remember that when I bought another year this weekend (to take advantage of the "red dot") that I got a message here on the site that it produced a bad code from PayPal(or some such words) but that it isn't a problem.

It doesn't bother me so much. As long as it goes through eventually. I just wanted to warn people not to leave their payment until the last moment, if they were taking advantage of the Birthday action.

11. november 2008, 21:09:40
Teema: Re: Membership
Mousetrap: Also, I don't know if you use PayPal, but for some reason it seems to take a while for the payment to reach Brainking now. The last time I bought Brains, it took almost a week, I think! I bought another year this past Sunday (and got lucky with the red circle), and it hasn't gone through here yet. So, we know it takes at least 2 days anyways. So, keep that in mind, that it probably won't be "instant". (Of course, it could be different from Europe, and with other payment methods)

11. november 2008, 21:05:12
Teema: Re: Membership
Mousetrap: www.brainking.info says it needs to be paid by the end of November.

8. oktoober 2008, 17:39:51
Teema: Re:
anastasia: Of course you can have more than one browser. I still have IE on my computer because some sites don't work great with firefox. You can use two browsers at once, so it really doesn't have to affect your surfing habits at all.

3. oktoober 2008, 02:41:01
rod03801 toimetatud (3. oktoober 2008, 02:42:24)
the most recent thread is really getting off topic. Let's get back please!

30. september 2008, 01:20:36
Teema: Tournament chart/links missing from game ending messages.
I just noticed that when I get a message telling me that a tournament game has ended, there is no link to the tournament in the message, nor is the tournament chart in the message. I looked back in old messages and they are gone from those messages now as well.

14. august 2008, 09:08:15
Teema: Re:
Czuch: Well that post in the blog assumed you read the previous entries. There was one about how anyone could quickly and easily earn at least 20 brains.

8. august 2008, 17:22:54
Teema: Re: Brainking store
Mousetrap: I believe the store temporarily closed down.

I bought a brainking baseball cap a few years ago. I wear it all the time!

10. juuli 2008, 01:33:55
Teema: Re: blog
Hmm.. when I go to Brainking.info directly, I can see the article. It's when I click on "More" in the preview of the article here, that i don't see any article. I wonder why.

10. juuli 2008, 01:31:03
Teema: blog
Are others able to see the latest blog entry at brainking.info? When I go there, I just have the titile of the article at the top, and the rest of the page (where the article would normally be) is blank. (The normal stuff is on the right hand side)

Also, never there before, at the top is a box to enter a password. I logged in to the site, and still see no article.

Just wondering if it's just me. And if it IS just me, what can I do to see the article?

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