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Profil: CaoZ

CaoZ (Carlos Ortiz) - Brain pešiak, 50 Mozgov, 95 úspěchových bodů
Celkové skóre: 1685 výhier, 49 remíz, 288 prehier, 133 vyhratých turnajov

Osobné údaje

Členstvo:Brain pešiak
Prvý login:10. marca 2003, 20:01:38
Posledná akcia:10. júla 2010, 05:13:33 - prezerá profil (CaoZ)
Počet žetonů:
Voľné dni:Piatok a Sobota
Zvyšné dni dovolenky:10 dní - používa automatickú dovolenku

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Popis: *************************************************

i'm playing only fast quick games online and (1) day limit

Tournaments Won: Participate in 80 Diferentes pente and won 75 of them. (93.76%)Ef.

Keyro Pente (32)IYT

Pro Pente (16)IYT

Pente (22)IYT

Pente (5)Mexico on Real Board



I am a Monkey island fan , my friends call me pentemaniac. Monkey Island A Fan site of the game.

Im a Studing always about tactics,moves and history of Renju and Keyro/Pente;

I Wrote a Book of Tactics and Moves on Keyro/Pente and Renju (spanish)version.(NO Rights ANYMORE)

Im the Posible mexican contact in to the International Renju Federation "RIF".

I Enjoy Game Analisis....

Some links about Keyro/Pente and more :

Dweebo Stone Games Play Keyro/Pente in real time

Play pente Oficial pente page of the World Pente Players Ferderation.

Mark Mammel Page A good Friend an excelent Pente Player

Nosovsky page A good friend and one of the Best Russians Pente,Gomoku and Renju players in the world , Vice president of RIF.



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