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10. septembra 2009, 22:32:52
Subjekt: Re: He had placed lawbreakers, hypocrites,socialists and bigots throughout the government
Ferris Bueller: your kidding

10. septembra 2009, 12:25:55
Subjekt: Re: this whole thing will undo his Presidency
Ferris Bueller: The man had done nothing but ram policies down the American's throat without anybody knowing what they are, he has listened to NOBODY, He had placed lawbreakers, hypocrites,socialists and bigots throughout the government, he had exploded the deficit and debt to a breaking point and wants to go further, that is what the republicans are done with,

10. septembra 2009, 03:22:58
Subjekt: Re: speech
Artful Dodger: they will only go over to the people who get their indoctrination from the main stream drive by's. Anybody that is informed can find holes in almost anything he said or like the gentleman from S.C. said, "That is a lie"!. but the look on miss jack-o-lantern face was priceless at that moment

10. septembra 2009, 02:41:30
Subjekt: speech
I've never heard someone lie through their teeth so much

9. septembra 2009, 01:20:32
Subjekt: Re: If bearing arms is a right, should healthcare be a right too?
Czuch: oh, I'll bet there is the highest percentage going to the school district, mine is

9. septembra 2009, 01:04:43
Subjekt: Re: If bearing arms is a right, should healthcare be a right too?
Czuch: check your property tax breakdown, 6 1/2% of mine goes to a hospital that is the main stop for the uninsured

29. júla 2009, 02:55:00
Subjekt: Re: Health care fix

29. júla 2009, 02:13:34
Subjekt: Health care fix
1. Tort reform

2. Medical Savings Accounts
this serves 4 purposes, first of all it gives an incentive to not frivolously go to the doctor for minor stuff, for instance, currently doctors are over prescribing antibiotics for viruses which both waste money and break down the immune system.
Secondly, it acts as a potential bonus retirement fund, unused money comes back tax free.
Thirdly, It fully covers catastrophic conditions which is what insurance is really meant for, not every day stuff.
And lastly, it would bring down the cost of doctor visits because it would promote people to shop around for the best value, (free market).

3. and one of the most important things, any one that doesn't have documentation of legal residency gets whatever medical service they need, the bill gets sent to their legal country of citizenship and to make sure that their government pays, the money is decucted from the aid that we give them, this solves more than one problem, first it covers 12-20 million of the 45 million uncovered, it would lessen the immigration problem as governments would no longer encourage their people to come here, and it would bring down cost that every one of us have to absorb.

This isn't the total fix but I'll bet this would get us most of the way there

12. júla 2009, 14:07:10
Subjekt: Re:promote for the general welfare.
(V): this is why you get a liberal label

where it says promote, you want to provide, and where it says provide, you want to destroy

12. júla 2009, 01:43:28
Subjekt: Re: Liberals, bailouts and the fourth branch of government
Übergeek 바둑이: Don't forget the Barny Franks(who is attempting to repeat his failed policy again) Harry Reid,s and Jimmy Carters of the world and accorn

12. júla 2009, 00:35:17
Subjekt: Re: Labour party is equivalent
Artful Dodger: you will be as soon as you sit on the copy machine

11. júla 2009, 23:19:48
Subjekt: Re:
(V): alright, lets go your way, in the U.S. constitution there is a saying that people have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. there is another quote that says the government will provide for the common defense and promote for the general welfare.
nowhere does it say that there is a guarantee of success.

So that little hot dog maker while you have to applaud his rugged individualism would have made a better choice opening his stand outside someplace like Madison Square garden.
If the government would have been doing it's job, promoting the general welfare, they wouldn't have been siding with unions and instead would have been giving tax breaks to that hot dog stand in hopes that he would eventually invest in a second stand and hire an employee

11. júla 2009, 23:00:44
Subjekt: Re: are the ones that the government has interfered and supplemented like the car companies and the large banks,
(V): No this thread started with your responding to

gogul: want the big fishes to starve so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much. Well high politics, justice and the big corporations, soon as it implodes this will be a real relief for the people.

by the way I want a ford because the wheel base suits me but I don't want a ford engine, who do I contact to sue

11. júla 2009, 22:53:56
Subjekt: Re: are the ones that the government has interfered and supplemented like the car companies and the large banks,
(V): no body forced you to buy it, you could have bought an apple if you didn't want it.
The subject originally was big business going bankrupt and it evolved into trickle down economics

11. júla 2009, 22:43:33
Subjekt: Re: are the ones that the government has interfered and supplemented like the car companies and the large banks,
(V): judges are 1/3 of the government acting like 1/2 of the government.
who forced you to buy it?

11. júla 2009, 22:38:44
Subjekt: Re: are the ones that the government has interfered and supplemented like the car companies and the large banks,
(V): First of all it was judges that took his money, they weren't elected so there was no change in subject,

secondly Gates made a consumer product people voluntarily purchased it, then the government took his money because people are too lazy to download firefox. or buy apple
He stole from nobody, nobody had to buy from him

11. júla 2009, 22:21:02
and by the way Judges are not elected into office only out in smaller jurisdictions

11. júla 2009, 22:19:33
Subjekt: Re: are the ones that the government has interfered and supplemented like the car companies and the large banks,
(V): Being elected has nothing to do with doing the right thing, unless you now have to agree with everything Bush did since he was elected, Gates was stolen from by the U.S. government and individual states governments

11. júla 2009, 19:16:19
Subjekt: Re: As for Obama
(V): You are missing the point, altho it wasn't stated, If Bill Gates prospers, good for him, he did it in the free market, what companies people want to starve so so so so much (and it isn't that people want but rather know will happen) are the ones that the government has interfered and supplemented like the car companies and the large banks, those are already socialized and cannot make it as such without further stealing from the working people of their hard earned money, Bill Gates has already been stolen from

10. júla 2009, 23:40:16
Subjekt: Michael Jackson
As it is stated on the top of the board CURRENT NEWS and politics, therefore as much as I am bored with this topic, it is a valid one.

Please keep all baggage from the flame fellowships off of this board,

4. júla 2009, 16:50:24
Subjekt: Re:but as most liberal ideas just don't work
(V): in other words you can't answer how, just deflect the direct question,

Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares?

4. júla 2009, 16:39:21
Subjekt: Re:but as most liberal ideas just don't work
(V): you are not answering my question, how would you get out of debt by spending beyond your means

4. júla 2009, 15:40:27
Subjekt: Re:
(V): Your last line says it all about liberalism, "You feel" therefore liberalism must be right to do whatever it takes supervening the law if need be.

As far as Bama's great answer to Bushes spending, you seem to forget that deficits began with the "Liberal" great experiment of welfare and social security, both nobal ideas but as most liberal ideas just don't work
Imagine you being in debt lets say 50 thousand dollars, why would you go out and buy a 30 thousand dollar car and a 150 thousand dollar house and and think that you are getting yourself out of debt. Even the best economic liberal minds know that this isn't going to work,It will however turn democracy into a Full government takeover and then revolution (whether peacefull or violent)

Reagan, made California solvent, can't say that about Bama's state of Illinois. oh wait, he didn't run anything like Palin, there goes that argument for you but you will claim that the largest state with the most natural resources is not much to run.

4. júla 2009, 14:36:52
Subjekt: Re:remember that he is a Kennedy.
heavenlyemma: uhmm, no it's the people of California that won't allow gay marriage, it's the hand full of judges who have exceeded their authority that have allowed it

4. júla 2009, 14:13:03
Subjekt: Re:
(V): First of all Arnie may be a republican but he is hardly a conservative, remember that he is a Kennedy.

As far as spending, that is clearly a liberal policy, don't think so, just look at the Bama administration, heck they will just print it if they need to, Did republicans spend too much, yes, republicans did and have let many in their party down, that is conservatives are upset, there is a difference, Bush is a republican, McCain a republican, Palin a conservative, Reagan a Conservative

4. júla 2009, 00:49:49
Subjekt: Re:
(V): that's the point, exactly, California is a failed experiment in liberalism, it was actually profitable when Reagan ran it, but now social programs, green policies, illegal immigration, socialized medical cost , etc. have bankrupted the state

3. júla 2009, 19:43:45
Subjekt: Re:
Artful Dodger: It was a good thing but at the wrong question, any knowledgeable person knows that the town hall format is pre-screened, it would have been a better question to ask as to why the press briefings are somewhat staged allowing liberal blogs to used as their puppets and moved toward the front of the line

3. júla 2009, 14:24:58
Subjekt: Re:
Czuch: you're reading to much into this, he did come to a glob to resign, nothing more nothing less

3. júla 2009, 13:27:41
Subjekt: Re:
Tuesday: second degree means that he didn't have it planned out, he just snapped

3. júla 2009, 03:04:23
Subjekt: Re:
Artful Dodger: They showed the cage on FOX this morning, it appeared to be a 20 gal aquarium with a peg board top with a weight on it, I used to have a 10 foot python and I can tell you that that cage was definitely not sufficient,if he was tied up in a pillowcase which is a common practice to move the snake,he couldn't have gotten out, he needs to be charged with involuntary manslaughter and the mom with child endangerment,

3. júla 2009, 02:50:40
Subjekt: Re:
Artful Dodger: evidently it's a bad link, is the story about the toddler that was strangled by the mom's boyfriends 12 foot python

3. júna 2009, 23:42:27
PAT PAULSON for President 2012

16. mája 2009, 23:47:11
Subjekt: Re: the first of many ppl to resign

16. mája 2009, 14:24:23
Subjekt: Re: the first of many ppl to resign
(V): there is an ongoing attempt to do that, the problem is that the drive by media is in the pockets of the politicians (left wing), remember the tea party's a month ago? It was target against progressiveness of the political institution but the media twisted it into an anti left right wing nut job conspiracy by a few gun toting vet's

11. apríla 2009, 15:03:39
Subjekt: Re: Hooray for the Frency
Pedro Martínez: it was reported that no American ships had been pirated in decades

11. apríla 2009, 02:49:34
Subjekt: 6 dsteps to end a piracy
1. pull along side of little row boat

2. hold a hand grenade over the side above said row boat

3. pull pin

4. repeat this quote "either let the hostage go in 5 seconds or I let go"

5. wait 4 seconds for a reply

6. follow thru on ultimatum , period

1. apríla 2009, 00:56:37
Subjekt: Re: a lil over the top
Bernice: same here, city, county, state and federal

1. apríla 2009, 00:44:25
Subjekt: Re: a lil over the top
Artful Dodger: We do vote for our sherrifs

28. marca 2009, 15:58:09
Subjekt: Re: And this just in
Artful Dodger: I heard that it was the dishwasher telling the busboy, therefore, your post is irrelevant and thus, invalid

23. marca 2009, 23:16:39
Subjekt: Re: 116 dead,4 last week in Afghanistan since 2002
Jim Dandy: Then you have to validate every single liberal slant made by cnn, cnbc cbs, abc, nbc, pbs, etc...because they all put their stamp on their commentary/entertainment

23. marca 2009, 22:16:10
Subjekt: Re: 116 dead,4 last week in Afghanistan since 2002
Jim Dandy: "Red Eye" is not Fox news, it s on the Fox news Chanel but it's late night and ranks right up there with "Politically Incorrect". You had 3 comedians, a business analysist and a contributor. I personally never watch it.

22. marca 2009, 22:36:24
Subjekt: Re:
Artful Dodger: I would call Ron Paul more of a constitutionalists

21. marca 2009, 01:15:38
Subjekt: Re: ZERO.Investigation.Into.911.avi
Bernice:Tall skyscrapers in NY are built to withstand plane crashes, a small plane hit the empire state building many years ago. but the twin towers did not have the heat retardant that the original specs. called for because of the cost going over budget during building.

17. marca 2009, 23:12:43

17. marca 2009, 22:52:40
Subjekt: Re:first of all these banks were forced to make bad loans
(V): The sub prime loans began under Carter but flourished under clinton

17. marca 2009, 22:38:48
Subjekt: Re:
Czuch: Banks bundle good and bad loans together and sell them off to investors , that's how they make their profit

17. marca 2009, 22:32:48
Subjekt: I like the third link best

17. marca 2009, 10:51:58
Subjekt: Re:first of all these banks were forced to make bad loans
(V): well the banks over here were forced to give bad loans, first the door was left wide open by the senate that set it up for the banks to make these loans then the larger banks that are now getting the bailouts were sued by the likes of ACORN forcing them to give these loans. Small banks were not targeted by these groups and therefore did not do business this way and are not in trouble. (I actually had a talk with my bank manager over this)

17. marca 2009, 03:37:27
Subjekt: Re: As our PM and Gov say.. why should failure be rewarded?
Czuch: That's what Glenn Beck is slowly starting to organize

17. marca 2009, 00:21:52
Subjekt: Re: As our PM and Gov say.. why should failure be rewarded?
Artful Dodger: I somewhat disagree, first of all these banks were forced to make bad loans and then were forced to take bailout money, they were given the money no strings attached, the government wanted them to make more loans but instead they wisely invested it, just like most people would do with a windfall.
secondly, They are being demonized for doing exactly what the government does, frivolously spending money, when the government does it, it does nothing for the economy (ie. wasted fuel for nancy peloci's private plane rides home every weekend), when the banks do it, it puts money back into the economy(ie, buying jets that create jobs)
until the government stops wasting money, I won't complain how corporations spend money

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