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 Run around the Pond

Discuss about this new multiplayer game or comment current runs. (includes all versions of the game)

Game link..... Ponds
Ratings link..... Regular Pond Ratings -and- Dark Pond Ratings -and- Run in the Rain Ratings
Winners link..... All Winners - (Regular Ponds Only) - (Dark Ponds Only) - (Run in the Rain Only)

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Mód: Každý môže písať
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6. septembra 2010, 05:10:05
Subjekt: Re: message from tenuki
Zmenené užívateľom tenuki (6. septembra 2010, 05:36:43)
Pedro Martínez: I never claimed my formula to be perfect, efficient, accurate, good or even fair...just a formula as many players have.
I will answer privately any message from all the players who I don´t hate, which are almost all except for the one making false accusations.

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