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For all Espionage fans

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29. apríla 2010, 00:09:02
b/c we are not moving 3x a day only 3x in one day then not moving at all for 3 days.. so its still 150 moves in 150 days. which is 5-6 months. if the game ends that early

29. apríla 2010, 11:13:07
Subjekt: Re:
Nothingness: Why would you play 3 moves/day, and then not move for 3 days? And repeat this? Note that when using the Fisher clock, you can prevent this from happening. A setting of "1/1/1" requires one move a day. Of course, if you and your opponent coordinate, you'll still be able to drag a 300 move game into a 1.5 year time stretch. But that'll require both you and your opponent to move at the last possible time.

29. apríla 2010, 11:30:22
Subjekt: Re:
AbigailII: you should have some extra time to allow for a day away now and then. In a tournament with several rounds you will be away at some point. I go to an internet cafe on holidays every other day when I'm in a tournament. But I won't go every day. And sometimes there's a day when you simply can't move because you travel all day or visit someone.


We'll just have to accept a few months for a round I think. I can live with that.

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