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14. novembra 2012, 14:46:44
Subjekt: Re: Too much information has already gotten out contradicting the video excuse, resulting in his apology to the terrorists for offending them...
Iamon lyme: The terrorists? Or the others that were there??

"On top of everthing else, allowing people to die unnecessarily, and then lie about it, the president may have to account for being responsible for causing a US citizen to be falsely charged and thrown into jail."

.... You've got Islamic (I mean that in a loose sense, as if they followed their book by the letter regarding certain passages as some so called Christians have not followed their book by the letter) clerics inciting violence being charged here in the UK... we've just extradited one to your country.

Such videos as that guy made are not winning hearts and minds. They put our troops and civilians at risk. They help recruit more psychos to the terrorist cause.

I wouldn't exactly shake his hand because of that.. in fact, I'd give him a good clout round the back of the head... as for those who sponsored him.. Stocks at an State side army base.

... maybe then the soldiers throwing rotten fruit and veg at them will finally get the message across, that they don't need American citizens helping the terrorist leaders get more volunteers.

... You do accept that this is true regardless of other events?

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