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14. Janvier 2008, 18:31:18
NOT a floosie 
Brainkings Future: This is in reference to questions or comments about the future of brainking and what it might look like in the future.

So...what is the future of BK if it continues with slowness problems, mods and globals that have been here for years leaving their positions, and a site owner that appears to be rude to the people supporting him?

14. Janvier 2008, 18:36:53
Sujet: Re:
NOT a floosie: i would have to guess for sure - but i would guess that either something will change to alter the mindset of the people you are referring to - or they will leave the site and find someplace better.... i dont plan on leaving - as i dont have any issues with my connection speed or the site owner....

14. Janvier 2008, 18:51:34
Sujet: Re:
modifié par Andersp (14. Janvier 2008, 18:53:17)

NOT a floosie:

Many posts ago i suggested that Fencer has to learn to treat his customers with more respect OR "hire" people who can serve at the "Courtesy desk".  It doesnt help if they change the description of this board if we dont get any answers from the owner or if he tells us to not feed the Trolls and other arrogant stuff

Obviously he has plenty of time since he can add trash cans and other unneeded stuff, why cant he use that time to try to fix the connection speed?. People doesnt complain just because its fun, people complain because they have a reason.

Add the silly oneliners and "off topic" signs  (seems that each mod has his rules) and you have a messy discussions board..




14. Janvier 2008, 19:01:22
Sujet: Re:
modifié par Hrqls (14. Janvier 2008, 19:02:41)
Andersp: i wonder why you used to many white lines in your message

i agree that fencer is not always that diplomatic in his answers, i hope you wont apply that same characteristic on me though

the problem with the connection speed, is that not everyone has the same problem .... i am from the netherlands and dont have that much problems with the speed, redfrog is from the usa and doesnt have any problems, fencer says he doesnt have any problems .. the only difference between the users who do have problems and those who dont have must be the route by which the connection goes ... that route is something in which fencer doesnt have any influence and which he cant 'fix'

this has been said more than once, it even appeared as a blog on ... it would be nice if that topic would come to an end .. or if there is some miraculous solution if someone would post it somewhere (probably the computer board as it might be quite technical)

some people do like the extra features, thats why he adds them (but the ones who do like them are silent while the ones who dont like it are quite loud)

the only rule for this board is to be on topic (and to be nice and have some netiquette)

(edited because i forgot a word 'not' :))

14. Janvier 2008, 19:10:16
Sujet: Re:
Hrqls: switched to plain text editor (took me 2 minutes) hope the lines are gone now :)

I dont care if Fencer creates 100 trash cans but i think he should concentrate on important things such as the sites connection speed first.

He said not long ago that there is a way to higher speed but that line is expensive so it seems to me that he hasnt tried everything.

I know many people in Europe who are complaining about the speed too

14. Janvier 2008, 19:19:40
Sujet: Re:
Andersp: i didnt see that post about the expensive line but i havent read all post the last 3 weeks (as i was on vacation and didnt get online) ... maybe its too expensive for the money brainking is generating .. if thats the case then the membership fees would have to increase more to be able to use that line ... (i remember 1 post about an expensive line, but that was about direct lines from the brainking server to each user :))

i know some people who dont have connection problems, and some who do .. if thats the case then it cant be the brainking server

(the lines are gone now, thanks :))

14. Janvier 2008, 19:26:21
Sujet: Re:
Hrqls: Jan 7 in a post to AbigaiIII you can read about the fast line

14. Janvier 2008, 18:55:59
Sujet: Re:
NOT a floosie: I cannot resist to say it again, although it might be easier to link to the relevant posts:

1) Nobody expects people on any position to be there forever. It happens in every company, no matter how big or small it is, and it means absolutely nothing. Nobody is forced to do what he doesn't want to do and nobody is blamed for that.

2) No matter what I say or write, there will be always someone who would react "this is rude!" and no matter how many hours/days/months we spend on the site development and performance tuning, there will be always someone who claims "it is terribly slow!".

The conclusion - none of the mentioned points means that BrainKing has no future. (and how many people are offended by this childish smiley now?)

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