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14. Janvier 2008, 12:55:40
Off topic?

I fail to see how a discussion about the functionality of the site is off topic.

Brainking isn't running so well lately. It's Structure is failing in the eyes of quite a few members. It's Features are unviewable a lot of the time. We are refused access to it's features on a regular basis. And my personal view of it's features is that there are too many. It needs to be stripped back. Please do not feature any more red numbers until I can view the features that have been offered before and are hard to use because of lack of functionality.

And last but not least. From the tone of this board recently the Future of Brainking isn't looking so hot! I do believe the suggestion is that it's future will be a lot less solvent.

And I believe that discussion of moderators and global moderators comes under the heading of either Structure as they are an integral part of the smooth running of this site or they are a Feature of this site to be seen on every board.

So someone please tell me where the off topic is??????

14. Janvier 2008, 12:58:39
Sujet: Re:
TarantinoFan: Not too original. Try something new next time.

14. Janvier 2008, 13:03:03
Sujet: Re:
Fencer: Yes very unoriginal of me to ask a question!

As we all know that questions go unanswered or are replied to with snide comments from you or threats of removal by the mods.

14. Janvier 2008, 13:10:37
Sujet: Re:
TarantinoFan: there were 2 questions/comments on the last couple of pages :
- the connection to brainking is bad for some users
- badessi stopped being a comod on this board

for problems with the connection please read the blog entry at :

about badessi and her reasons to stop being a comod of this board, she posted her own message explaining everything
some people tried to make it sound like something else though and they continued in that line .. from that lead some more post which were not related to brainking at all anymore .. of course those messages can be fun and wont be censored .. but please post them at the appropriate board, some people like to come to this board and get info about brainking itself without all other posts thrown into as well .. if they want to read the other posts they can go to the general chat or some other dedicated boards

14. Janvier 2008, 13:22:26
Sujet: Re:
Hrqls: Thankyou. Now I understand. I missed the point of the book discussion being off topic as I read it to still be about the moderators. I do see your point though.

14. Janvier 2008, 13:06:48
Sujet: Re:
modifié par TarantinoFan (14. Janvier 2008, 14:12:08)
Fencer: And PS. Don't be a hypocrite. If you want me to try something new next time how about you try it too instead of your ******** one liners.

Might be something new if you actually answered the question. What is off topic about the subject?

14. Janvier 2008, 14:31:49
Sujet: Re:

TarantinoFan: Yes i agree...the "oneliners" who think they are funny with their smileys are the worst spammers.

As i see it there are 2 problems here:

1. Fencers never (or VERY SELDOM)  answer  "uneasy" questions from honest people (those he calls "ceratin users").

2. If a constructive discussion starts then either mods or the "oneliners" makes the discussion go lost in too many childish "smiley posts"


14. Janvier 2008, 14:52:46
Sujet: Re:
Andersp: i agree with both your points at most times

the thing to do about the oneliners destructing a discussion is to ignore them or let a mod take care of them (and if no mod does take care then send a pm to the mod of the board) .. at least dont react to it and multiply the onelines into many-posts

the emoticon from jason was appropriate though .. he could also have stated his post in a several lines, but this 1 emoticon serves a better purpose by keeping the board on its intention

14. Janvier 2008, 15:14:53
Sujet: Re:

Hrqls: You agree with my points but still you think that Jason's "off topic" sign is ok?

My post was an explanation why this board goes wrong and if that is off topic than i have seen posts 100 times more off topic.

Not long ago a mod (Redfrog) posted how many points he scored in a game...what has that to do with Brain Kings future?

double standards? 

14. Janvier 2008, 15:26:41
Sujet: Re:
Andersp: i dont know which post by redfrog you mean, if he posted on how many points in a game he scored then it was definetly off topic and should not have been posted here

this board is about brainking and its future .. so not only its future (but i think you didnt mean only its future)

my agreement with jasons emoticon was because discussing the oneliners just multiply the oneliners into many posts making it multiple-post-one-liners

your post itself wasnt offtopic though, i should have clarified that, sorry

i hope i am not using double standards, if you think i do please send me a pm
once in a while there was a user (i dont think he is fluent in english) posted the standings in a tournament, he did this about once a month .. it was off topic, but as it always remained to be 1 post and didnt lead to a real off topic discussion i led that one go by .. some weeks ago he posted 2 posts about a tournament though and i directed him to the tournament board.
thats where i try to draw a line .. when a (series of) post(s) is about to clutter the board and hiding the on topic posts into off topic ones .. then its time to do something .. an occasional off topic (single) post might slip through though as its often more confusing to remove/redirect the off topic one that to let that single 1 remain

if you want to discuss the modding or have tips/ideas please dont hesitate to send me a pm .. i am always eager to learn (but also might have my own opinion ;))

14. Janvier 2008, 15:32:12
Sujet: Re:

Hrqls: I just wanted it stated by a moderator that my post wasnt off topic. double standards i was referring to those who threaten to remove/ban for off topic posts and then post their own.

Redrrogs 'game post" was posted dec 25 in case someone thinks that im lying...go and check it   c/p isnt allowed.

14. Janvier 2008, 15:39:53
Sujet: Re:
ive gone and deleted anything that could be considered an off topic post from myself - i challenge others to follow my example....

14. Janvier 2008, 16:45:25
Sujet: Re:
modifié par AbigailII (14. Janvier 2008, 16:46:16)
Hrqls: this board is about brainking and its future

To be pedantic, that's not what this page says. It says Board for everybody who is interested in BrainKing itself, its structure, features and future., so, from the description one could deduce this board doesn't have a topic, just a vague restriction on who can read/write the board.

I don't care much (although I find the smiley posts a waste of time) about what goes on on the board, but if people are eager to slap others with "off topic", perhaps people should start with clearly defining what is on topic. As it stands now, nothing is defined to be either on, or off topic.

14. Janvier 2008, 17:25:21
Sujet: Re:
AbigailII: Here - here - I second that - well said

14. Janvier 2008, 17:36:24
Sujet: Re:
AbigailII: lol ok .. i guess i will have to change the description

as i read it as it is right now i thought it was clear that the subjects on this board are brainking itself, its structure, features and future which i think to be the topic of this board

i will think of another description .. please give me a week time :)

14. Janvier 2008, 17:47:52
Sujet: Re:
AbigailII: I have a far different opinion on the description....

The description is very clear on that fact that anyone is welcome to post regarding a couple of very clear topic guidelines...

Brainking itself: This is a reference to the site in general - thoughts regarding it as a game site...

Brainkings Structure: This is in reference to the website in a technical light - posts about the actual code behind what we as the user see, posts about how the site is organized...

Brainkings Features: This is in reference to all the menu links on the left and right of the screen, the in game options, the settings page and how things in general work...

Brainkings Future: This is in reference to questions or comments about the future of brainking and what it might look like in the future.

These clearly defined topics create a cohesive sense for the purpose of this discussion board, and it is appropriately represented in the title of the board -

several posts have been made encouraging others to stop "off topic" conversations. These would include any general chatting, posting of tournaments, and other such posts that have specific boards for such postings...

I think its clear that discussions about the speed of accessing the site have been exhausted.... not that such posts are off topic - merely that there is nothing left to say - and the majority of the posts regarding connectivity are non-productive and repetitive complaints ....

the majority of off topic posts that are edited or removed are due to the rude content, the abusive language, and or the way what could be considered an appropriate post is posted in an inappropriate way...

i really hope this helps with any confusion - and any further questions anyone has about the nature of the board should send a PM to Hrqls, the board main moderator....


14. Janvier 2008, 17:53:19
Sujet: Re:
redfrog: Well, I'm not a native English speaker, but any qualification that starts with "Board for everybody who ..." for me is a qualification about the people who use the board, and not a qualification about the topic. Yes, I know it's pedantic, but I don't think it's any less pedantic than all the "this is off-topic" posts we have been seeing.

You want to keep waving "off-topic" graphics in everyone face? Then I think you start by being clear what the board is about - not as a post interpreting your idea what the charter of the board is, but by writing it down in the charter.

14. Janvier 2008, 17:57:46
Sujet: Re:
AbigailII: it seems a fair request to me - and thankfully - hrqls posted while i was writing that he would work on doing just that.... so hopefully soon the description itself will be more detailed....

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