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5. Août 2007, 16:30:09
Fencer, you have to be kidding us!

You needed two people to help out the site by taking over team tournament responsibility for you, and Big Bad Wolf was the best you could come up with?

Lets see, he is already responsible for 2 fellowships, he is a moderator on several public discussion boards, he is also a global moderator, and a member of customer services. (did I leave anything out?)

Anyway, this is supposed to be a game playing site, first and foremost, yet for years his profile has stated not to invite him to any games because he has too many to keep up with his moves, and he is trying to get his game count down blah blah blah....

Now you add even more responsibility for him????

Pretty soon he will have more to do than you do, and he will have to delegate out some of his own responsibilities!

Come on Fencer, he obviously doesnt have the self control to tell you himself that he has way too much on his plate already to make game moves, much less take on more responsibility. Maybe you should consider delegating some responsibility to other worthy people? Or do you think there arent any?

5. Août 2007, 16:53:33 
Sujet: Re:
Czuch Czuckers: ??? You are confusing. Aren't you the same person who was upset with me because I was not playing enough Ponds? I know I explained it before to you, but you being what you are - I'll explain it again. I at one time had around 800-900 games going - games I could easily keep up with, but then outside projects (real life) slowed down my game playing, and that is why I no longer try to start many games - and have been doing good, having below 400 now and by the end of the year will be under 200 hopefully (150 would be nice). Plus I always pick time limits which work for me - longer time limits that is, so for players who like to play the faster games I hopefully do not slow them down. That is what is great about this site with many time limit choices - I can choose what works well for me and my some-what slow play - and others who like faster games can easily avoid the longer time limit games.

And you are wrong - I'm the BIG BOSS to 3 fellowships - moderator on the public boards don't really count since my global moderator job covers all that also - and customer service does not really do much anymore... well I've don't nothing with that "title" for years now.

So anyway, I'm sorry that you think spending 10 minutes every 2 months is too much extra work for me. I'm sure if Fencer finds me not able to do that extra 10 minutes of work, the other site team tournament creator can take up the extra 10 minutes of slack, or Fencer would easily be able to find someone else. But don't worry, I assure you that I can handle the extra 10 minutes of work every 2 months.

5. Août 2007, 17:18:12
Sujet: Re: Sorry, it was not meant as a jab at you, it was more a question to Fencer as to why he wouldn't spread his trust around to other worthy people. Maybe you are not too busy to handle it, but there are surly other trustworthy people with less on their plate already than you have.

Now, since you have brought it up, I only talked about you not playing ponds after you got to the top of the Ponds BKR list and then stopped playing them!

Also, I forgot that you got a special grandfathered exemption from the 2 fellowship big boss limit.

Since you say that the moderator jobs dont count, since they are trumped by your being a global moderator, why then are global moderators even listed as board moderators? I have asked this question in the past, since global moderators are already moderators of every board, why then shouldnt they make room for other members to moderate in their stead? I was told that you still enjoyed being a moderator and that it was more control, or something like that, than a global.

So either it does count, and there is a good reason for you to be both a moderator and a global moderator, or being a moderator doesnt count (which you just stated it doesnt) and you should remove yourself from those posts and allow some other members a go at it!

You dont do anything with the title of customer service anymore, EXCEPT list it on your profile! If it is such a meaningless title, then why mention it at all?

I know you have told me in the past
that helping Fencer and Brainking by functioning as moderator etc has nothing to do with your ego, so I wonder what listing a meaningless title in your profile has to do with?

5. Août 2007, 17:32:02
Sujet: Re:
Czuch Czuckers: There is a road to the increased responsibility YOU seek. It's milestones are: buy at least a Rook membership, co-moderate some lightly traveled public boards with no problems, then wait for an openning as mod on a public board without trying to FORCE one by attacking an existing moderator. An even faster track might be a Black Rook membership. But you must show good will all along the road. Just my suggestions.

5. Août 2007, 17:47:13
Sujet: Re:
modifié par Czuch (5. Août 2007, 18:10:17)
Purple: Its sad that you think this is really about me anymore!

Anyway, in case your contempt for me has clouded your ability to comprehend my point, I was trying to point out that there are many other people besides BBW with a black rook membership who does not cause problems who have taken on what little responsibility they can garnish and who have done a great job of it, who dont have so many games that they cannot accept invitations, who, in my opinion, would make great candidates to help fencer out!

Sorry to everyone else who got my point the first time I stated it, Purple if you have any other comments or questions, please PM me!

Edited out needless name calling and replaced with actual name.

5. Août 2007, 19:37:02
Sujet: Re:
Czuch Czuckers: I was just trying to be helpful.

5. Août 2007, 22:51:52
Sujet: Re:

Czuch Czuckers: Thanks Czuch.. and so you know.. I did understand you the first time..

I also understand the politics we are supposed to shun away from..

Been where you went.. before.. it takes guts to stand out.. hopefully it chills out..

5. Août 2007, 20:15:32 
Sujet: Re:
Czuch Czuckers: Even though I know I explained this before, I'll do it again.

I never stopped playing ponds when i got to the top of the Ponds BKR list - Many ponds last on average 2 months. I stopped playing (and showed you the proof back when) of when i stopped joining new ponds - and with the remaining ponds, ended up doing good and only at that point did my ponds BKR raise to the top. (Which I never stopped playing - but I limited myself about around 5 at a time - instead of the 30+ at a time) Again, I know I explained all of this to you before, but for some reason... it just never sticks.

Yes, when the rule that Rooks could have a limit of 2 fellowships, i had 3. But guess what, I gave one of those up (the frogazons / Swamp Frogs Fellowship) - so I was back within the limit of 2. But maybe you did not know this. Black rooks have a limit of 3, so after that time - I did start a 3rd fellowship - well within my limit - nothing "grandfathered" in.

And also, I had at one time removed myself from all of the moderating positions on the public boards. Since then, I have been added for one reason or another (like no other moderator, the main moderator wanted me, etc....) Again, I know I explained this to you before also, but.....

As for the "title" in my profile, I'm sorry that it is still there. That part of my profile, I never have changed for a long time and just did not pay attention that it was still there. There are also other things in my profile that are also out of date, like the names I use in some of the other game sites (which I've changed) - but to make you happy, I will sit down and update my profile here in the next few days - will that make you happy?

5. Août 2007, 20:19:28
Sujet: Re:
modifié par goodbyebking (5. Août 2007, 20:31:32) Well spoken. You defended yourself well.

After reading the last ten or fifteen posts, I am reminded that we are all a bunch of . Time to get outside and enjoy the summer! I have to ditch this site soon

edited out inappropriate word

5. Août 2007, 20:20:33
Sujet: and now for a completely different opinion...
...kudos to Fencer for delegating a couple of good long time members to create more team tournaments! I think it's great that we are going to be having these more regularly and I commend his choices and thank both and Tanein for taking the added responsibility and time to make this site even more enjoyable for us members here!

5. Août 2007, 20:56:46
Sujet: peoples responsiblities on this site
its a persons own decision to accept a duty/responsibility on this site, if (s)he agrees to do a job which fencer asked her/him to do, then it should be fine with other people as well .... unless the job isnt done well

in case the job is being done bad, please send a message to the person her/himself first and if that doesnt work .. send it to a mod/glob/fencer

if someone else wants more reponsibilities please contact a mod (if (s)he wants to be the comod), or a glob or fencer

talking negative about someone doesnt help much, please try to keep a positive mood ;)

i love it that we will have more regular team tournaments, and am quite curious to see what the outcome of the team rankings will be now there will be more of them :)

i am happy for and tanein for having a job i think they like (although i dont envy them much myself ;)) and i am sure they will be doing a good job as they both already showed to be good tournament creators in the past

good luck with the job :)

5. Août 2007, 17:23:29
Sujet: Re:
Czuch Czuckers: Because it is my site and I can do anything I want and I am not obliged to explain it to everyone.

5. Août 2007, 17:29:01
Sujet: Re:
Fencer: No obligations to the people who pay your rent is a beautiful thing! (hehehe)

But it does not mean that people will stop asking questions of you, or from giving unsolicited advice!

But thank you for the timely reply anyway!

5. Août 2007, 17:30:47
Sujet: Re:
Czuch Czuckers: I wouldn't say that pawns pay anyone's rent. BrainKing financial politics is much more complex and definitely is not supported by troublemakers.

5. Août 2007, 17:38:49
Sujet: Re:
Fencer: Sorry again, I didnt realize that pointing out facts is considered trouble making.

BTW, another trouble making fact for you...... since pawn are not allowed to turn off your advertisers, we do pay your rent by being here to read what your advertisers pay you to post here! If pawns were not here to read them, you would not be paid to make them available!

5. Août 2007, 18:14:08
Sujet: Re: here to read what your advertisers pay you to post here
Czuch Czuckers: pssst, 2 statements


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7. Août 2007, 06:57:28
Papa Zoom 
Sujet: Re:Czuch Czuckers: Because it is my site and I can do anything I want and I am not obliged to explain it to everyone.
Fencer: Could you explain that to me?

7. Août 2007, 08:33:42
Sujet: Re:Czuch Czuckers: Because it is my site and I can do anything I want and I am not obliged to explain it to everyone.
Tigger: the word starts with A and ends with E......go figure ROFLMBO

7. Août 2007, 09:03:27
Sujet: Re:Czuch Czuckers: Because it is my site and I can do anything I want and I am not obliged to explain it to everyone.
Bernice: Ä?

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