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17. June 2007, 02:09:57
Subject: Re: Thanks Hunkey
MadMonkey: You know how at the bottom of a message it says "Reply (box)"? If I click reply, the text box is resizable. If I click box, the text box to type in is not resizable.

17. June 2007, 02:05:05
Subject: Re: Thanks Hunkey
TexasToest: Some of the smaller extensions for Firefox are the best one
Duplicate Tabs & Searchbar Autosizer, are both great ones as well

Eriisa:It should do if you mean when reply to a message as it does even when you are editing
Sometimes it does not always work on the line/corner, sometimes you have to move the cursor about a bit

17. June 2007, 01:56:27
Subject: Re:
MadMonkey: oh WAY cool! Thanks for finding that.

I see that it works in the text box up top, but not on the reply 'box' inside the message. hmmmmm

17. June 2007, 01:46:22
Subject: Thanks Hunkey
That works really well.  I don't have time to read about 2,200 features, so I let other people tell me what's good.  You did a great job.  That really helps with entering things in the plain text editor box.  That lil thing is dinky.  But, don't tell Fencer I said that.

17. June 2007, 00:38:33
Subject: Re:
Modified by MadMonkey (17. June 2007, 00:54:31)
plaintiger: Sorry my friend Tiger, Firefox has Resizeable Textarea for ages, well since version 1.5 was released, its just another of there 2200+ extensions
Gordon (or was it BBW) told me about it, great & very useful

See if i can find, i use it

Here it is Resizeable Textarea

17. June 2007, 00:31:49
Oooh, I just discovered a very cool feature in the Safari 3.0 public beta (also available for Windows, in case anyone didn't know) that isn't in Firefox: these text fields we type our messages into on brainking? They can be resized - along both the X and Y axes - by dragging the little zoom lines in the lower right corner of the field, just like a window. Very cool indeed.

Okay, I'm done.

16. June 2007, 15:00:42
Subject: "A note about Go"
So, can I send Fencer a message each time I collect 25 seeds in Mancala and my opponent keeps on playing? ;-)

OTOH, that situation is much easier to program than a Go endgame.

16. June 2007, 08:25:59
Subject: Re:
srnity: Ive seen tougher on here, just not on this board LOL

16. June 2007, 04:27:39
Wow, y'all are one tough crowd tonight

16. June 2007, 04:06:25
Subject: Re: Closing account nah, make it even better, don't write down the random number & leatters! Just close your eyes and hit some keys.

16. June 2007, 03:55:52
Sylfest Strutle 
Subject: Re: Closing account
Modified by Sylfest Strutle (16. June 2007, 03:59:37)
jadarite: When you are finished picking up all the games from the waiting room and then resigning them, of course.

16. June 2007, 03:51:13 
Subject: Re: Closing account
jadarite: Just don't visit and your account will go old and not be used again.

If you need help not visiting the site again, here are some fun steps:

1. Get a piece of paper.
2. Write down 10 random letters & numbers
3. Go to "My profile", and near the top - click on "change password"
4. Put those 10 random letters & numbers in as your new password
5. Save & log out
6. Destroy the paper before you have a chance to remember the password.
7. Ta-Da, can't sign back on!

16. June 2007, 03:47:05
Sylfest Strutle 
Subject: Re: Closing account
jadarite: Just log out, surf on to your cool and hypermodern chat'n'play sites and forget about it.

16. June 2007, 03:26:38
Subject: Closing account
How do you close your account on this server?

14. June 2007, 05:12:18 
Subject: Re: pests as ads
PLEASE NOTE: I have continued this discussion over on the Discussion Board, in case anyone wants to follow it over there to continue the discussion.

14. June 2007, 03:55:18
Subject: Re: pests as ads
kirsten: I use Firefox & have virus protection through a major University & it still gets me too

14. June 2007, 00:41:47
Subject: Re: pests as ads
Unfortunately, I'm not sure that the the site is completely clean. Yesterday I pulled up with internet explorer on a different machine (this time at work... one with commercial virus protection) , navigated around to my messages and back, and eventually was hit with ErrorSafe and WinFixer.

13. June 2007, 14:47:11
Subject: Re: Problems
TheJazzCafe: Thank goodness, I thought it was just me. When I check my cookies I see one from PC turbo Pro. When it happens it tries to download an .exe file and tries to loop so that you cannot avoid it. It's becoming very annoying.

13. June 2007, 01:43:29
Subject: Re: starting a new game
Thanks :O) I just wasnt going far enough...

13. June 2007, 01:36:01
Adaptable Ali 
Subject: Re: starting a new game
JadiesMomma: Hello and welcome. If you look at the left u will see a list Click on" new game" link then u can create a game from there, or go to "waiting games" and u can pick up a game from there.


13. June 2007, 01:35:12
Just click on 'new game' under the games menu (it should be the near the upper left hand of your screen).

Select the game and then you'll be presented with a lot of options. Just hit 'continue' (it explains this on the page as well) and your game will go into the waiting games pool for others to see.

13. June 2007, 01:33:20
Subject: starting a new game
Hi, I just joined and cant figure out how to start a new game for anyone to play. Can someone please help me???

12. June 2007, 21:22:40
I've done that, and I've installed the ad on. Puffins rule, ok!

12. June 2007, 21:20:03
Subject: Re:
TheJazzCafe: lol .. shh .. dont tell anyone .. but i am helping the puffins to take over the world :)

have a look at fencer's blog ( to see what he writes about adblocks

12. June 2007, 21:17:38
I do have good virus protection, and I never download links, but this thing is persistent, and is even bugging me when I'm on my Mac. It won't allow me to close it down. Is it coming from one of the banner ads? It's just happened again in my game with Hrqls. Maybe it's him.

12. June 2007, 18:07:36
Subject: Re: Problems
srnity: i think rook members can disable all banners and ads on this site .. i think they shouldnt have a problem anymore then

(i just disabled all yesterday, so its too early for me to be sure :))

not sure if pawns can disable anything

12. June 2007, 16:50:09
Thanks for the info MM & Jason

12. June 2007, 16:45:00
Subject: Re: Problems
srnity & TheJazzCafe: There has been a conversation on the Feature Board (until they were asked to take it elsewhere(Computer Board)) last couple of days. Could be linked to the same problem, sounds like Spyware, something called Errorprotector there though & also banner ads that have been showing up.
If you have a decent Virus protector, Firewall and pop up Blocker you should be fine. I know AVG ( do some good free stuff & if you use Firefox you can get an add-on called Add Block Plus.

12. June 2007, 16:40:12
Subject: Re: Problems
srnity: If you use norton or other anti virus software then you shouldnt have any problems , dont download what the links send you too though because it is just a scam

12. June 2007, 16:31:01
Subject: Re: Problems
TheJazzCafe: Yup, your not alone...the Drive Cleaner hit me twice as I was logging onto BK just now...this is the third time for me in about five days Only happening here tho - anyone know how to make it go away for good?

12. June 2007, 15:41:17
Subject: Problems
Four times in the past few days my browser (firefox) has been hijacked by something claiming to be called Win Anti Virus Pro trying to make me download something. It is always when I've been making a move in backgammon. Is this happening to anyone else?

11. June 2007, 20:12:21
Subject: Re:
Fencer: thanks goody gumdrops

11. June 2007, 20:07:20
Subject: Re:
MadMonkey: Oh yes. Sure. Soon. When the time comes.

11. June 2007, 19:59:50
Fencer, when do you think you will set some more Team Tournaments ?

10. June 2007, 16:39:38
Subject: Re:
Eriisa: and its a good point he makes in that blog - the global moderators and individual board mods do a great job keeping this site family friendly - thank you all!!

10. June 2007, 16:08:43
Fencer's blog entry today addresses this discussion.

10. June 2007, 13:57:38
Subject: Re: im sorry fencer


I really like the video feature too, i like it so much so i have made a suggrestion so we can keep it in the future.



10. June 2007, 07:04:06
Subject: im sorry fencer
i really like the vid option - but i heard it said once that - no good deed goes unpunished - so i guess trying to improve the sight is backfiring huh?

9. June 2007, 23:56:37
Subject: Re: Sources of embedding code
TexasToest: Fencer told us Global Moderators when he was implementing this, that the HTML validator only allows tags linking to YouTube. Unless this has changed since he told us about it.

9. June 2007, 23:48:28
Subject: Sources of embedding code
It is true that  embedding code is available on sites other than YouTube.  Is YouTube's the only code allowed here, or is it wide open for any video to be uploaded?

9. June 2007, 23:20:08
Subject: Re:
Family Man: Its possible to the music board, your profile and your notebook..not only music videos

9. June 2007, 23:12:15
Family Man 
Question? Are video up links only allowed on the music board and only for music related clips?

9. June 2007, 23:09:02
Subject: Re: "Family oriented" Video clips?
Andersp: Well they could yes, but I could post a bad video of me singing very very badly but it does,nt mean to say I want too lmbo!

9. June 2007, 23:05:46
Subject: Re:
jadarite: You just repeated Moustraps earlier post ..."since they can watch the videos somewhere else, why stop them on BK"

9. June 2007, 23:05:10
Family Man 
Subject: Re: "Family oriented" Video clips? You are probably correct, and this is much ado about nothing.

Its just that when you allow minors on a supposedly family friendly site watch videos that even the originating site says is not appropriate for kids under 13, then you obviously risk losing your endorsement as a family site.

9. June 2007, 23:05:05
Subject: Re: "Family oriented" Video clips?
Andersp: Bad videos are the videos i dont want my kids to watch,

So, Fencer is suppose to know what you find appropriate for you kids? How about my kids? How's Fencer supposed to know what I find appropriate for kids to watch? And for the other millions of parents out there? There's no universal rule of what is considered 'bad'. In the USA, it's consider 'bad' (illegal even) to have a beer a week before your 21st birthday, and if a nipple is show for a fraction of a second on TV all hell breaks lose. In many countries in Europe, it's considered bad to drive a car if you're 16, or for everyone to be able to buy a gun.

If you think your kids should not have the smallest chance to be exposed to certain materials you find questionable, don't let them lose on the internet without you watching over their shoulders.

9. June 2007, 23:05:01
Subject: Re: "Family oriented" Video clips?
Andersp: No, that would be a problem. The board system will remain as it is. Including the Music board and videos.

9. June 2007, 23:02:07
If a Youtube video is not good here, it shouldn't be good on Youtube either. Many videos slip through the cracks, but Youtube has done a responsible job to remove them when spotted (even though I am an adult and would like to see them LOL). I understand the need to filter and remove. I think that is the best compromise. Personally, I don't want to see any Youtube videos on here, but it should be an option. If you don't want your kids to see them, hire a real babysitter to monitor your child's actions and don't leave up to a big box on a desk. Be a responsible parent, block .swf file media content. Use email programs to filter. There are solutions if you don't want your child exposed.

Oh, and by the way Mom and Dad, I saw that video you blocked on the computer when I was on the bus. You see, my friend has one of those nano ipods and you can play anything. Computers are not babysitters. I don't know why people want turn it into some chastity belt for communication.

9. June 2007, 23:01:55
Subject: Re: "Family oriented" Video clips? If you expect it to be only a handful of user who are posting, why is it so difficult if Fencer or a mod approve the videos before they are posted?  Fencer approves the pictures we are using in our profile. I dont understand why this should be such a problem.

9. June 2007, 22:58:04 
Subject: Re: "Family oriented" Video clips?
Andersp: Thing is, where do you draw the line. The thoughts and posts of other people can be very unappropriated for kids, so should Fencer & mods also approve all posts?

The moderators of the Music board is doing a good job in getting a few extra moderators to help watch the board, along with the global moderators who will also be keeping an eye on the board. And I can tell you as a global moderator, if someone does try to push the limits of posting bad videos - we will not have to think twice to take away the rights to post to any board. So hopefully no one will try to push the limits, but if someone does - it will not be long before they will not be heard from again. And since pawns can't post video's, we also don't have to worry about someone creating a free pawn just to continue to post their bad videos.

But this is a fun interesting new feature... which in a few weeks, I would guess it will be down to a small handful of users who will be posting video's regularly.

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