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 Run around the Pond

Discuss about this new multiplayer game or comment current runs. (includes all versions of the game)

Game link..... Ponds
Ratings link..... Regular Pond Ratings -and- Dark Pond Ratings -and- Run in the Rain Ratings
Winners link..... All Winners - (Regular Ponds Only) - (Dark Ponds Only) - (Run in the Rain Only)

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20. Января 2005, 19:46:06
Walter Montego 
Субъект: Re: And furthermore...
EdTrice: I'm the number one player of Dark Chess Ed. Let's play a series of games. You need a few defeats handed to you so we won't have to deal with your overbearingness. Though I kind of doubt that'd shut you up. You may certainly try a experimenting with a crazy opening against me. I love a challenge. Say seven games? You have to win them all. I need to win just one. Sound fair? Or can we just play all seven and see who wins the most. Though I can't stop you from using your machines and computers, atleast Dark Chess would give me a little bit of a chance against such a great Chess player as yourself. I know my limitations, but you don't seem to have any. You can't even play a game or two of "Run around the Pond" without making a world crisis of it and focusing everything on you.

That game of Chess that you're playing with Alex. What a slap in the face to open a refuted opening. King's Gambit? Didn't Bobby Fischer put that one to rest 30 years ago? You purposely play a poor opening against the number one player on the site and then you want us to feel sorry for the position you find yourself in? As for how much time the game is taking, I'd say you or redsales has some explaining to do. It doesn't seem like the game is going overly long if there's slower games going on. But then again, perhaps you moved with speed early in the game when the outcome was in doubt and now with the writing on the wall the delaying tactics are starting to show? That could certainly explain why you have more moves in so far. I'll check all the games out when I get around to it. It looks like it is a good tournament.

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