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For all Espionage fans

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26. Июня 2008, 03:21:54
Dry Martini 
Субъект: Espionage fellowship?
Is there an Espionage(+ variants) fellowship?

26. Июня 2008, 04:21:15
Субъект: Re: Espionage fellowship?
The Other Me: Espionage Freaks!
but you have to be a paying member to join a fellowship

28. Июня 2008, 15:33:40
Dry Martini 
Субъект: Re: Espionage fellowship?
Vikings: Thank you.

Reviewing the link, it appears that here is nothing going on with that fellowship. Certainly nothing close to what the League mentioned below has going ( or is it "had going" ?)

I like the game, however I cannot see paying just to join a list.

ps. Also "Freaks" just does not sound inviting

28. Июня 2008, 15:46:33
Субъект: Re: Espionage fellowship?
The Other Me: Hi, indeed there's nothing much going on around here as far as espionage is concerned. We had a very active sabotage (that's waht it's called at IYT) group (the League mentioned) at IYT, but the League has died because the messageboards at IYT disappeared. We try to build up a new League here, but it hasn't proved succesful so far...

28. Июня 2008, 15:57:31
Dry Martini 
Субъект: Re: Espionage fellowship?
Chaos: Thank you.
Too bad about that League.
I will check this board from time to time.

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