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 Feature requests

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20. Февраля 2008, 22:13:18
Субъект: Plakoto.
Love the new "hide games where it's my opponents turn" feature.Would now be a good time to request the backgammon variant Plakoto?

20. Февраля 2008, 22:17:36
Субъект: Re: Plakoto.
Carl: Plakoto requires to create new graphics because we never used combinations of white and black pieces at the same position.
Or is it only about "one white and one black"?

20. Февраля 2008, 22:42:04
Субъект: Re: Plakoto.
Fencer: No it's not just about one white and one black on the same position.It can happen that there is one white and lots of blacks(or vice versa) at the same place.I don't know anything about programming but i guessed it would'nt be as simple as creating just another version of backgammon.It is still my dream to see the game here,and i'm sure it could bring a lot of Greeks to the site as it seems to be there national game! Thanks for your consideration.

21. Февраля 2008, 02:26:55
Субъект: Re: Plakoto.
Fencer: if to many combinations you could make the pieces on the fly or just make the pieces with clear background and use css to overlap with the board.

21. Февраля 2008, 16:00:37
Субъект: Re: Plakoto.
Fencer: Yeah, but you'd need to work on the backgammon graphics anyway, to be able to distinguish between "race" and "normal" stones on the bar. (The latter are required to be played before you can move any non-barred stones, the former don't. "Race" checkers appear in Crowded Backgammon, Backgammon Race, and Cloning Backgammon). ;-)

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