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29. Января 2008, 22:31:42
Субъект: Rating Lists
Сделано для CryingLoser (29. Января 2008, 22:32:42)
Want to ask to apply the following changes in the rating lists:

(1) If one player gets a rating higher than the FTP (= former top position), then the FTP has the right to invite the NTP (= new top position), and the NTP has either to accept this invitation during the next two months or to resign the game (here is just to change the button "decline" in "resign") If the BKR of the NTP is so high, that even after losing against the FTP he remains at the top, then the FTP may invite him to another game again and again, as long as the NTP is unable to reach a victory or at least a draw against the FTP. In this case, it should be also impossible for the NTP to put the FTP on the blocked user list - of course he can do this after resigning the games against the FTP.
So it should become impossible to take the position of the FTP without fighting with him.

(2) On the other side, a player may not sitting pretty at the top by declining again and again invitations from the SP (=second position) or simply put him on the blocked users list. The SP has the same rights as mentioned in
(1) and may invite the TP again and again as long as the TP cannot reach a victory or at least a draw against the SP.

Would be nice to read comments, please not just
destructive ones ("i don't like what you suggest"), but constructive with the points you want to be changed

30. Января 2008, 00:15:56
Субъект: Re: Rating Lists
CryingLoser: Being able to challenge the top position, isn't this what ladders are all about?

Rating lists are just what they are: rating lists. They aren't ladders. We already have ladders. And note that currently, someone cannot hold on to the top position without playing forever - if you haven't finished a game in N months (N == 6 for rooks, less for lower ranks), you disappear from the rating list.

30. Января 2008, 00:22:17
joshi tm 
Субъект: Re: Rating Lists
AbigailII: But then you still have the clone players (and this time I Do not mean Cloning Backgammon)

30. Января 2008, 03:51:21
Субъект: Re: Rating Lists
Сделано для mctrivia (30. Января 2008, 03:53:43)
joshi tm: How about a new stat. Right now we have 2 qualities of BKR. BKR and then the more prestigious and important established BKR. How about a ladder BKR above that. Each user can chose to participate in the ladder BKR.

Each Ladder is made up of 1% increments or n/2(n being number of players) witch ever has less rungs. If you are on the ladder BKR list then if anyone on the same rung or rung below you chalenges you, you must except a challenge.

The challenger can chose a time frame range(so I could say 3-10 days per move with vacation) and the challenged sets the exact values. There would have to be a specific value that must be included as a standard(say 4 days + vacations).

Not so rigid as the actual ladders were you pick one to play on. These all that want to be considered for the ladder BKR would play on them. Also they don't need to accept emediately they have say 2 weeks + vacation(so if I am on vacation I don't need to worry about losing my spot while on the beach in Jamaica.) Also better then forcing them to accept games. I was #1 on ludo for a while but did not take games just because I was sick of playing it after finishing 1000 games. I eventually started playing again though.

Fair bit of programing I bet to add it though.

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