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 Feature requests

Do you miss something on BrainKing.com and would you like to see it here? Post your request into this board!
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2. Февраля 2007, 21:46:22
Субъект: Most wanted requests?
Wondering what are the most wanted requests (apart from autopass)

Some examples:
1) showing which backgammon piece on the bar is of what type (I would expect many votes for this)
2) team match - discerning (by italics for example) finished/unfinished game
3) random game color
4) possibility (button/link) to turn around game boards (especially useful for ships)
5) poll about most wanted requests :)

2. Февраля 2007, 22:50:37
Субъект: Re: Most wanted requests?
Harassed: 1)

2. Февраля 2007, 22:53:45
Субъект: Re: Most wanted requests?
Harassed: To be able to see my results in a logik game turn even though the result is not yet counted ...

then #1

3. Февраля 2007, 02:38:21
Субъект: Re: Most wanted requests?
Czuch Czuckers: However, if black sees white's move, he can adjust his move if necessary. It actually gives black a small advantage.

2. Февраля 2007, 22:59:46
Peón Libre 
Субъект: Re: Most wanted requests?
Harassed: 1 and 3, then 4.

Actually, rather than showing race pieces as a different type of piece on the bar, I think it would be better to show them as standard pieces in another location, such as an extra column to one side of the board. But in any case there needs to be some way to distinguish them.

3. Февраля 2007, 00:35:11
Субъект: Re: Most wanted requests?
KotDB: Another place would be ideal solution, but just marking them slightly different would mean almost no change in game model but would help. Perhaps internally they are stored elsewhere even now, but board design is always the same and you have the same numbers of slots to click as in classic backgammon.

2. Февраля 2007, 23:29:58
Субъект: Re: Most wanted requests?
Harassed: 1) is long overdue. It makes Backgammon Race, Crowded Backgammon and Cloning Backgammon much harder to play then necessary. 3) would be nice, and the other features I'd never use.

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