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 Feature requests

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21. Мая 2003, 03:36:00
Субъект: And while I am asking
Fencer is there any chance you would consider changing the rating system for the gammons over to FIBS? This is the most recognised rating system for these games, and is a much fairer system, it also gives a better indication of player strength than the current. I know it is really frustrating for players to lose such high points for a loss and gain such low ones for a win.

21. Мая 2003, 04:02:43
Dmitri King 
Субъект: Re: And while I am asking
How does FIBS work?

I see little wrong ewith the current format-- whne playing someone rated far below you, of course you are not going to gain much for a win-- if you did gain a lot, then it would not be very hard to gain a high rating.

I do think there are a few glitches with the current rating system, but I do not think it needs to be completely overhauled.

If a player plays soemone who is 400 points lower in rating, he should beat that player 9 out of ten times. So, the amount he gains should be 1/20 of the amount he loses. So, he should gain 3 opints for beating that player but lose 30 points if he loses.

that is close to what happens now at brain King, although I have noticed some oddities.

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