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 Feature requests

Do you miss something on BrainKing.com and would you like to see it here? Post your request into this board!
If there is a more specific board for the request, (i.e. game rule changes etc) then it should be posted and discussed on that specific board.

For further information about Feature Requests, please visit this link on the Brainking.Info site : http://brainking.info/archives/20-About-feature-requests.html

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29. Августа 2004, 11:39:14
red dragon 
When bumble asked me to moderate this board while he was in Athens he said, 'You won't have any problem unless some idiot mentions auto-pass.'
130+ posts ago someone did. Fencer!

It's put me in a bit of a pickle because it's a feature request and has involved a great deal of discussion so I can't in all honesty see a reason to moderate any posts...until now.

The subject has been done to death. The feature request has been made. If Fencer doesn't want auto-pass then he's not going to add it no matter how much bleating, begging, reasoning etc etc goes on.

I suggest if you want to debate the matter any more then do so elsewhere. The main reason is that when Fencer sees this board I want him to see feature requests and not a debate. I'm sure Fencer has neither the time nor inclination to wallow through the debate posts to find a new feature request.

Enough is enough. Please!

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