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3. Октября 2010, 01:38:32
The Cuban Revolution was an armed revolt that led to the overthrow of dictator Fulgencio Batista of Cuba on January 1, 1959 by the 26th of July Movement led by Fidel Castro.[1]

"I believe that there is no country in the world including any and all the countries under colonial domination, where economic colonization, humiliation and exploitation were worse than in Cuba, in part owing to my country’s policies during the Batista regime. I approved the proclamation which Fidel Castro made in the Sierra Maestra, when he justifiably called for justice and especially yearned to rid Cuba of corruption. I will even go further: to some extent it is as though Batista was the incarnation of a number of sins on the part of the United States. Now we shall have to pay for those sins. In the matter of the Batista regime, I am in agreement with the first Cuban revolutionaries. That is perfectly clear."

– U.S. President John F. Kennedy, interview with Jean Daniel, October 24, 1963

3. Октября 2010, 01:59:15
Pedro Martínez 
Субъект: Re:
(V): So if you like quoting Wikipedia so much, why don't you quote the most important information relating to the subject? I.e. Castro being a socialist dictator?

“In 1965 he became First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba, and led the transformation of Cuba into a one-party socialist republic.”
“On May 1, 1961, Castro declared Cuba a socialist state and officially abolished multiparty elections.”

“Many observers refer to Castro as a dictator […].”
“Despite his denouncement of dictatorships, Castro himself has been described as a dictator.”


3. Октября 2010, 02:07:22
Субъект: Re:
Pedro Martínez:

... "Castro himself has been described as a dictator."

doesn't mean he is one.

I could describe Palin as a fascist money grabbing opportunist... doesn't make her a fascist does it!!

3. Октября 2010, 02:14:43
Pedro Martínez 
Субъект: Re:
(V): You have no arguments. If you read the Wikipedia article on Castro, you would find out that both claims regarding his dictatorship I have posted are backed by lots of sources and expert opinions.

3. Октября 2010, 02:25:19
Субъект: Re:I have posted are backed by lots of sources and expert opinions.
Pedro Martínez: Yes.. opinions.

My opinion differs as does the opinion of people on Castro. Therefore there is disagreement.

As you have pointed out before.. experts can be wrong.

3. Октября 2010, 03:16:08
Pedro Martínez 
Субъект: Re:I have posted are backed by lots of sources and expert opinions.
(V): I'm sure the Cuban political prisoners would agree with you… and I'm sure you'd love to live in a country like Cuba, North Korea, or in any pre-1989 communist country. Socialism taken to its best…

Again, you have no idea what you're talking about. “Dictatorship of the proletariat“… ever heard of that? Of course you haven't, how could you…

4. Октября 2010, 20:33:45
Субъект: Re:I have posted are backed by lots of sources and expert opinions.
Pedro Martínez: I'm sure the 200,000+ killed by the free democratic South Korean government that the USA installed would agree with you. Or the other 1000's upon thousands killed, maimed and tortured when the 'free' have not agreed with the right of a people to choose or go through the difficult process of self governing.

from what I read about the history of the Cuban revolution and the aftermath.. Castro only went to the Russians and declared the country as communist because the USA companies put pressure on the USA government to overthrow Castro so they could pillage the Cuban people and country again.

.. They didn't like losing out on the profits they had enjoyed under the USA placed dictator. As for the political prisoners.. approx 650 attempts on your life can make a man and his government a little paranoid.

I'm sure those in the USA who had their lives ruined by free fellow countrymen through the McCarthy kangaroo court would agree with you also.

4. Октября 2010, 21:56:33
Pedro Martínez 
Субъект: Re:I have posted are backed by lots of sources and expert opinions.
(V): I hope there is a cure for that… If I were religious, I would post a prayer for you on the Thoughts and Prayers board…

4. Октября 2010, 21:58:43
Субъект: Re:I have posted are backed by lots of sources and expert opinions.
Pedro Martínez: ROFL.....I love your sense of humour

4. Октября 2010, 22:06:04
Субъект: Re:II hope there is a cure for that… If I were religious, I would post a prayer for you on the Thoughts and Prayers board…
Pedro Martínez: ??? for studying history???

It's one of those subjects they teach at school you know.

4. Октября 2010, 22:32:48
Pedro Martínez 
Субъект: Re:II hope there is a cure for that… If I were religious, I would post a prayer for you on the Thoughts and Prayers board…
(V): Yup, do study. You can start with the meaning of the words “socialism” and “dictatorship”.

4. Октября 2010, 22:48:40
Субъект: Re:II hope there is a cure for that… If I were religious, I would post a prayer for you on the Thoughts and Prayers board…
Pedro Martínez: Socialism comes in many formats from state to pure ownership by the people such as communes. Dictatorships vary from one party to one system (such as could be said of the USA two party system)...

Did they in history classes teach you about why things happened or just what happened?

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