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2. Сентября 2010, 07:14:45
The Col 
So little respect for the president of your country, tsk tsk

2. Сентября 2010, 07:17:31
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re:
The Col: You must mean like you libs showed for Bush. Free Speech here. We like to use it. You object to my Constitutional right to free speech? tsk, tsk

2. Сентября 2010, 07:22:06
The Col 
Субъект: Re:
Artful Dodger: But weren't the repubs saying the same about Bush bashing? I expected more from you guys, two wrongs don't make a right do they? are you guys no better than those nutty libs?

2. Сентября 2010, 07:23:29
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re:
The Col: disingenuous

2. Сентября 2010, 07:25:37
The Col 
Субъект: Re:
Artful Dodger: Actually pretty accurate, you guys put the Bush bashers to shame, repubs can kick some butt

2. Сентября 2010, 07:35:02
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re:
The Col: The big difference is that Obama is a dunce when it comes to running a country. Did you NOT see how much money that idiot is borrowing against our future? Did you not see the comparison over the last 200 plus years vrs his 19 months in office? How about the fact that the Democrats, under his leadership, passed a health care bill complete with loads of earmarks - some for the most ridiculous of things. It can't be paid for and will likely be repealed. Do you, like many of your liberal friends, not get it that Obama is a failure as a president? He's so unpopular that many would rather have Bush back?

You're so disingenuous. Opportunistic. So eager to point a finger without owning up to your own choices. Look back on your own posts and clean up your own bashings, both subtle and overt. Then you'll have the credibility with me and I'll listen.

But you won't. Have any of you libs actually made a coherent case for Obama's policies?


Try that sometime. Something that's not dripping with the usual sarcasm. Til then, you get what you give.

2. Сентября 2010, 07:36:30
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re: and b4I4get
The Col:

2. Сентября 2010, 16:20:49
Субъект: Re: and b4I4get
Artful Dodger: MaYbE oBaMa WoRk'S fOr TyRa

2. Сентября 2010, 21:33:56
Субъект: Re:
The Col: We are the Conser's here what about the nutty repubs we already no the Libs are nutty Col chickin man

2. Сентября 2010, 16:27:42
Субъект: Re:showed for Bush.
Artful Dodger: We "libs" (as you call us) did not go to the lengths to disrespect Bush as you do Obama. We had a go at policy, mistakes as you'd expect.

As for free speech.. there comes responsibility.. you cannot moan in the future on how anyone talks about your hero's.. such as Beck and Palin.. or the Tea party.

2. Сентября 2010, 17:11:09
Субъект: Re:The right wants Obama to fail even if it means the country suffers just so they can be in power.
Tuesday: Well if that is the case then the right does not deserve to be in power. Any party that gloats on the failure of it's government when such failure causes suffering to it's own fellow citizens is not worthy of being elected. Locked up in an asylum more like!!

2. Сентября 2010, 17:19:57
Субъект: Re:The right wants Obama to fail even if it means the country suffers just so they can be in power.
Tuesday: Our last government bailed out the banks as did Obama even though Bush knew it was coming..

.. If they had failed, the entire financial system would have collapsed. Anyone wishing that to happen is either nuts, ignorant, stupid or a combination of all three.

2. Сентября 2010, 17:26:11
Субъект: Re:The right wants Obama to fail even if it means the country suffers just so they can be in power.
Tuesday: What did happen?

2. Сентября 2010, 17:42:57
Субъект: Re:t was said he lost an election for speaking out against Rush and his insanity
Сделано для Mort (2. Сентября 2010, 17:43:42)
Tuesday: ...... that is not a good sign. It also blows to high heaven this board's conservative element and them forever them harking on about how they have so little mediaon 'their' side.. guess for them radio and newspapers don't count.. or that of some strange new invention called "the in-ter-net"

2. Сентября 2010, 19:40:57
Ferris Bueller 
Субъект: he lost an election for speaking out against Rush and his insanity

Tuesday:   It may have been Representative Bob Inglis (R-SC) who spoke out against Rush & Beck.  He lost big in the GOP primary to the Tea Party candidate.  Yes.  That's the same Tea Party "revolution" funded mainly by Rupert Murdoch and the oil barren Koch Brothers - not the grass roots.



2. Сентября 2010, 20:23:56
Субъект: Re: Koch Brothers
Ferris Bueller: I read about them.... going on about not letting people tread on you then getting compulsory sale orders on where they wanted a pipeline.

Nice... not.

2. Сентября 2010, 20:31:46
Ferris Bueller 
Субъект: Re: Koch Brothers

(V):  In addition, while pummeling Obamacare, they apply for some of its benefits.


2. Сентября 2010, 21:29:17
Субъект: Re: Koch Brothers
Ferris Bueller: Or them using some old 'new deal' law that allows them to have a their cattle businesses graze free on federal land without the tax payers seeing a penny.

3. Сентября 2010, 06:00:49
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re:We wanted Bush to succeed. He represented our country.
Tuesday: You NEVER said that.

I want Obama to fail. And so far, he's doing just that.

2. Сентября 2010, 18:30:59
Субъект: Re:showed for Bush.
(V): Um, maybe YOU personally didn't.
"We "libs" (as you call us) did not go to the lengths to disrespect Bush as you do Obama. We had a go at policy, mistakes as you'd expect."

But plenty of "libs" have gone to even greater lengths. Including a few posters on this board. Don't get me wrong, I have JUST AS LITTLE respect for George Bush as I do for Obama.
My point is that your statement is not accurate at all.

Plus, it's all just foolishness anyway. Both sides do the exact same thing. Regardless of if "2 wrongs, don't make a right".
Until the end of time, Dem's will insult republicans, and republicans will insult dem's. It's just silly for either side to whine about the other side doing it. Both sides are just as good at being nasty.

2. Сентября 2010, 20:21:36
Субъект: Re:Until the end of time, Dem's will insult republicans, and republicans will insult dem's. It's just silly for either side to whine about the other side doing it
rod03801: To a certain respect I can disagree. Our UK law though respecting freedom of speech also respects that people can go over the top. In that.. you are right ALL sides do it. Yet here in the UK .. criminal prosecution can follow.

3. Сентября 2010, 03:43:00
Субъект: Re:Until the end of time, Dem's will insult republicans, and republicans will insult dem's. It's just silly for either side to whine about the other side doing it
Tuesday: No more biased than you are about Bush and republicans. I definitely can't be bothered to waste my time searching for the posts where you have stooped below the level that "V" was mentioning in his post that I responded to. I don't care enough, and your opinion doesn't affect me in the slightest bit, as mine doesn't affect you. Get over it.

3. Сентября 2010, 03:55:19
Субъект: Re:Until the end of time, Dem's will insult republicans, and republicans will insult dem's. It's just silly for either side to whine about the other side doing it
Tuesday: Think again.

3. Сентября 2010, 11:31:29
Субъект: Re:Until the end of time, Dem's will insult republicans, and republicans will insult dem's. It's just silly for either side to whine about the other side doing it
Tuesday: It does seem to have gotten worse since Obama got into office.

3. Сентября 2010, 06:11:54
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: ReUntil the end of time, Dem's will insult republicans, and republicans will insult dem's. It's just silly for either side to whine about the other side doing it. Both sides are just as good at being nasty.

2. Сентября 2010, 19:55:48
Субъект: Re:
The Col: if i where you i would be here Col chickin & if you ever find the time i sent you messages in private please reply to them Pal this goes back to where i first post to you here Pal & met you bud

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