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    30. Сентября 2009, 05:28:43
    Субъект: Olympics 2016
    OK, I did quickly throw one out there - BUT VOTE QUICKLY - it will only be open for a few days!!!!!!!!

    http://brainking.com/en/OpinionPoll?poid=632 - Which city do you think will be picked on October 2nd to host the 2016 Olympics?

    2. Октября 2009, 19:53:01
    Субъект: Re: Olympics 2016
    coan.net: Rio gets it

    2. Октября 2009, 20:23:40
    Субъект: Re: Olympics 2016
    Snoopy: Yea - That is who I thought would get it.

    ... in the back of my mind, I would have loved for Chicago to get it... since it would be about 3-4 hours away from me, and my son would be about 14/15 at that time and might be a fun thing to go see.... but on the flip side, Illinois is so screwed up financially that they don't need to be spending money on this anyway.

    Glad it will be in South America for the first time.

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