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    7. Ноября 2008, 23:18:50
    Субъект: Re: Cribbage
    KnightFighter: Every argument you made can be used for just about any games on this site.

    people complain that people are not moving - or not moving pieces which do anything - waiting 2 months to click on the game to move a piece.

    Playing chess over the board, you don't suppose to get outside support, but on a turn-based game system this is possible - It still is cheating.... just as it would be in a card game, but it's an argument which is already here and nothing new that is unique with a possible turn-based card game.

    I agree that some card games would be tricky to put into a turn-based game site, but with some good planning, it can work (and for some games, already works on other sites).

    Again, kind of a mute discussion since this is not what is being put on this site.

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