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 Missing people

This board can be used as a missing folks board for people who are away from the site for a period of time. This rpobably would mean a month or longer.

If anyone has info on some one who hasn't been at the site for some time please let others know. The original intent of this board was to get and give info on missing people after Katrina and Rita hit the US..

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    27. Июня 2006, 02:08:17
    Субъект: Re: Stevie still missing
    Сделано для Stevie (27. Июня 2006, 03:38:48)
    SafariGal: *What a load of rubbish*... whats this other Nick Im supposed to have used eh? And why worry about me, we spoke a dozen messages in 1 game that timed out, you act as if youve known me for a long time???? whats your other Nick?
    Ive been off here since 21st or 22nd May, Ive just come back on for first time since then.. I was told about this conversation , hence i asked Fiona to tell you all I was ok..
    As for me and Ali, whats it got to do with you?
    And SR, *what a load of rubbish* also.. You should know Im not Bwild, cos of what you have done with him in person. For god sake, some of you have some twisted heads..

    Just for the record, Ive had a lot on my mind and this place has taken a back seat in my life..
    Amongst other things, I burried a very good female friend just before I went on holiday, I burried a very good male friend just after I got back from holiday, Ive lost another good female friend in another way also, Ive also just damaged my ribs also. All of this is ontop of all the other rubbish that gets thrown at you through life.. Dont you think I could go away from here for a month... without coming back to this load of old BS eh?????

    Sorry Moderators, but I just didnt think people could be so silly.

    Thanks to those that had genuine concerns for both me and Ali etc :o)

    ** edited to remove possible troublesome words

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