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2. Августа 2007, 03:18:08
Субъект: 5000 waiting games
why does robtoo need 230 invitations for unrated anti checkers?

it looks like most of the bandwidth represented by those 5000 games is currently being wasted by robtoo. i guess he, like anyone else, has a right to post invitations to games, but isnt 200 a little much?

2. Августа 2007, 03:27:00
Субъект: Re: 5000 waiting games
tippyc: I'm not sure that pawns have this option, but, if you don't like anti-checkers you can go into the game filter in the setting page and un-check that game and they will disappear for you

2. Августа 2007, 03:30:17
Субъект: Re: 5000 waiting games
Vikings: i have nothing against the game, my objection is to the ridiculus amount of outstanding invitations he has

2. Августа 2007, 05:26:31
Субъект: Re: 5000 waiting games
tippyc: as Vikings said I'm not sure if pawns can do this but in the same place where you can un-check anti-checkers games you can also say don't show un-rated games, which will get rid of every single game robtoo has in the waiting games area.

2. Августа 2007, 08:01:32
Субъект: Re: 5000 waiting games
nodnarbo: there must be a bug somewhere as this Robtoo is now a pawn so shouldnt be able to have any games in the waiting area

2. Августа 2007, 08:19:03
Субъект: Re: 5000 waiting games
"Snoopy": I guess he has placed those waiting games before, when he was somtehnig else than pawn ... He is now playing more than 1000 games, a bit much for a pawn ... I have added him to my blocked users so I dont see his invitations ...

2. Августа 2007, 08:22:00
Субъект: Re: 5000 waiting games
Сделано для ScrambledEggs (2. Августа 2007, 08:24:06)
trohat: wow doing that just removed 4800+ games for me to

3. Августа 2007, 07:06:55
Субъект: Re: 5000 waiting games
nodnarbo: to drag up an earlier topic again: thanks. i hadnt realized that you could block unrated games

3. Августа 2007, 08:18:42
Субъект: Re: 5000 waiting games

3. Августа 2007, 12:05:22
Субъект: Re: 5000 waiting games
srnity: one more question concerning the invites: robtoo has currently 1480 started games, started presumably before he went pawn. The system should let him finish the started games, but not start new ones, since 1480 is slightly larger than the allowed 20 for pawn . but in that case, shouldn't the invitations be eliminated?

I went and accepted one invite, and the game was created, and his count went up to 1481. (I then deleted the game, which may sound rude, but I'll forgive myself).

It looks like a bug.

3. Августа 2007, 12:33:38
Субъект: Re: 5000 waiting games
Is it possible that the limitation for starting games only checks that no new games are made after exactly 20? Like maybe creating game invitations works by not allowing invitations when "games = 20", instead of "games >= 20", which would apply to those who were above pawn level but then go back to pawn.

I don't think it's possible to get above 20 without having already been above 20 before, I'm testing it now and it's not working.

3. Августа 2007, 13:26:31
Субъект: Re: 5000 waiting games
Kunoichi_Power: i think the check for more than 20 games is only done when the invitations are made .. he probably wasnt a pawn when he made them .. now they are made the limit of 20 games wont be checked anymore

3. Августа 2007, 13:41:02
Субъект: Re: 5000 waiting games
Hrqls: sorry we both had the same idea lol

3. Августа 2007, 13:46:11
Субъект: Re: 5000 waiting games
trohat: games have now gone so it isnt a problem anymore

3. Августа 2007, 13:50:24
Субъект: Re: 5000 waiting games
"Snoopy": that probably explained the downtime a bit as well .. maybe fencer changed something so that cant happen anymore ?

3. Августа 2007, 13:39:01
Субъект: Re: 5000 waiting games
Kunoichi_Power: I guess he had created these invitations before he went back to pawn, so he was allowed to do it ... that also explains why he wanted to have so many invitations ... he knew that he will have many started games and will not have to pay for new membership ... and when he changed to pawn they stayed there because brainking doesn*t have some rule to solve problem of this type ...

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