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11. Января 2007, 14:03:24
Fencer: Why in my Cheversi game 2203836 will it only let me place the Queen on the board and nothing else ?

11. Января 2007, 14:05:10
Pedro Martínez 
Субъект: Re:
MadMonkey: Rules: "In order to eliminate an advantage of black player, a game must be started by placing a white king, followed by placing a black queen."

11. Января 2007, 14:08:34
Субъект: Re:
Pedro Martínez: But my opponent had not placed a White King, he put a Knight.

11. Января 2007, 14:11:00
Pedro Martínez 
Субъект: Re:
MadMonkey: Yes, I know...this rule took effect on the 11th of January...read this:

11. Января 2007, 14:15:57
Субъект: Re:
Pedro Martínez: So the game started using old rules, and now uses new rules.

Is that right ? Certainly not fair, so now white has major advantage

11. Января 2007, 14:17:28
Pedro Martínez 
Субъект: Re:
MadMonkey: Yes, that is right...even though I don't think the advantage of the white is that major...if any at all...

11. Января 2007, 14:20:58
Субъект: Re:
Pedro Martínez: Of course it is, Blacks Queen will now get blocked in, hence the idea of taking away Blacks advantage, now WQhite has a major one. I would not mind if White had been forced to use the King first like the Rules state, but i dont think changing game rules during a game is right.

11. Января 2007, 14:22:04
Субъект: Re:
MadMonkey: Just delete the game! The rules should have only effected new games started after the 11th, some bug, I guess.

11. Января 2007, 14:23:18
Субъект: Re:
Сделано для ScrambledEggs (11. Января 2007, 14:26:01)
Czuch Czuckers: you cant delete tournament games
and as far as i can see half the games in the tournament will be played by the old rules and the rest with the new ones!!!!

11. Января 2007, 14:24:09
Субъект: Re:
"Snoopy": That sux

11. Января 2007, 14:31:07
Субъект: Re:
"Snoopy": Its even worse when a game starts by old rules, then switches mid stream... fencer will probabl6y have to delete the whole tournament?

11. Января 2007, 15:14:57
Субъект: Re:
Czuch Czuckers: No games started by old rules are switched mid stream.

11. Января 2007, 15:17:12
Субъект: Re:
Fencer: My game 2203836 was.
My opponent started with a Knight (not a king), now its forcing me to play my Queen, thats not what the rules say. Thats why i would like it restarted.

11. Января 2007, 15:22:00
Субъект: Re:
MadMonkey: It was started a while after midnight where some final bugfixing was made. The move has been cancelled.

11. Января 2007, 15:24:28
Субъект: Re:
Fencer: Thankyou I love the game, not as much as Dice Chess, now thats addictive

11. Января 2007, 15:39:02
Субъект: Re:
Fencer: Ehm, is this the same situation like in my game Cheversi (Ugo vs. Gordon Shumway) ?

11. Января 2007, 16:40:24
Субъект: Re:
Сделано для ScrambledEggs (11. Января 2007, 16:53:30)
Fencer: this one was in the same tournament as madmonkeys could it be restarted also please
Cheversi ("Snoopy" vs. fanciann)

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