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25. Ноября 2006, 18:21:27
With out setting up a Tournament to find out.
Does anyone know in a Random tournament what will happen in the final if it is more than one game.
If its first to win 3, would they all be the same Random game or would they be different.
I think it would be nice if they were different(or maybe an option to choose) as i am in the final against someone who had never played the particular game before.
I know it is a choice when we enter, i just think the final could be set different to give both players a chance.

(saying that, watch me lose now lol )

26. Ноября 2006, 12:17:38
Субъект: Re:
MadMonkey: Does no one know the answer to my question ?

26. Ноября 2006, 20:26:06
Субъект: Re:
MadMonkey: i think they are all the same .. its a tournament with all random games types per match, the final is 1 match, although it can exist out of more games

26. Ноября 2006, 20:29:36
Субъект: Re:
Hrqls: Thanks, nowi know. Think we need an option for the final match to be different Random games if it is more than one.

27. Ноября 2006, 12:12:18
Субъект: Re:
MadMonkey: No, we don't need this option.

27. Ноября 2006, 12:21:44
Субъект: Re:
Fencer: A bit unfair on the player who ends up in a final and gets a game he has never played before. At least if it was a final of 3 different games he may stand a chance. Oh well vic looks like you will lose

27. Ноября 2006, 12:24:47
Субъект: Re:
MadMonkey: Who enters a random game tournament, must expect that he will play games he never played before.

27. Ноября 2006, 12:34:52
Субъект: Re:
MadMonkey: are you talking about the game of tablut in the knockout tournament ? thats not a 3 games match, and as its a knockout tournament each match counts as a final ... lose it and you are out .. so whenever you come across a game you dont know in such a tournament you have bad luck

27. Ноября 2006, 12:40:03
Субъект: Re:
Hrqls: Yes i am talking about that one, and i know all about it as i set it up as an elimination.
I was thinking about a normal tournament though, if the final was between 2 people and it picks a game one has never played, its bad luck, TRUE i agree. Why not have the option to at least give both players a chance where they could play 3 different games for example.
If the attitude is just bad luck then why have best of more than one in ANY final ?????

27. Ноября 2006, 12:43:22
Субъект: Re:
MadMonkey: *nod* i would definetly love a final match with different game types (in a non knockout tournament), i know that when i come across some chess types in a random tournament that i am very likely to lose those, i wouldnt like it if i played all kinds of games and just come across chess in the finals

its not supported though and requires quite a different setup of the matches

its not supported right now, although i would love to see it :)

26. Ноября 2006, 12:37:20
Субъект: Re:
Marfitalu: I would if i knew that a final of 3 games for example, they would all be different. Would be more fun, thats why if they are all the same i would like to suggest an option to make each game different.

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