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22. Апреля 2006, 23:49:28
too late... the damage is done, and is irreversible! Maybe the discussion boards should be dis banned all together?

22. Апреля 2006, 23:53:58
Субъект: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: I guess Fencer should do something to prevent people from having duplicate accounts.

22. Апреля 2006, 23:55:33
Субъект: Re:
رضا: I totally agree!!!

22. Апреля 2006, 23:56:31
Субъект: Re:
رضا: I think he has, but people can go to a different ISP if they are desperate enough, can't they?
How can anyone control that?

22. Апреля 2006, 23:58:08
Субъект: Re:
baddessi: Well at least the chances are reduced!

23. Апреля 2006, 16:35:46
Субъект: Re:
رضا: Maybe at least only one pawn account from any one IP address?

23. Апреля 2006, 18:17:34
Субъект: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: what is exactly happening ,that would make you suggest a closing down of the boards. i follow the board .you don`t really have any subject line ,so i don`t post much. but i would like to know what the catastrophe is that would prompt your reaction. thank you mook53lhd

23. Апреля 2006, 18:20:22
Субъект: Re:
mook53lhd: i am curious too. what happened that was so bad? this is only internet chat board cant be taken too seriously surely

23. Апреля 2006, 19:05:23
Субъект: Re:
mook53lhd: There was a lot deleted, but since it took so long to delete many of the offensive posts, many of our younger members and the sensitive adults have already been exposed and there is no turning back the clock from this type of mind numbing exposure, robing our youth of their innocence....

23. Апреля 2006, 21:44:29
Субъект: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: robbing youth of their innocence? How can anything, no matter what, be really that bad on a tiny little message board such as this when we are exposed to beheadings and all other forms of cruelty in this world. All these boards are is just a bunch of harmless fun. Some men obviously go overboard to make up for small appendages , granted, but who cares, the joke is on them.

23. Апреля 2006, 22:17:07
Субъект: Re:
SafariGal: Well, there are plenty of mighty people here who disagree with you.... This is a family site, and protecting the youth and the most sensitive of our membership is one of the top priorities! However, I believe this is a lofty goal, and can only be obtained by completely eliminating all public boards. Otherwise, we end up with what happened recently, where inappropriate material was on these boards allowing for the corruption of our youth and sensitive adult members!

23. Апреля 2006, 22:23:56
Субъект: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: there will ALWAYS be inappropriate stuff on the internet. I hope you are not going overboard in trying to describe the importance of one rogue poster on an indiscriminant little board such as this. Cmon now, lets not exagerate. People will start to think you are bi polar or something

23. Апреля 2006, 22:26:21
Субъект: Re:
SafariGal: He infected many public boards with his filth, and all it takes is for one innocent young person to be effected for it to be a bad thing....

23. Апреля 2006, 22:28:51
Субъект: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: are you suggesting that one person would not get to see this elsewhere on the internet? All I am trying to say is, lets not blow it out of proportion !!

btw I never saw the posts so I can only speculate. If you care to send me a copy I can at least make better judgement

23. Апреля 2006, 22:34:08
Субъект: Re:
SafariGal: Just to clarify, for yourself and anyone else wondering what happened....he referred to another player on the site using the 'f' word and another word for rectum.
He was well out of order, but the situation was handled very well....end of story :o)

1. Мая 2006, 01:23:25
Субъект: Re:
Lamby: thanks for the explanation. as i said i was merely curious as i never have seen anything untoward on the site. mook

1. Мая 2006, 16:31:09
Субъект: Re:
mook53lhd: you're welcome :o)

2. Мая 2006, 17:42:28
Субъект: Re:
Lamby: by the by what kind of message is etc. mook

24. Апреля 2006, 00:08:30
Adaptable Ali 
Субъект: Re:
SafariGal: Where are you from ?

24. Апреля 2006, 00:19:20
Pedro Martínez 
Субъект: Re:
Сделано для Pedro Martínez (24. Апреля 2006, 00:23:47)
WatfordFC: Why don't you send her a PM if you want to know this? I want to come to this board ONLY when somebody posts something important about BrainKing, NOT everytime anybody feels a need to chat, "make friends" et cetera.

25. Апреля 2006, 16:18:12
Субъект: Re: where are u from
WatfordFC: i`m from nyc & yourself?

25. Апреля 2006, 16:31:34
Субъект: Re: where are u from
mook53lhd: Know any good places to play live backgammon in NYC?

27. Апреля 2006, 17:01:18
Субъект: Re: where are u from
alanback: as a matter of fact ,a friend of mine works in the garment center .he knows of a club somewhere near 38th & bway. not far from bryant park. if you`re still interested write back & i`ll find out where it is. i`ve heard you can get action on the games if thats your thing. let me know mook

23. Апреля 2006, 22:29:45
Субъект: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: It's part of real life too! A young innocent person could walk past some graffitti on a wall near where they live saying exactly the same thing!

It was handled very well, promptly & efficiently....end of subject, in my opinion

Get on with life :o)

29. Апреля 2006, 03:56:14
Субъект: Re: speak for yourself
Czuch Chuckers: mighty people.are there superheroes for the kids on this site. adult sensibilities. as safari said how can you read the paper or see the news & have any sensibilities left. if these wash your mouth out with soap stuff has been censored .then whats the diff. you have a filter =censor so use it M

29. Апреля 2006, 07:00:30
Субъект: Re: speak for yourself
mook53lhd: Lets not stray off topic ;)

30. Апреля 2006, 03:59:17
Субъект: Re: speak for yourself
Czuch Chuckers: hey chuckie i wrote within the thread replying to the kiddie sensibilities.all the people i`ve dealt with so far are adults so i really do`t get the beef . you go your way & i`ll go mine.

27. Апреля 2006, 17:16:05
Субъект: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: er sir; if you were a youth yourself ,then you should know that most of what young people want to know they pick up on the st. friends & schoolmates pass along things .you know the grapevine. i agree that foul language & offensive posts by anyone are uncalled for. when they say kids have access ,i don`t know if they mean teens who play the games .or a youngster watching daddy on the pc.very few things these days shock anyone. but don`t get the idea that todays kids are naive. most know the story by the time they reach high school.certainly i haven`t seen any posts on this channel which in the slightest way would rob a young person of their youth. in fact i don`t think i`ve read anything which as you say should be censored .no i don`t know the post you are referring to .in any event its the rare exception & not the rule. mook

28. Апреля 2006, 01:20:44
Субъект: Re:
mook53lhd: Thanks, I agree with you 100%, and was being sarcastic, but it doesnt always come out well in writing... I think the boards on brainking are often far over moderated, and we always hear the excuse that its because "its a family oriented site, and children read these boards" or something like that. I have been hiden before because of an errant swear word and told that I needed to be hiden "so as not to corrupt the whole site!" This from a global moderator, so it must be the policy. Anyway, I am glad that someone agrees with me that these boards are hardly likely to lead to the corruption of anyone on this site, no matter the content, and that parental monitoring is much more appropriate than over zealous moderation.

28. Апреля 2006, 02:09:21
Субъект: Re:
Сделано для coan.net (28. Апреля 2006, 02:10:07)
Czuch Chuckers: Even though this is probable not the best board, the "so as not to corrupt the whole site" that you were once told was followed by a smile face, which is also a way to be sarcastic. You posted with foul language, a global moderator seen it first and hide it, and left the rest up to the main moderator to take care of - it was a simple issue to that point.

Yes, all foul language will be removed from the public boards. Off topic and such will at times be allowed to stray, but foul language will always be removed/hidden as soon as possible.

28. Апреля 2006, 04:49:13
Субъект: Re:
BIG BAD WOLF: Thank you very much I agree wholeheartedly This is a family site and all content not considered child friendly should be hidden

28. Апреля 2006, 18:31:30
Субъект: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: I'm with you 100%, especially regarding over-moderation.

29. Апреля 2006, 03:49:47
Субъект: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: i never really heard of a site or msg board being child oriented. this is a gaming site .children play video games. i guess this is an outsourced site . mook

23. Апреля 2006, 19:34:36
Субъект: Re:
mook53lhd: Just so that people don't get the wrong impression from the other answer you got, the poster was shut off within 15 minutes. The boards were pretty much cleaned up within another 15/20 minutes. It is pretty doubtful that the youth of the world were all converging upon these particular boards at that particular time.
There really is no need for getting rid of the discussion boards. Don't worry.

23. Апреля 2006, 19:53:24
Субъект: Re:
rod03801: thanks .i didn`t think so. not posting to much .its hard to figure out exactly the purpose of this category. i guess whatever you wish to yak about.but its all disjointed . well i guess you have topost more regularly than i do ,to know whats going on. anyway thanks for the tip mook53lhd regards to nirvana,playbunny,1peter,+ et al wh have all been helpful at 1 time or another

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