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4. Ноября 2003, 19:19:01
Субъект: So what happens now?
Must we replay (or try to remember) these old games? Some of mine I have written records for, and some not. However, I can recall what the results were, but..... we're kind of in a perilous situation here. With all the exuberance, no one seems to have noticed that we are going to somehow have to dispose of all these old games. It would be nice if everyone would adhere to the honor system, and admit which games they have lost, but is it reasonable to expect this, even among the friendly BK clientele? Will all of this need to be solved on an individual basis? I hope things will improve, but fear as more users return, dismay and complaints will follow. Perhaps just wiping out all the games in progress and starting over is worth considering.

I am also mystified by the fact that some time ago there was some talk about Ed Trice making a substantial investment here. What became of that? If such funds were derived, why didn't they get used to prevent this sort of disaster? Just curious.... I don't want to ruffle anyone's feathers, but there is no denying that the events here have been very perplexing.

4. Ноября 2003, 19:29:24
Субъект: Re: So what happens now?
Pioneer: Just an addition to harley's post. When the investment is done, I will post it immediately to the Server News. It means that nothing like that happened so far, that's why we are still running on the old hardware.

4. Ноября 2003, 19:29:31
Субъект: Re: So what happens now?
Hardware problems happen. There is not a game site on the internet that hasn't had a major crash in the last year. I for one am just glad to have some one working so hard to correct the problem and get the site back up and running. Extending the time on memberships is more than a genrous attempt to make good on a bad situation that could not be avoided.

4. Ноября 2003, 19:37:35
Субъект: Re: So what happens now?
yes rose they are only games , but its still got me mad , some days ive been on here for 20 hours at a time ...just to finish games im playing .
i was under the impression that all data would be backed up on a daily basis , but i was wrong ;(((

4. Ноября 2003, 19:42:10
Субъект: Re: So what happens now?
Ive spent those sort of hours on here too jason, and won tournies too. But I couldnt care less about them, I was more bothered by not getting to chat with my friends etc. I am so happy now i can again :oD Just there are some I am still to find :o(
Well done fencer and Liquid, youll be getting the extra membership back from me :o)

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