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19. Июля 2003, 21:00:12
Субъект: fencer
a few weeks ago a conversation between me and fencer ...welll fencer said that he did not know if a new sever would sort the problems ... so before people get carried away lets hear something from fencer please , this was the sort of topic awhile ago and fencer didnt speak up but maybe he was busy (im only asking these questions because if we raise a target which i dont think we have been told yet , and the site doesnt improve then there could be alot of upset people)
please dont start shouting at me these are a few ponts that some of us would like cleard up .
i love this site as much as any of you and i too apreciate what fencer does for us THIS SITE HAS THE BEST FEATURES THAT ANY SITE HAS its like the best bits from lots of differnt sites also the people who play here are the best

19. Июля 2003, 21:06:18
Субъект: Re: fencer

You are correct. That is very reasonable. I'm sure Fencer will address this when he gets a chance.
Too late for me though! I already donated. :-D

19. Июля 2003, 21:11:58
Субъект: Re: fencer
A more long range suggestion is that the donation money be used to sponser more pawn upgrades. When they join fellowships they may then choose to stay and to renew when their membership expires.

20. Июля 2003, 00:16:50
Субъект: Re: fencer
I see no reason why people who wants to feel helpful cant donate, im sure Fencer accepts every dollar.

20. Июля 2003, 12:37:25
Субъект: Re: fencer
i would still like to hear a few words from fencer about this . also the idea about sponseing pawn upgrades i dont agree with that is maybe something for the future but that would defeat the object at the moment .as far as i know we have no target to reach ? .
so some clue to what we need would be helpfull

20. Июля 2003, 12:45:30
Субъект: Re: fencer
jason: After a chat with Fencer about the site(database) problem, the target that we would need to reach is roughly $10,000 to get the server that he is looking at for the site.

20. Июля 2003, 12:49:20
Субъект: Re: fencer
thanks madmonkey

21. Июля 2003, 07:40:10
Субъект: Re: fencer
im not trying to be so negative either , i just wanted a few words from fencer . this last week i have hardly been able to access the site (yes i know it s been on at times) but i must have been at work when this happend

22. Июля 2003, 11:40:29
Субъект: Re: fencer & rose
maybe rose can answer this , fencer hasnt answerd my last two mails on here .
will a new server sort this problems of access to the site ???
in my opinion it wont but im waiting for an expert to correct me
quate from fencer (Moreover, I cannot guarantee that after adding another machine BrainKing will never crash again. I really plan to buy a new server and I hope that it will solve problem - but I am not [and I cannot be] absolutely sure. I have to test it but I cannot ask other people to buy the hardware just for "testing". It would not be fair to them.)
so how come your asking people to part with money when no-one seems to know anything

22. Июля 2003, 16:21:10
Субъект: Re: fencer & rose
Jason, i can see your point and to me too it seems that noone really knows why this site doesnt work...many suggestions have been said on these messageboards from more or less smart players..no names :).. But if some people feel/sleep better if they send money to Fencer why try to stop them?

22. Июля 2003, 16:52:00
Субъект: Re: fencer & rose
If Fencer had time I think it would be very beneficial to let us know how much has been raised and how much is still needed. Hence the meaning of the word "drive" as in to keep raising the money needed.
I can only do as the rest of you and wait to hear on Fencer on this one....

22. Июля 2003, 18:41:29
Субъект: Re: fencer & rose
gubbe , im stopping no one from paying more money , im just wanting to know if sending money will sort the problem ..... but no one is answering !!!!
i have already supported this site by buying two memberships for other people and will be buying two more for presents very shortly

22. Июля 2003, 18:50:02
Dmitri King 
Субъект: Re: fencer & rose
Regarding hwat Jason has been saying-- I am not clear on ho exactly a new server will solve the problem.

22. Июля 2003, 21:14:16
Субъект: Re: fencer & rose
Can only agree again Jason. Its very ignorant that none of the owners is answering, probably because they have no answers to give?..Regarding pay: Ive paid $28 in march and will pay O (Zero) more cents until i trust this site and their owners better.

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