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12. Мая 2003, 13:20:47
Субъект: Members Only Board
Fencer has added a members only board.(Add it to your favourits all you members!)
I thought it would be a great idea to have one for a few reasons.
One for members to discuss the site and add ideas and also as an incentive for non paying members who want to be included in the happenings of the site to purchase a membership to help Filip out.
I see many non members asking for features etc (all input is great) but always getting so much for free defeats his purpose of wanting to make a living off this site and make it the best site out there!
Likley there will be talk of discrimination againt no members but thats easily rectified.
Just buy a membership! :-)

12. Мая 2003, 13:47:15
Dmitri King 
Субъект: Re: Members Only Board
Rose-- "I see many non members asking for features etc (all input is great) but always getting so much for free defeats his purpose of wanting to make a living off this site and make it the best site out there!
Likley there will be talk of discrimination againt no members but thats easily rectified.
Just buy a membership! :-)"

Right on! I have asid this many times myself. NOw, I underatsnd that people want to try soemthing out before decideing to purchase it. BUtm Fencer gives the non-member PLENTY, easily enough for them to decideif they want a membership or not. But instead, some of the pawns seem to want various minute details changed to their liking. I wonder if they will be mailing in a membership fee as soon as said changes are made?

12. Мая 2003, 14:02:00
Субъект: Re: Members Only Board
Dmitri, what feature would attract non-members so much that they would have to pay the cash? I would have thought that entering only one tourney at a time would have done the trick - but not so! Any ideas?

12. Мая 2003, 14:10:06
Dmitri King 
Субъект: Re: Members Only Board
Tony, I think that p[eople simply like to get something for nothing, so thye will do so whenever they can; and they can always come up with SOME reason or another why they are not completely satisfied yet and why they are not "yet" becoming a paying member.
I am of the opinion that giving the pawns MORE features will make them LESS invclined to pay, but what do I know about running a business (nothing).

12. Мая 2003, 19:06:01
Субъект: Re: Members Only Board
I personally see nothing wrong with non-members making suggestions, it is their way of contributing to the site and many suggestions have been to my liking, so as a member I benefit.

At this point 6 of my 7 games are against non-members, again as a member the ability to play both members and non-members benefits me.

Another thing we should consider before getting self-rightious is the fact that some people simply can not afford to join, what may seem like a little to some may be alot to others. The ability to play against them, exchange idea's on the boards with them and benefit from their suggestions are just a few important factors in my decision to become a member.

I agree there should be some benefits for members only as incentive to join, but idea's like boards for members only serves to rob me of the chance to exchange idea's and thoughts with members and non-members alike. As a member I want my thoughts and contributions to the threads accessable to the whole community, not just paying members.

12. Мая 2003, 19:13:28
Dmitri King 
Субъект: Re: Members Only Board
I think most of what TTJazzberry said makes sense. BUt, there is only ONE members only board being created, all theo thers are open to everyone, so I don;t see the harm.

ALso, I do not bleieve for one second that there is ANYONE ALIVE who plays games that cannot afford 2 dollars a month. Remmember, "not wanting to pay two dollars am onth" and "not being able to afford" two dollars amo nth are very different. I ahve met lots of people who say "I can't afford this or that" and then I watch them pay: 1 dollar for a soda. 5 dolalrs for cigarettes. 8 dollars for a movie. 3 dollars for s rental movie. etc. etc. etc. ....

have I met every person on the planet? no, of course not. But I am willing to bet that no one who claism to not be able to afford the membership is really that destitute. they wopuld rather just do soemthing else with that two dollars a month.

12. Мая 2003, 19:14:49
Dakota Spring 
Субъект: Re: Members Only Board
Since there is a new members board can you talk about anything you want...I know that's what the general chat board is but I'm just wondering about the members only board...good day everyone :)

12. Мая 2003, 19:35:03
Субъект: Re: Members Only Board
Your right, $2/mo isnt much for those that have it. I guess what I was saying is there are alot of people in alot of different social classes economicly. Some may feel they live on too little as it is so cant justify another $2/mo to play online games when thats $2/mo less that can go toward the family getting by.

I also know people on here who dont join for other reasons but they too contribute in many other ways and in doing so helps make this site one I became a member.

As for the board...I doubt I'll use the new board much because I dont have anything to say that I'd rather non-members not see, but I dont have anything against it being there for others to use.

12. Мая 2003, 19:49:00
Субъект: Re: Members Only Board
Thankx Harley
but I'm still not getting it,I guess I'll just have to get some one to look at the problem from this side.

As for the paying/non-paying Members your all right,My wife has a paid Membership here and I have one on another site and it give us a chance to meet and play other people,but as for what we can and can not have I think we all should just make do with what we've got and be Happy with it.

Fencer/Filip YOU ARE one of the best.

We've all here have said it or at least most of us have,so here it is again HIP HIP HOORAH to Fencer and all those involved with this site and it progress.

You will always have mine and my wife personal thanks for your hard work making BrainKing a site we can come to,as well as being part of your FAMILY.


Edward John Davidson

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