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29. Марта 2004, 12:12:35
Субъект: Ban, Time-outs and Fencers post.
As has been already asked but not answered, is there any chance that the 2 recently banned members (who now we can not even name on the Main BK Board) will be allowed back and when ?
Their games are going to start timing out very soon (today), and it would be a shame if they were allowed back when there ratings & tournaments they are in have been ruined.
As it is they have lost a lot friends over this, BUT found a lot more new ones. As a close friend of their's (so I will probably get attacked like their other friends have been) I dont think they will come back if they lose everything they have worked hard to build for themselves, and in many cases helped their friends many times here.

Why can you not change their status so they can play their games BUT not post on boards ??

Please give them a break Filip, they are not all bad (as you DO know), in fact I could name worse that have done more against YOU & BK in the past but are still active members here, they can do you no harm. You said in your post you looked for the best solution for this complicated situation, DO YOU really think this was the best one ??

And one last point, you state at the end of your post 'Your attitude', that can only be either aimed at all BK users, or the people who took posts from a private fellowship (breaking your OWN rules, but not banned) and used them for their own devices to create the mayhem you have now.

Can we please have those banned back and try to put this behind us ?!

29. Марта 2004, 14:37:14
Субъект: Re: Ban, Time-outs and Fencers post.
a message steve asked me to put here ;)

Thank you Fencer,
For carrying out my request to set vacation days for myself and Monkey to stop timeouts for now.
Its a positive step, so maybe other players can now concentrate on their games and enjoy them knowing that solutions are being saught.

Enjoy your games,

Steve R

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