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16. Ноября 2004, 17:15:39
VNV Nation 
Well done Paulo.

I want to say I´m sorry to Purple, too, for calling him gay.

But I think that Purple have to ask for excuse to all the people, especially to me for all those nasty words he said to me (freak, etc.), and for stalking me...

16. Ноября 2004, 16:11:25
Сделано для Crook (16. Ноября 2004, 16:35:46)
My hobbies? Flame wars?

Ok, seriously, I'll try write something in the evening, but you know - I hope there won't be a lot of questions, because I can't probably answer them in Czech or German and my English is rather pidgin than well... ;-)

16. Ноября 2004, 16:09:57
Do me a favour, Bad, Bish - pad out your profile page a bit with your hobbies and stuff. I'm stuck for questions for your 'interview'!

16. Ноября 2004, 16:07:55
Very well said, indeed.

And I apologise deeply if anybody of you guys thought, I have anything against Portugeese. If I said anything in this way, it wasn't meant so. Peace - and let's return to checkers.

16. Ноября 2004, 16:04:13
Hi I real need a Spellchecker, but sorry for that.

The would like to say the truth to all people. I'm pcfg=fernandes=PauloGomes=Rasec.I'm 13 years old. I'm not plus nobody but there is much people (my friends in our club António Nobre) that have two or more users.I'm of the Portuguese junior club of checkers. My friends are very known in the site, some of then and me too are putting wood to the fire.I'll ask to never more insult nobody. I ask for excuses to the Purple, to the Fencer, the Stevie and the Bad Bishop. Pedro you can back and removing me of your list of enemies, taste to play with you and I learn very!

I ask to everybody excuses.

Stevie: please edit my text into a good english


16. Ноября 2004, 15:54:01
Wot splecheker? Not yer ther aint.

16. Ноября 2004, 15:32:59
Субъект: Re: Regarding The New BBW BK Rules
Spiral I don't think anyone should worry about spellng and errors in writings. Some ppl like me use webtv and we have the disadvantage of keys stickig. By the way, I heard there was a Spellchecker on this site? Where is it?

16. Ноября 2004, 14:31:07
Please, would it be possible to put a motto in the header of the discussion board? (Or even better on most of them.) Something like "don't feed the trolls" or so. ;-)

(Sure, I know, I made the mistake too.)

16. Ноября 2004, 14:29:41
Caralheiro has been banned.

16. Ноября 2004, 14:27:17
Сделано для Caralheiro (16. Ноября 2004, 14:50:29)

16. Ноября 2004, 13:43:47
Bad try. Fencer is able to check everything anyone sends including me. Think of something else.

16. Ноября 2004, 13:15:36
VNV Nation 
Don´t think it´s a fair decision. Paulo Gomes vever have been incorrect with me. Didn´t understood what he´ve said in portuguese, I think, but didn´t understood neither what pedro and bishop have said.

And why a guy like purple, who keeps sending me obscene PM isn´t banned from the site?

16. Ноября 2004, 12:56:02
PauloGomes has been banned from this board.

16. Ноября 2004, 12:46:44
Ehm ... I am finishing this "topic".

16. Ноября 2004, 12:42:45
The funniest thing is that obviously several people, who did't read my first postings, think really I'm a racics [(c) Paulo] or prejudiced [(c) Stevie]. But who cares...? :-)

16. Ноября 2004, 12:38:34
I do ........... just joking

16. Ноября 2004, 12:32:18
The guilt of this question was the racist commentaries of badbishop against the Portuguese. As we are like the animals we are all joined.
If every have something against me , please descreve that on this board.

16. Ноября 2004, 12:13:54
And Pedro if you are with nerves takes tablets

16. Ноября 2004, 12:10:49
What story is that? Now I'm RicardOliveira?
Pedro: because you do not think that can have more than two or three people who non't like you? clearly that it is more easy to say that they are all exactly the same person.
for example: why you don't show the dialogue that made you me in your list of enemies!
how to the RicardOliveira or El Putanhon or what you to want, I haven't nothing with this

16. Ноября 2004, 11:07:00
Субъект: jason
thanks! i could reproduce it now :)

(*phew* now i can sleep peacefully once again ;))
(oh wait i am at work! *snap*)

16. Ноября 2004, 10:48:06
The Listener 
Субъект: Regarding The New BBW BK Rules
Сделано для The Listener (16. Ноября 2004, 10:49:53)
Just a minor note --
Before 'officializing' these new BK guidelines, it would be ideal to check for spelling errors and/or 'typos'. There are many currently present according to the data amassed.

             ~ MS

16. Ноября 2004, 09:51:47
That will be a "hot spot" its just above your main page link , the list contains your next 30 moves ;)

16. Ноября 2004, 09:05:39
Субъект: one more question
i sometimes get a list (in grey) when i move my mouse towards my 'back' button (internet explorer 6 with javascript enabled (also enabled in bk)) .. when i try to get it on purpose i never succeed .. how does this one work ? :)

16. Ноября 2004, 09:00:29
Субъект: make games private
is it possible to make games private or remove them from my profile for others to look at ?

i mean games which werent private before

i didnt pay attention to private games .. but i now understand it can be quite useful for certain types .. i never hide anything .. but in this case i should have :)

16. Ноября 2004, 08:12:12
Yes, exactly.

16. Ноября 2004, 07:40:42
Субъект: Fencer :)
no i had not read that BUT.....
Discussion Board Guidelines.....
#3 No copy-n-pasting other users post or words into public boards without their permission.

this says that I CAN POST into private fellowships...again i would suggest the following...

#3 No copy-n-pasting other users post or words into public or private fellowships boards without their permission.

As it stands at the moment it is still open to being able to post from anywhere to everywhere EXCEPT public boards :)

16. Ноября 2004, 07:34:48
BerniceC: Have you read the new proposal?

16. Ноября 2004, 07:23:26
Субъект: User AGreement
*****Users may not copy another user's post and place it elsewhere on the site public boards.*****

May i ask is it OK for me to post from any board to any other board as long as it isnt a public board...private fellowships it is OK to post anything to??
Might I suggest the following:-
Users may not copy another user's post and place it elsewhere on the site, either to the public boards, or to private fellowship boards.

I feel the agreement has been left wide open to posting from one fellowship to another.

Just my 1/2 cents worth :)

15. Ноября 2004, 23:59:09
Yup. That did the trick..

Reminder to all WebTV users, anytime something seems odd, Power Off and come back!
I give that advice all the time, but this was a new one!

15. Ноября 2004, 23:54:23
Oh.. I guess I may need to power off the good 'ole WebTV then, and reconnect.. Thanks

15. Ноября 2004, 23:50:25
mine work,Rod.

15. Ноября 2004, 23:50:03
Yes, Backgammon games seem to be working normally.. But reversi games, line 4 games and halma aren't. (For me anyways!)

15. Ноября 2004, 23:47:18
Might be game dependent.

15. Ноября 2004, 23:40:30
Субъект: Moves not being highlighted.
Is it just me, or is anyone else noticing that moves are not being highlighted right now? For example, when I make a move in Halma, the path of the piece I move isn't being highlighted. My opponent's move isn't highlighted either.

15. Ноября 2004, 23:37:16
Субъект: Fencer
This is a very weird site. I wonder whether I should thank the Ricard or some grafts of your imagination.

15. Ноября 2004, 18:31:40
He has had nics banned from BK before for his use of bad language

15. Ноября 2004, 18:30:44
The guy's a nut, you should have seen what I got in reply to a game invitation.

15. Ноября 2004, 18:30:35
well said Goonerg

15. Ноября 2004, 18:28:29
no Pedro, mad at him, not you.

15. Ноября 2004, 18:21:41
Pedro Martínez 
Сделано для Pedro Martínez (15. Ноября 2004, 18:22:10)
This El Putanthon aka Paulo Gomes aka Stevie2 aka Rascon aka Ricardo Oliveira aka whatever is already getting on my nerves. I'm sorry some of you think it was "very inappropriate" to post what I got from him on here, I don't feel it that way but that's because of our cultural and linguistic differences. I accept it and try not to do it again...hope you're not mad at me...

15. Ноября 2004, 18:13:01
good job.

15. Ноября 2004, 18:12:46
Yeah, but he's a banned scum bucket.

15. Ноября 2004, 18:11:39
Сделано для Goonerg (15. Ноября 2004, 18:11:53)
What a Scum bucket.

15. Ноября 2004, 18:09:38
Сделано для ElPutanhon (15. Ноября 2004, 18:11:23)

15. Ноября 2004, 17:29:21
Sorry Pedro, I realise you only posted it to show people the type of messages this person is sending, but words and phrases like that shouldn't be on here.

15. Ноября 2004, 17:28:56
LOL, thanks Harley :-)

15. Ноября 2004, 17:28:11
Please at least edit it.

15. Ноября 2004, 17:27:31
Pedro, It is very inappropriate that you post that here! A complaint like that should be sent to Fencer, personally, rather than here where anyone any age can read it.

15. Ноября 2004, 17:27:01
put them on enemy till Fencer sorts them Pedro

15. Ноября 2004, 17:20:32
Pedro Martínez 
Сделано для Pedro Martínez (15. Ноября 2004, 17:28:11)
I have just received this PM from El Putanhon (what a funny nickname, BTW):

Hi [edited]!!!
I want give you a [edited]!

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