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Профиль: The Listener

The Listener - Мозговая Пешка, 0 Извилин, 10 очки Достижений
Общий счет: 225 побед, 21 ничьих, 418 поражений, 0 выигранных турниров

Личные данные

Статус:Мозговая Пешка
Первый логин:25. Июля 2003, 04:05:20
Последняя активность:16. Ноября 2005, 22:12:15 - на главной странице
Всего фишек:
Выходные:Суббота и Воскресенье
Каникул осталось:10 дней - включен автоматический отпуск

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Пригласить The Listener на игру
         Young hunks
           And sweet things
           Trying hard to change your luck
           Baby thugs
           Bad spuds
           And mean things
           Living for today
           Or maybe even yesterday

           Look around
           Shakey ground
           Do the right thing
           In this world you're just a guest
           Do it now
           Time's run out for the pig thing
           Living for today
           Stealing from tomorrow

           Law and order puppets
           Remote-controlled by greed
           And tv preacher robots
           Won't give you what you need

           Use your head
           Sidestep the traps
           Snake through the chaos
           With a smooth noodle map
           Besides the king's been dead
           They blew off his head in '63!

           Big bucks
           Energy sucks
           And dumb things
           Make it hard to live and breathe
           Add it up
           No matter what
           There's one thing
           Living for today
           There's maybe no tomorrow

           Subhuman bloodless leaders
           Fed on lies and fear
           And tv anchor news teams
           Trim all we see and hear

           Use your head
           Sidestep the traps
           Snake through the chaos
          With a smooth noodle map
           Besides god isn't dead
           He's in your head
           Right where he ought to be


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