ユーザー名: パスワード:
管理人: rod03801 
 Feature requests

Do you miss something on BrainKing.com and would you like to see it here? Post your request into this board!
If there is a more specific board for the request, (i.e. game rule changes etc) then it should be posted and discussed on that specific board.

For further information about Feature Requests, please visit this link on the Brainking.Info site : http://brainking.info/archives/20-About-feature-requests.html

モード: 誰でも投稿可能

16. 7月 2004, 17:30:15
BBW, I agree with number one, but the user agreement gives guidelines as to what moderators should do in case of an offense.
As for agreements between what is and isn't an offense, and how people 'run' the board they moderate, well even among other moderators that could be discussed until the cows come home with no satisfactory agreement at the end. As long as Fencer is happy with the way the board is moderated, its ok in my eyes. If he isn't, he'll change it. I don't always agree with everything he does, but I do respect that its his site, and he has the final say in every decision. Despite what people think, he makes his own mind up. His friends won't change that, and nor will any outcry from a group of people.

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