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23. 5月 2011, 21:31:01
件名: Re: The left exposed
Übergeek 바둑이: CNN???

18. 5月 2011, 16:17:15
件名: Re:
Pedro Martínez:LMAO!

14. 5月 2011, 05:06:14
件名: okay, here is a story I heard recently...
Labron James said that a reporters question was 'retarded'...... well imagine the outrage.... what other expressions dont we use? Moronic? Stupid? Imbecile?

"That is a stupid question!" Really???? You cant insult all the stupid people with that can you???

14. 5月 2011, 04:59:03
件名: Re:
Artful Dodger: Something to laugh about, sure.... but it seriously displays the ultimate in hypocrisy... I for one really need to see some outrage from the general Muslim population. But the fact remains, they generally resent the US more than they ever will murdering, porn addicted members of their own religion.

8. 5月 2011, 03:53:33
件名: Re:
(V): I would have thought that the CIA were able to watch Bin Laden for monthsrather than "16 Hours" (less than one day) suggests information gathering on who Bin Laden was communicating with. That time I would have thought beats a few hours of waterboarding any day of a minor official.

In the end.. a decision over how much longer to watch and when to kill is something to think about. He wasn't exactly going to escape.. unless it is implied that the CIA are that rubbish they can't keep track of one man who doesn't leave one room.

I had not heard anyone talking about this.... but I was wondering the same thing? At this point.... what is the harm in more surveillance?

8. 5月 2011, 03:42:21
件名: Re: It must burn a little
rod03801: the Libs would be acting the same exact way,

LOL..... You have come a long way since the last time I saw you post! ;)

4. 5月 2011, 19:40:28
件名: Re: Distraction
Artful Dodger: The Islamic way, wrapped in a white sheet, and buried within 24 hours, I believe?

4. 5月 2011, 17:11:17
件名: Re:
Bwild: Why not a video sawing his head off with a dull blade?

4. 5月 2011, 15:04:05
件名: Re: Distraction
Czuch: Maybe I am confusing my sons???

4. 5月 2011, 14:59:06
件名: Re: Distraction
Übergeek 바둑이: They have been collecting DNA from his family for years....not to mention that his two sons were recently killed, giving them more DNA.

I think that DNA testing is slowed only by the back log waiting to be completed? Make it number 1 priority, and it dosent take too long.

20. 4月 2011, 14:59:30
件名: Re: Of course, believing in the unmoved mover, or a similar theistic view of the universe, is an act of faith. Nobody can prove scientifically that there was an "unmoved mover" or a god when the universe was created.
Übergeek 바둑이: To me, there is more than enough evidence to show that life arose spontaneously without somebody being there to design it.

I can agree with this too.... what gets me up in the middle of the night, needing whiskey to shut me down again, is the creation of the universe itself.... I dont understand the big bang, and I cannot fathom what existed before that time, nor the creation of something from nothing, nor the existence of nothing, I mean right there....nothing is actually something isnt it? Like Tuesday said, it is comforting to believe that it will all be revealed upon our death, but religion is little more than man made comfort for the soul. Speaking of the soul..... is there one really, or is that something we have created as well? Ahhhhh.... more whiskey please.....

5. 4月 2011, 06:18:06
件名: Re: Lybia and Al Qaeda
Artful Dodger: I think it's hopeless for the US to think they can effect meaningful change in Afghanistan.

I had thought this was a post by the geek....

my bad, I just wanted to point out why the US liberals even think about changing the way we have done business here in the past 200 + years? Afghan has been around for how long... and you think we are doing something so wrong that we need a radical change?

5. 4月 2011, 06:12:02
件名: Re: okay, here is a story I heard today...
Bernice: Thats why I love you Bernice!

4. 4月 2011, 16:02:48
件名: Re: okay, here is a story I heard today...
Bernice: Oh Bernice... you always agree with me, just to be equitable ;)

4. 4月 2011, 05:40:09
件名: okay, here is a story I heard today...
Female.... homosexual.... sex change operation.... is now a man....plays basketball in college for the woman's team.....

I say as long as she is not taking testosterone, she is still a woman, and it is ok.

But.... if this person says she is really a man and she is no longer called a she but now he, why still get the benefit of playing on the girls team?
Why not go all the way, and play for the boys or just dont play at all?

But, then if you feel this way, what if a guy says he is a girl, then do you make/let him play with the girls?

I think I am with the if they are born a girl, they play with the girls, and visa verse, exception, if they take 'illegal' sports enhancing drugs IE testosterone, then to me too bad so sad, you are a dude, and play with the dudes or dont play at all!

3. 4月 2011, 13:13:36
件名: Politics...
...getting away from the topic a bit?

2. 4月 2011, 21:49:21
件名: Re: do you know what the word 'cause' means? Nothing I do will cause a riot.
(V): Nobody can say my actions caused you to do something, and it is not my responsibility what you do... these guys could have chosen not to riot if I do burn the Koran and they can choose to riot if I dont burn the Koran... its their ultimate choice, and they chose to excuse their actions on the fact that some guy burned a Koran, and their actions have no excuse!

2. 4月 2011, 21:43:28
件名: Re: It is the same in the sense that it is something that placed a serious burden and focus of attention on the President
(V): On attention grabbing.. granted. Yet that only logically led to Afghanistan.. he seemed to lose focus after that!!

Again, off the point of the topic. The point was that he was praising Obama and these others in the face of trying circumstances, and left out Bush and 9/11... was 9/11 not enough of a trying circumstance to be mentioned?

2. 4月 2011, 21:08:34
件名: Re: we are each responsible for our own actions. He is his own idiot for burning it
(V): But why burn the Koran knowing that it will cause riots?

There you go again.... do you know what the word 'cause' means? Nothing I do will cause a riot... only the people who actually riot 'cause' the riot themselves. We are each solely responsible for our actions. Its called personal responsibility, and liberals love to avoid it and to place false blame to make sure everyone feels so good about themselves.... 'its not your fault, it was that preacher that caused you to riot'!

2. 4月 2011, 20:56:32
件名: Re: we are each responsible for our own actions. He is his own idiot for burning it
(V): 9/11 was not a military or economic disaster, or a war. It is not the same.

It is the same in the sense that it is something that placed a serious burden and focus of attention on the President.

2. 4月 2011, 16:37:11
件名: Re:Doesnt even mention that Bush had 9/11
(V): What has 9/11 got to do with Kuwait? Apart from being an excuse for the Americans to clean away their previous lackey Saddam and get a good oil supply.

Nice to see you havent lost your ability to confuse yourself..... The point had nothing to do with 9/11 and Kuwait.... it was simply that he mentioned what other presidents had to endure, yet he didnt mention anything about Bush enduring 9/11, why would he intentionally leave that one out?

2. 4月 2011, 16:31:05
件名: Re: Way to go Terry Jones
(V): He knew the reaction that the burning of the Koran would produce.

So what?? Does that absolve them of their own actions?? Thats the point.... we are each responsible for our own actions. He is his own idiot for burning it, you could blame someone else for inflaming him couldnt you?

1. 4月 2011, 21:37:36
件名: Re: Way to go Terry Jones
Übergeek 바둑이: he will sleep soundly knowing that his actions caused the deaths of 8 people.

Really?? He pulled the trigger? What is it with liberals who just wont hold anyone accountable for their own personal actions?

So when someone in Afghanistan burns an American flag, it is their fault that I kill some innocent Afghan over here??

1. 4月 2011, 21:31:35
件名: Re:
(V): Doesnt even mention that Bush had 9/11.... makes me want to puke the media hypocrisy!

31. 3月 2011, 00:21:49
件名: Re: What guarantee is there that he will not be replaced by a corrupt puppet or another dictator?
(V): Funny how times have changed.... if it was Bush and not Obama, seriously???

17. 2月 2010, 04:01:59
件名: Re:
Czuch (17. 2月 2010, 04:04:15)に変更されました。
Tuesday: It seems like more than ever, fro England and the US especially, that people are ready to come together in the name of forget these politicians, forget politics, it seems like politicians, the career type that give themselves good health insurance and pensions and lifetime pay and garanteed raises.... as they sit there and complain about corporate fat cats??????

They are really no different from the selfish bastards that they want to regulate!

15. 2月 2010, 17:04:40
件名: Re:
Tuesday: Maybe we should implement that 5% of food stamps be specially designated for splurge items...

15. 2月 2010, 07:34:33
件名: Re:
Bwild: Thats what I am saying...... they want to make a law for us to be screened for drugs, well, fine let them be screened as well! Same for health insurance.... if its good enough for us, then good enough for them too,

They like their pensions, and want different for us????

There is plenty more...

14. 2月 2010, 21:24:57
件名: Re:
Artful Dodger: we need them to make it so any law they pass for us, also applies to them, and any law they pass for themselves, also applies to us!

14. 2月 2010, 20:41:36
件名: Re:
Pedro Martínez: who do you have in mind?

5. 2月 2010, 17:58:36
件名: Re: Whats going on over that side of the pond?

5. 2月 2010, 17:33:40
件名: Re: Whats going on over that side of the pond?

where is that man anyway?

5. 2月 2010, 16:49:11
件名: Whats going on over that side of the pond?

22. 1月 2010, 04:02:20
件名: Re:
Übergeek 바둑이:

21. 1月 2010, 21:49:11
件名: Re:
Czuch: okay, sorry, really...

from english to german to french to japanese to chinese back to english again...

"Somebody here reads the Chinese corona light? "

21. 1月 2010, 21:45:48
件名: Re:
Pedro Martínez: My translator does not do Czech, I wish it could!

21. 1月 2010, 21:44:23
件名: Re:
Czuch: okay, last time, I promise....

from english to japanese to chinese back to english..

"Today, anybody here reads the Chinese? "

21. 1月 2010, 21:41:25
件名: Re:
Czuch: now from english to french to chinese back to english...

"You are good, here, no matter who Chinese does read ?"

21. 1月 2010, 21:38:59
件名: Re:
Czuch: Now from english to dutch then to chinese then back to english its...

"You are good, here reads everybody Chinese? "

21. 1月 2010, 21:37:05
件名: Re:
Pedro Martínez: My translator says this

You are good, who whether does here read Chinese?

21. 1月 2010, 21:36:16
件名: Re:
Pedro Martínez: lol, it started out saying in english "hello, does anyone here read Chinese?"

21. 1月 2010, 21:33:33
件名: Re:
Bwild: Traditional Chinese......

21. 1月 2010, 21:28:27

21. 1月 2010, 15:47:22
件名: Re: global warming
Czuch: ....and they got a nobel prize for this work????? Nobels' credibility is really high isnt it?

21. 1月 2010, 15:40:34
件名: global warming
Czuch (21. 1月 2010, 15:41:15)に変更されました。

21. 1月 2010, 04:00:55
件名: Re: Sarah Palin for President
Übergeek 바둑이: I think you are wrong, in the respect that the type of change most parties claim, is from consrvative ideal to liberal ideals and back and forth.... but Obama was supposed to be different, yes in many respects he was promoting liberal/progressive agenda, but what most people voted for was his promise of a change in the way politics in general were going to be handled.... specifically the more bipartisan, and inclusive and openness blah blah blah....

without that he is just more of the same ol same ol....
he is no different, really, and many of us knew this, but many of us had "hope" and voted on that hope and now they see their errors, and it only took one year for our eyes to become un blind folded......

Thing is that the progressive far left liberals only wanted to move on their socialist agenda, and they thought they had a mandate to do that, unimpeded... but the fact is that their mandate was for a change in how government works and not for their far left agenda

Having said that, I think the same is true for the republicans as well.... people are getting fed up with polics as usual from both sides of the isle, and republicans need to learn this or they will be out as well....

Its time that politicians work for the people who hired them, and in my opinion, that time is very near indeed!

20. 1月 2010, 21:05:35
件名: Re: what is Obama's take on this
Snoopy: Obama knows that Bush is to blame.... not only for the poorly executed relief efforts, but for the earth quake itself, and for the fact that Bush did not send Haiti money to make their environment more earth quake resistant in the first place!

20. 1月 2010, 17:00:05
Did you see on the news..... some of the Massachusetts democrats, they were going to vote democrat until the Kennedys put their noses into things, and they were like "Im not letting them tell me how to vote" , and ended up voting republican instead!

Even Obama tried, even the great persuader could not get it done

1 frickin year, thats all, you couldnt even keep your promises for 1 frickin year

Now the 75% of us uninformed hicks are gonna show you smug SOBs the way to the exits

20. 1月 2010, 16:16:38
件名: Re: Sarah Palin for President
Übergeek 바둑이: These posts are examples of why you liberals cant hold on to your power.... you are all sooo progressive, and soooo intelligent, and you know what is the best for this country, even though you are about 25% of the population, its just that the rest of us are just poorly educated and uninformed hicks.... and you and Pelosi know whats best, and you will tell us that you are more tolerant and more inclusive and more blah blah blah, but the reality is that you are only more inclusive and more tolerant etc when someone agrees with you or they simply deffer to your superior agenda.....

You know health reform is right, so it doesnt matter that you promised to be more bi partisan, that you promised to have a more open and honest process, no, those promises dont matter because you have self righteousness on your side, you have been given a mandate to cram this down our throat, quick before we lose our super majority, quick before anyone actually has time to digest and understand the true ramifications,... you all make me sick really!

The problem with being so smug and contrite is that you got your power based on telling people how different from that you were going to be, and as bad as you claim Bush was and how different you would be, you turned out worse, simply because you said you were better, no, you promised to be better, and that is a lie that will haunt you for a very long time to come!

What you should have said is that you know what is best and to give us a blank check and we will make everything all right, like the wizard of oz, just leave us alone behind the big progressive curtain, and we will make everything all right, we promise!

20. 1月 2010, 04:04:25
件名: Re:
Bernice: Now the dems have lost their super majority... and a democrat state like Massachusetts has voted a republican senator to replace Kennedy????

Hey AD, quit acting like a prom girl, and get in her and respond to this......

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