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8. 2月 2012, 18:26:46
Mort (8. 2月 2012, 18:30:00)に変更されました。
Glenn Beck is extremely upset with how he is being treated by former colleagues at Fox News because of comments he made about Occupy Wall Street. Beck appeared on his old friend Bill O'Reilly's program last week (view clip) and expounded upon his theory that the protests are not an organic uprising of disenchanted Americans, but a global movement with Marxist roots led by several revolutionary groups like the Service Employees Union and Working Families. These revolutionary groups are funded by George Soros and the whole thing is being orchestrated by America's most famous community organiser, President Barack Obama. O'Reilly gave Beck's theory the benefit of the doubt, but Fox News ace reporter Geraldo Rivera, was less kind, saying Beck's words were "harsh at best, paranoid or delusional at worst". Beck did not take kindly to Geraldo's insulting dismissal of his theory and accused him, in turn, of being a sheep (view clip).

"... For anyone who's thinking about Occupy Wall Street and saying, "you know, they made a good point," we're going to do a little critical thinking today and one of them is this. When the lion lays down with the lamb, that's when Jesus comes. In the meantime, the lion eats the lamb. Another name for lamb? Sheep! Stop being sheep, America! Otherwise, he will eat you!...."

Did Glenn fall asleep to this movie??


9. 2月 2012, 18:13:04
Übergeek 바둑이 

> These revolutionary groups are funded by George Soros and the whole thing is being orchestrated by America's most famous community organiser, President Barack Obama.

I imagine that Mr. Beck wanted to rally up people like he did in the USA but it backfired on him. Rather than admitting that he was wrong, Glenn Beck goes on a tirade against George Soros and the president. Glenn Beck is delusional. Just because George Soros donated a lot of money to Obama's campaign it does not mean that they are both some communist conspirators bent on taking over the world. This shows Glenn Beck as a narcissistic and paranoid. Well, the idea for him is to continue in the public eye so he can keep making money. Somewhere in his mind, he probably thinks that at some point he will recover his TV show as people forget some of the stupid things he has done in the past.

9. 2月 2012, 19:49:02
Übergeek 바둑이: I'm just waiting for him like the founder of the Mormon religion to find some golden tablets.

"he probably thinks that at some point he will recover his TV show as people forget some of the stupid things he has done in the past."

Will the 400+ advertisers that boycotted his program forget.

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