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管理人: Hrqls , coan.net , rod03801 

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4. 6月 2006, 00:37:29
件名: Re: Fast Players Club
CRY ME A RIVER: It was probably just a link to a persons game of a different language so it changed your settings so you could read it? I'm no expert but I don't think the person who put the link would have done it intentionally. If a Czech person (for example) clicked on a link you placed it would take them to an English setting page and would alter their settings too I imagine.

4. 6月 2006, 00:23:08
件名: Re: Fast Players Club
CRY ME A RIVER: You should see a group of flags somewhere on your page, click the English flag and all the writing should appear in English then?

4. 6月 2006, 00:21:25
件名: Re:

plaintiger: Have you clicked to change it to rich text? You should see quite a big difference, with options to change the colour etc...

2. 6月 2006, 12:05:52
件名: Re: Ambiguous Chess

7. 5月 2006, 18:14:37
件名: Re:
WatfordFC: I don't think its the concern you have about it, just the amount of posts about it. Fencer is looking into it so any more discussion really isn't needed.

7. 5月 2006, 15:10:42
Good idea

4. 5月 2006, 20:46:06
Do you mean the little picture of a pawn next to a persons username on posts?

It shows up fine for me, maybe you need to refresh your system? If you're on a PC try pressing Ctrl and F5 - if you're on webtv I believe you unplug and do something else... maybe a webtv user can help with that one?

26. 4月 2006, 11:57:55
件名: Re:
furbster: Ahh yeah I see, like getting a gold watch after you worked for a company for so many years!

26. 4月 2006, 11:51:34
件名: Re:
furbster: You mean like installments over so many months, something like that?

22. 4月 2006, 23:44:55
件名: Re:
Lamby: He can't PM any more either.

22. 4月 2006, 23:42:15
We're working on it, he can't post any more, now we just tidy up :O)

19. 4月 2006, 20:49:42
件名: Re:
JinkyOng: Its fine to ask for advice on how to handle certain situations but when you start posting names and messages you'll get a reaction and it can end in an argument.
The best thing to do is put any person on block who you don't want invitations from. If they carry on botheirng you in any way then report them to a global moderator.

19. 4月 2006, 17:03:00
件名: Re: Question
Purple: Yes I'm pretty sure they'll stay in the tournament and play.

4. 4月 2006, 12:24:46
件名: Re: vanished?
Christine: There is a 'missing people' discussion board where you may get more info..


20. 3月 2006, 23:24:53
件名: Re:
Walter Montego: Invite them! I'd join, if I'd be welcome. I'm sure many others would too.

20. 3月 2006, 23:18:24
I haven't had a look through fellowships in a long time.

I'm sorry you feel that way, Walter. Maybe Tuesday has the answer, start your own fellowship.

20. 3月 2006, 23:08:03
Actually, now I think on it some more, Medic's isn't the only fellowship dedicated to the issue of moderating. Maybe if you ask on the fellowships board someone will know one thats open to all.


20. 3月 2006, 23:05:19
件名: Re:
Walter Montego: Fellowships can be run however the big boss wants. Some are open to all, some are very select. It depends entirely on the individual running it. I don't think this is a reflection on BrainKing itself.

20. 3月 2006, 22:08:34
件名: Re:
Walter Montego: I think we've got our wires crossed... or more likely I got something wrong!
I advised you to join Medics moderator fellowship for discussion on moderating, how its done etc. But thats for moderators only.
Eriisas fellowship is for discussion about Bumble, and as far as I know anyone is welcome.

20. 3月 2006, 21:58:38
件名: Re:
Walter Montego: I don't think it will happen on a public board. Try Eriisas fellowship.

20. 3月 2006, 21:41:05
Sorry Czuch, I've asked for this subject to be dropped. I don't want to start hiding people or deleting posts but this is the end.

Walter, I'm sorry, Medics fellowships is just for mods. I honestly didn't realise you weren't a mod.

20. 3月 2006, 21:32:22
件名: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: I just want things kept under control. After your post, 50 appeared within minutes, many irate or emotional. Surely you can see its a never-ending subject with no real answer.

20. 3月 2006, 21:19:32
件名: Re:
Walter Montego: I'm sorry Walter, I really thought you were a moderator, my mistake.

It isn't a case of brushing things under the carpet, you'll find at the yahoo group I'm very interested in what people say about this subject. But here it just isn't appropriate to speculate about one person/family/whatever. Time and a place, thats all.

20. 3月 2006, 20:05:51
件名: Re:
srnity: Try the yahoo group. pawns are welcome there. I'm sorry you can't get into fellowships here, I'm sure you'd like them.
Yes, boards do get cleaned up quite a lot when subjects go way off topic mainly because people coming online and reading it feel the need to answer, justifying it by saying they weren't online at the time.

20. 3月 2006, 20:00:13

I understand people are curious and want to discuss this issue, but there is a yahoo group and a fellowship (I think) open to anyone who wishes to discuss it.

This is too emotional a subject to fill pages and pages on this board. If there was one straight easy answer it would be ok, but there isn't and probably never will be. So please, if you want to discuss it, go to the yahoo group or the fellowship. Any more posts will have to be deleted because they are off topic.

18. 3月 2006, 23:22:26
件名: Re:
Tuesday: Maybe if you send it him he'll slip it in. And thank you for the extra work

18. 3月 2006, 23:18:54
Its kind of in between, Tuesday. Pedro has been sent his questions and is in the process of answering them, and I'm enjoying a break before announcing the next interviewee
OK, ok I'll get right on it! I'll post the next person very soon

16. 3月 2006, 02:22:41
件名: Re: A vote
Czuch Chuckers: I suppose thats a chance we have to take!

16. 3月 2006, 02:15:21
件名: Re: A vote
Czuch Chuckers: It wasn't a figure we set ourselves and went looking for two more.

16. 3月 2006, 01:57:21
件名: Re: A vote
Walter Montego: It was nothing personal Walter. A lot of names were raised and not everyone could be asked. It wasn't exactly a vote, more a discussion with two names agreed on at the end of it.

5. 3月 2006, 20:19:45
There is an option mods can use which is "all posts must be approved", it comes in handy if a board is getting out of hand. Its not often its applied on most boards but this could be what you experienced, Skyking.

3. 3月 2006, 19:54:48
件名: Re: What's offensive?
Walter Montego: It isn't my fellowship but it is open to all moderators. If you're serious about wanting to make a difference in how things are done maybe you should join and give us your input.

3. 3月 2006, 19:24:34
件名: Re: What's offensive?
Walter Montego: I think 'mess' is a bit strong. Tuesday pointed out a way people can abuse the system and it was discussed in the mod squad so everyone is aware, and it shouldn't happen again. The rest of the time the system we have in place works well. Its not perfect, but nothing ever is.

2. 3月 2006, 18:36:32
Well up to now moderators generally ask people to delete their own posts if someone messages to say they find it upsetting or offensive. The problem is I think (and this is only my opinion) that we have been a bit too trusting of people who say they're offended. This hasn't been a huge problem by any means though and its good we have caught it early.

2. 3月 2006, 18:18:00
Naming people isn't a great idea, they feel the need to defend themselves then arguments and accusations start. Much better to keep posts neutral and inoffensive.
Tuesdays problem has been passed to the mod squad fellowship so all moderators can be aware of this particular action that some users have been taking lately. I don't think the person in question has any hold over moderators (to answer your question, Pythagoras), its more because moderators act when they are messaged saying someone found a post offensive. Its a shame that some members play on the good intentions of moderators and use this as a means to 'get at' someone they may dislike. Hopefully we'll find a middle ground where offensive posts are dealt with ASAP, while people claiming they are offended to cause problems are spotted and not allowed to abuse the system.

2. 3月 2006, 13:08:07
件名: Re:
Tuesday: If the mods disagree then don't worry about it!
I do know what you're talking about though, I'll put a note in the mod squad (for any mods that don't read this board) for them to keep an eye out for it happening. If you still have problems them PM a global.

2. 3月 2006, 13:01:41
件名: Re:
Tuesday: good advice from Hrqls.

23. 2月 2006, 22:34:00
件名: Re:
Marfitalu: The moderators on general chat decided that a subject was too sensitive to be discussed there. It was upsetting for many people. Debate about how right or wrong that decision was, or how it was enforced, is certainly off topic here and likely to lead back to the original discussion which is sensitive on ANY board.

I still suggest that anyone wishing to continue with that discussion do so at the specially formed yahoo group and any complaints of moderator actions be dealt with in he correct way which is contacting a global mod.
Anyone just wanting to complain because their posts were deleted might find solace in a fellowship somwewhere. The 'gripes' board at the flame pit springs to mind.

23. 2月 2006, 22:05:01
If you have any objections to the way a mod acted, PM a global mod who will look at it. This really isn't the board to discuss it in depth.

23. 2月 2006, 19:24:43
Mods normally do message the person if they delete a post, but general chat has been pretty busy today so the mod there didn't have time to message everyone.

The subject was asked not to be discussed there because its upsetting for many people. Once that was asked people should have stopped posting, and any posts made after the mod said 'stop' should be, and were, deleted. The effort going into typing them isn't really an issue for the mod, just how appropriate the post is.

Jason had a very difficult job today with some tough decisions. I realise many feel he made wrong choices but just as many think he was right. Its not as simple as right or wrong in this case.

21. 2月 2006, 22:20:33
件名: Re:
Eriisa: If you checked the event history I already banned him.

21. 2月 2006, 21:45:21
件名: Re: What's going on with the site today?
alanback: I had that too, probably just a glitch.

21. 2月 2006, 00:58:29
件名: Re: Don't worry, this is my last thought on the matter.
playBunny: Please, this isn't helping anyone. Theres no definite right answer here, its a delicate subject and it will do more harm than good to go over and over posts and reasons.

21. 2月 2006, 00:29:49
Theres never a good time to call the board back to normality, but when respects have been made and the subject has moved on (with a few posts questioning their place here now) it seems as good a time as any.

21. 2月 2006, 00:12:04
Snowballs = here, hows that?!

20. 2月 2006, 23:43:32
With the greatest respect to Panda and her family, Stevie is right. Snowball fights could be moved to general chat :O)

16. 2月 2006, 16:22:19

7. 2月 2006, 17:47:40
In the FAQ's it says;

What does "S-B" column at tournament tables mean?

S-B is an abbreviation for Sonneborn-Berger system. It is used to specify an order of players with the same number of points and is based on a theory that points earned with a stronger opponent are more valuable than with a weaker one. The S-B value is a total sum of points of opponents who lost the tournament game with the player and half points of opponents who drawn the tournament game with the player. Only if two or more players have the same number of "normal" and S-B points, they share the same final order.


Hope that helps?

4. 2月 2006, 01:50:38
件名: Re:
Stevie: You wish

4. 2月 2006, 01:47:13
件名: Re:

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