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13. 7月 2003, 18:27:21
件名: Cannibal Joe
that's not correct ... a tie against somebody whom
you should defeat due to your much higher rating is a loss.

chess grandmasters have to make average 66 % against
international masters, or they'll lose their rank after a while ... ~*~

PS - thumbrule: don't tie against somebody with ratings
400-500 lower than yours - that's considered being a 'little' loss

8. 7月 2003, 22:06:48
件名: a drawback of the anti-drawback
somebody 'on delete' might stall the games ... ~*~

8. 7月 2003, 21:34:27
件名: at least
with one message I was quicker after noticing you ... :D ... ~*~

if the Empire of Evil would not be already occupied
by msn gates of chAos, AOL could qualify easily, too :P

8. 7月 2003, 21:26:49
件名: welcome back, Michelle ...
I missed you ... :") ... ~*~

8. 7月 2003, 16:00:34
件名: one spokesman
for those virtually living on the site can't change simple arithmetics
i.e. less messages = less traffic
I don't mind them btw, as long as they also play board-games here ... ~*~

PS guess even 12 msgs per day should be enough
- they merely use a parallel messenger - bingo ...

8. 7月 2003, 14:01:40
件名: I agree widely with unacanta ...
tournaments last longer then 3 months in many cases ...

I dare to remind of my idea to decrease the amount of daily
moves ( to 30 ? ) granted, after 3 months 'extended trial ' for pawns
- even allowing to join ONE fellowship for sniffing at all features ...

after those three months also the amount of discussion-board postings
per day should be restricted (to 20 ?) ... optimizing traffic as goal ... ~*~ ;)

4. 7月 2003, 20:41:47
件名: July 14th
Bastille Day should not be forgotten though ... :) ~*~

4. 7月 2003, 04:34:29
件名: happy holiday :)
CET says it's Independence Day since 4 hours ... :D

Best Oldish European Wishes to the
Brain-kings of a Young and Strong Nation ...

May soon a visionary president declare, she is the only one
capable of acchieving, the goal to get all industries too dangerous
for a biosphere, into orbital stations, yet before this century is over,
- not because it is easy but, because it is difficult ...
... - and, because she cAn ...

God Bless America ... ~*~


2. 7月 2003, 07:06:14
件名: Re:
well, I hope Fencer cAn spare a moment to comment ... :)

I don't mind one way or the other -
it just should not change every few days ... :D
there are ppl around getting really picky
if I claim an uncorrect amount of statues ... 0:) ~*~

2. 7月 2003, 05:58:52
件名: could you repeat that ? :D
ok, teasing ... but I sense the mental moebius ... ;) ~*~

2. 7月 2003, 05:30:50
件名: Re: Something interesting
something very interesting ...

now the result has changed ...
I made 1.5 to 0.5 in direct comparison
which should be over-ruling the SB value ...

for such a round, a best of five final
seems a better solution, btw targeted
anyway by the draw-courtesy ...

pehaps we could have a comment from Fencer ?

I was not doped, I swear ... :P and, letting me
take note of that decision was due after all, imho. ~*~

I don't mind btw, as Erika is a great sportsman
and, I'll win an even stronger tourney-group of the
same gametype by 100 % unobjectably these days ... :D

30. 6月 2003, 18:22:45
件名: repeats
indeed some sporadic effects occured, for me too

a game with my opponent's turn of sudden on my list,
but it normalized a few refreshs later ... has happened since sunday ... ~*~

19. 6月 2003, 22:46:52
件名: Elvis
<at least at this topic I would like you all to take
note that his final residence is to be found in robocop 2 ... >:)

a take-2 I strongly disrecommend ... :)

but a vision rises ... 0:)

the kasparov biographic movie (chapter three)

*Aseri ! Chip down.*

shows him retiring after defeating all leading chess-programs
in a clock-handicap simultane-match and, furthermore playing
solely at brainking as grey mentor and tutor for the growing community ... :)

good luck and, a comfortable slide into the weekend ! :D ~*~

18. 6月 2003, 01:30:56
件名: Pawn Privileges
A lot of suggestions, stirred and shaken brings me to one nightly-build yet ... :D

Pawns could have a one-month trial time as it is now.
Then a moves-restriction to (let's say) 40 pd would become effective.

During that month also visiting one fellowship could be possible.
That way all the features are easily to be prospected before deciding.

:D a veteran-pawn who just wants to make one quick chess game
would get along as well as everybody just spending an hour average here ...

the 20-games-restrictions should be handled tolerantly
in cases of someone qualifying for an additional round or, final ...

a thought I have had for long is to decrease the monthly fee
for Africa, India and perhaps even Russia aware of the clearly
lower income there ... Increasing the price for North-America,
the European Union and, Australia to let's say 18$
per semester would be tolerable then imho ... ~*~

17. 6月 2003, 23:03:00
件名: harley/jason
thanks for the moderate tune ...

harrassing of the bernice-type should not be granted to come up here. ~*~

29. 5月 2003, 18:31:25
件名: I have removed it already
synchronicity ... glad to be helpful ... :) ... ~*~

29. 5月 2003, 17:53:45
件名: I suggest removing the misfeature Hannelore from moderating General Chat
she lies impudently about having sent me private messages.

actually due since long, since she begame part of the gossip-providers
and harrassers ... her heart told her I'm the egg, do you remember ??
she is so incredibly numb and now uncovered as fraud also ...

regarding those facts and, pre-emptively preventing further
cheats from her, as she's actually right now busy blurring
the traces of her misuse, by deleting my messages that just
corrected a deliberate misquoting of my posts (guess who)
- here the original part of her msg ventilating about me.

she is a shame for honesty in general and, this server in particular ... ~*~

29. May 2003, 17:40:47

danoschek.....gone. I have warned him repeatedly. Sent him personal messages. He is a complete downer and his unprevoked slams on me,(the moderator) and turns good times on this board to slamming.

she should take a time machine, go to the iraq
ten years backwards and, apply as information minister :(
she's qualified ... her assistant as well

16. 4月 2003, 01:31:55
件名: thanks kevin
and good luck for your games ... :) ... ~*~


16. 4月 2003, 01:27:29
件名: a question
has anything changed with the ratings system ?

today, I finished my 4th king's-corner chess game.
but no rating has appeared yet ... any hints anyone ?

thanks in advance ... ~*~


9. 4月 2003, 10:29:39
件名: chattytea
the problem you encountered was reported by many users ...
I'm not sure what happens to cast it ... I cAn use my 2nd ID
(granted to paying members even for playing unless in the same tourney)
without problems even from the same browser profile - onto that
a former girlfriend has her own profile on my puter and used it too,
until she left iyt a few months ago ... but as I enter the web in full
stealth-mode anyway, I'm probably not the average user to give advice ... :")

for me monitored boards are one of the main attractions at brainking ...

at the moment I'm playing so many tournaments, it would be almost
physically impossible to monkey around - don't see the sense anyway ... :Þ

about one year ago we used those additional IDs to create little
soap-operas on the boards - for harmless fun ... but meanwhile,
a lot of senseless background noise makes it almost futile, there.

thanks to Fencer and Harley it won't happen here !
Cheers ! :) ... ~*~

9. 4月 2003, 09:39:22
件名: IYT websupport
since the power outage in december during the snow storms
they have failed to catch up with mails - only occasionally I got
answers, although a reply in between 24 hours to members was
promised. Neither I do think that is okay. :/
for people managing browser profiles properly or, even using
proxy-servers it is no problem though to endlessly create new accounts.
aware of that fact particulary annoying that they give a lot of statics
to honest users by their, rules no obstacle for humbug-drivers ... ~*~

7. 4月 2003, 15:45:05
件名: Harley :)
don't even mention ... I transfered the msg to the tablut board meanwhile and,
tried to be more precise in my request ... :") thank you for your prompt reply ~*~

7. 4月 2003, 15:37:09
件名: oh okay
I haven't created the game, sorry ...

and I don't need help - just an explanation of the rules,
3 sides are surrounded, the throne cannot be crossed,
because there is one of my guards also ... :O

I'll transfer the question to the tablut board.

feared it could be a general board-logic glitch. ~*~

1. 4月 2003, 20:04:41
件名: documenting the effects as highest priority
a proper feedback is better than duplicate complaints, as I assume too ... :")
since about one week the main slowdown starts 20.00 h CET - a time
when early american clockout and european evening's settle-down meet ...
the inflicted higher traffic also seems to be a part of the problem.

merry bug-hunting to our czech coders ! Feeling with you ... :) book'em Fencer ! ~*~

31. 3月 2003, 03:55:16
件名: CET is okay ...
in europe daylight savings switch happens one week earlier ... ~*~

29. 3月 2003, 01:45:22
件名: slowdown, same time like yesterday ...
again about 19.30-20.00 h CET ... still slow, at the moment ...
here a strange effect looked up the waiting room and when I wanted to
join the 'corner chess' games of maddog they actually appeared as line-game ... :O
has anybody experienced similar effects ? ~*~

what my waiting room list shows

Fortress Chess Normal game Frazer black 7 days
Fortress Chess Normal game Frazer black 7 days
Corner Chess Normal game MADDOG black 2 days
Corner Chess Normal game MADDOG white 2 days
Corner Chess Normal game MADDOG black 2 days

28. 3月 2003, 04:23:14
件名: today's effects
perceivable here as well ... :/ ... timed out a game, as it seemed
to take several minutes until submit was validated - even via dsl -
when the mainpage finally loaded I found the game lost ...
slowdown started about 20.00 h CET, Thursday ... ~*~


24. 3月 2003, 12:59:24
件名: Onwards to your destiny Mylady @}%-;-- '--
happily subordinating to your mercy ... :)

I'm to be whipped like creme ... only cracking-up hazard as sideline ... ;) ...~*~

24. 3月 2003, 12:55:10
件名: could we have a jokes-board ? :Þ
<seems to be urgent ... I'm comfortable though ... :) ... ~*~

24. 3月 2003, 12:32:40
件名: Re: Announcement
good idea ... :) ... likely going to chill the Dance Of Applicants ... :Þ ... ~*~

23. 3月 2003, 00:46:04
件名: ace of spades
<is no brainking game indeed ... but there's always a joker ... ~*~

22. 3月 2003, 20:47:29
件名: not enough
<decency I agree ~*~

22. 3月 2003, 17:31:38
件名: dano this and dano that
<good luck for finding an own life eventually one of these days
( although meanwhile I wouldn't bet on it anymore ) ... :Þ .. _ ~*~ . _ ><(((°>

22. 3月 2003, 14:58:04
件名: Re: Danos
I'm there Linda ... same old telegraph for you ~*~

WHO posts every minute ? see ? bandwidth for three ...
remains the question how concerted mobbing should be treated.

22. 3月 2003, 14:54:17
件名: c'mon dmitri ;-)
but indeed a splitted rating, player 1/player 2,
could be implemented as ADDITIONAL option ...

as champion Gary Barnes pointed out,
an essential detail grounding the skills

time will provide ... spring is in the air ... :)

on some things too often met I don't
even waste a single thought anymore ...

isn't it funny that some spinning never changes ... ~*~

22. 3月 2003, 14:53:44
件名: nighthawk birthyear58 (?) you might not know thus
you've got no territory to claim here although
you called your obsessive friend for support.

there was a time of big ease on suggesting to go,
even without choice of destiny and which type of waggon.

a bit more sensibility should be appropriate. ~*~

22. 3月 2003, 14:45:36
件名: some people will always try to make the boards look ugly
maybe that's what they sadly have to face at home daily,
an understandable approach to feel all cosy and embraced thus ... :D ... ~*~

22. 3月 2003, 14:36:58
件名: a nice (not only) brainking feature :D
it doesn't break a thread if a subjectline is slightly varied
from time to time - like a chapter-headline - especially if
it looks not particulary appealing ... just a tip ...
have a great weekend you all ... ~*~

22. 3月 2003, 14:07:53
件名: kindergarden rhetorics
aren't the main goal if it's about having fun on playing games ~*~

22. 3月 2003, 13:47:47
件名: provisoric players :D
I do not see anybody at the top
of pente ranking but Erika and me. 0:-)

she's even entirely lonesome at keryo ...

*grin* just teasing with a touch of spice ~*~

22. 3月 2003, 13:15:01
件名: at a time culture ruled yet
it was customary to choose the 'disadvantaged'
colour for a first challenge as you were able to
rely on your opponent doing the same for a revenge ~*~

22. 3月 2003, 10:43:41
件名: a dozen of games set up solely for white
seems to be no accident, I'd avoid such opponents ~*~

21. 3月 2003, 17:31:19
件名: Re: Please take it to General Chat, Dano....
oh really sorry ... eye 4got ...

I'm a feature ... features are debated. they don't talk. thank you ... ~*~

21. 3月 2003, 16:32:46
件名: Re: Wrong board again Danos!
got a telegraph for you - I'm there ... ~*~
PS could you kindly respect the board topics ?

21. 3月 2003, 15:28:39
件名: Re: Jealous?
<regarding him as evident malfunction here, in my humble opinion only
created as loser-ID to advance the stats of his main opponent, blazeinshore,
probably an alter-ego anyway - canadian my butt! - therefore merely out for notorious trouble, including the danger of being revoked. who'd care ?
the successor-ID will be recognized by lowlife obsession again.

been there - seen that ...

even if I should be wrong, much better yet
as his kind of providing old and refuted hoaxes

I shall quit speculating though - it's not my problem and, I'm not Sherlock Humbug.

actually I've got a life you know ... >8)

moral - distracting top-players by background noise as kown not just since
the Alekhine/Capablanca - Huebner/Petrosjan matches isn't always successful ~*~


21. 3月 2003, 13:45:35
件名: An Amazing New Brainking Feature
e.g. Dano this and Dano that ...

good luck though for finding an
own life eventually one of these days ... ~*~


20. 3月 2003, 23:35:19
件名: 'last action' option
when deeply reflecting I don't like it either.

although it was quite funny to watch 'my' well known backstabbers
from iyt instantly starting to spin in the background after my first post here,
(exchanging messages means calling the other one's profile ) :D

actually I don't want either that opponents know which
games I review to get some tips about their usual tactics ...

the big-brother objection is also understandable.
maybe a more general display would do it like
'viewing games' - 'viewing profile' - 'playing' - 'inactiv'
and so on. inactive could cover the automatic refreshing,
if there's no action appearantly for half an hour. ~*~


20. 3月 2003, 11:34:18
件名: Re: legal moves in backgammon
as previously mentioned no need to convince me :)

I still beg to difer on simply going
with the majority and call THAT correct.

If I want to play a dice game I insist
on the correct way to roll it ... *grin*

that's why I don't play net-gammon,
but I'm no missionary to disrecommend it ~*~ ;)


19. 3月 2003, 21:01:05
件名: Re: is it just me?
indeed some statics perceivable,
despite of my fast connection ... ~*~

19. 3月 2003, 20:45:21
件名: Re: legal moves in backgammon
if those variations are known before
I have the choice which I prefer to join.
as stated, here the move is legal. we even
have 3 legal names for the same game ...
you don't have to convince me though,
for me, software-dice are illegal ... :D ~*~

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