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管理人: Hrqls , coan.net , rod03801 

Board for everybody who is interested in BrainKing itself, its structure, features and future.

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14. 5月 2019, 12:14:23
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Brainking
Hi people. I've been away for a long time, as I thought it was finishing... is the site still maintained? How is this by now?

15. 5月 2017, 08:37:04
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Re: Mothersday
grenvthompson: in Portugal is in the first sunday of May.

1. 3月 2017, 22:33:56
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Re:
Marshmud: indeed, Fencer made a great job, its unnacceptable that someone injures him. And all the questions we pointed here... Well, Fencer is having them now himself, of course.

1. 3月 2017, 16:36:48
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Re: Valuation
SL-Mark:crowdfunding seems a good idea, but I believe the most dfcult question is the technical one. Without Fencer we loose the programer of the site. Im not a programer, but I believe the program codes and experience in this peculiar site are not easily shared. So, we need the money to buy the site, but also the know-how to keep it rolling.

28. 2月 2017, 01:02:49
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Re:
ketchuplover:actual activity in brainking is ridiculous.
See if you can start any team tournament of any non-dice game.
Although, this is clearly the best turn based games site, in my opinion, and people are staying "around", as pawns, waiting to see what will happen. Thats what ot looks to me.
I hope something good happens. In this conditions I also will not renew my membership, but I'll be nearby! :)

15. 1月 2017, 10:52:22
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Re:
rabbitoid: 5 of the winners are no longer in brainking. Some of them, at some years... :)

8. 1月 2017, 20:16:08
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Re: Brain King Future
Bernice:i joined goldtoken yesterday, but still have no idea of how it works.

8. 1月 2017, 01:01:04
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Re: Brain King Future
I came from IYT too, invited for Nuno Miguel.
Since than, I've only played in BK.

2. 1月 2017, 21:01:04
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Re:
Fencer:that's it, Fencer.
I totally suport Ian's words (our precious monkey had always been a wise man).
We can't make a "moral apreciation" of your words, Fencer. You obviously have total legitimacy to do that. There are no moral or law questions against you to be used.
And that's exactly how life is. You certainly ate not doing this as a revenge or for some other bad reasons. You simply are no more interested in keeping it and you don't have to explain that.
As madmonkey, I will be very sad with the end pf brainking. It was many time, many years, many friends, many genious moves, many terrible mistakes... You have a great site here, and it had been great beeing part of it. If this happens, I must thank you for the great time I had. If the site keeps going with its "mission", its even better! :)

15. 10月 2016, 15:09:51
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Re: Smileys
Mélusine: Now you had! :)

24. 6月 2016, 18:57:15
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Re: Should brainking.com leave or stay on the internet?
Aganju: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cLQJVKP3YlM

22. 5月 2016, 01:26:59
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Re: Bickering

21. 5月 2016, 16:52:05
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Brainking future
I totally disagree with this "moralist" opinions.

I like the site, and would like it to be improved. I have some suggestions I can send in private to Fencer. I think the site is dying and this "hurts " the expectations of those who like the site and are playing here for years. Paying members have more reasons because with that payment They showed a biggest link to BK. BUT... And this BUT is very important... Fencer has total legitimacy to do that! No one has a so strong right to decide that Fencer must spending his time developing BK instead other projects he might have. And more, he is keeping a fair position as he is available to sell the site.
I am unhappy with this dicrease of the site, but can not acuse Fencer of anything.
This is not a question of "good people" vs "bad people", it's a balance between personal legitim interests.

1. 5月 2016, 18:32:13
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Re: Brainking

30. 4月 2016, 19:41:54
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Re: Brainking
crosseyed: I hope so, as I like it very much. But I'm not very hopefull...

30. 4月 2016, 17:42:45
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Brainking
well, it seems clear for me that this site is in a big crisis, do you agree? Lots of people leaving or not renewing. What can be done? Fencer your opinion is needed. If the option is to let it die, we must understand , but if not, something should be done to involve people again.

20. 12月 2014, 21:16:36
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Re:
Gabriel Almeida (20. 12月 2014, 21:17:41)に変更されました。
Fencer: I believe we must trust (and support) the plaisure of share and give. Besides, that's the spirit of christmas... :)

That's what I had in mind when I made the suggestion!

19. 12月 2014, 19:41:02
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Re:
Fencer: Indeed. Or people can send a pm to you, something like "I want to give 6 months to Gabriel Almeida (cof-cof), 6 months to a nice girl (I'm sure we have some in BK) and 6 months to... Gabriel Almeida, again!" :D

19. 12月 2014, 15:17:43
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Re:
Fencer:here's something. Action "give a gift"! A member buy a membership (for example, 1 year rook membership) and receive  1 more to give to another member... 
Even better (is christmas), an extra-bonus of 150%. Buy 1 year, receive 3 "6 months membership" vouchers, to give until the end of january! :)

19. 12月 2014, 09:17:14
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Santa Claus
Hi Fencer!
How about a Christmas Action?

4. 12月 2014, 01:16:26
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Re: Whatever happened to prize tournaments?
crosseyed:naaah... It's fine that way! :)

3. 12月 2014, 16:24:52
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Re: Whatever happened to prize tournaments?
SL-Mark:no way! I took a picture of that board with my name highlighted! :)

3. 12月 2014, 14:49:28
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Re: Whatever happened to prize tournaments?

furbster: And I'm already in the second round! :D

By the way... thank you, furbster! ;)


25. 11月 2014, 05:40:47
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Re: back to brainking
rod03801:thank you both, Rod and jo, for your comprehenion. In fact, i dont want to offend. And honestly the discussion about slow or fast playing, compared with the possibility of someone that is playing fairly and nice as you both are, is nothing.
Good games, people!

24. 11月 2014, 21:52:01
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Re: back to brainking
mal4inara: ir was not my intention to offend, mal. If i did, i am sorry and retry what i said!

24. 11月 2014, 18:05:49
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Re: back to brainking

Hrqls: I'm in too! :) I resigned all my games, after getting bored with the tournament... eheheheheh. 0 points, last place in my section! :)

Well, Rabbitoid... rod and beaupol will problably be in second round, so... you'll have more 8 years (minimum) to wait. If you get a third round, with one of them, more 8 years, so you will finish the tournament in 2031.

How old are you, Rabbitoid? LOL

By the way, I say this with no problem, as I really like rod and Beaupol, they are good friends, and I respect them. But they are slow players (and they know it), so... :)

24. 11月 2014, 11:49:43
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Re: back to brainking
Hrqls:hi, my friend, i accept your point of view, of course. Some of the slowest players in bk are people i really like. My point is: fencer, when he created the tournament, was thinking in a 8 years tournament? And players that joined in, were they thinking in that? Would they all joined if they knew that?

23. 11月 2014, 16:17:07
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Re: Slow players - slow tournaments
BGBedlam: Maybe, my friend!
Both situations must make us think about them:
1) Why a tournament is played for 8 years? Is it positive? It was that the idea since the begginning?
2) Why, 8 years after, some of the most active players of 2007 are not playing in 2014 in Brainking?

23. 11月 2014, 14:59:16
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Slow players - slow tournaments
Look at this tournament, still running. Started 21/01/2007.
8 years to play a tournament, is it normal?
Now we have a final match between 3 "ghost-felowships", maybe 50% of the games won for time-out. We have games where BOTH players don't play in BK since a long time.

10. 11月 2014, 10:47:09
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Re: bug?
crosseyed: See my picture and my profile... Tom Waits is my musical super-hero! :)

10. 11月 2014, 10:42:29
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Re: bug?

6. 11月 2014, 10:32:27
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Re: bug?

crosseyed: lol... wanna be my friend, cross? :D


29. 10月 2014, 01:06:46
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Re: bug?
Welsh Coast: Never trust in a woman that says she wants to be your friend! :)

6. 2月 2013, 23:07:11
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Re: Skewed Games
Carpe Diem: You forgot one way checkers. Easy win for white. In 3 moves it get a huge advantage...

2. 5月 2012, 12:15:04
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Re: strange
aaru: It's "more or less" 7. In Portuguese, it means "it's near to 7", so it could be 6.8, 7.1, 7.026, 6.914... :)

22. 4月 2012, 10:38:00
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Re: Yippie! 100 won tournaments!
Mélusine: me too! But tenuki or Martinez have... Hummm... A few more than i have! 1 or 2 more... :)

12. 3月 2012, 16:07:59
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Re: I have a fan!
Carl: I've been flirted too... and a lot of other people. This must be some kind of a "Spring fever" in Brainking! :)

23. 2月 2012, 20:39:21
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: iPad2 loves BK
Gabriel Almeida (23. 2月 2012, 20:39:55)に変更されました。
Trying it for the first time, And working more than perfectly!

15. 2月 2012, 01:00:20
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Re: Slow fun game
Gabriel Almeida (15. 2月 2012, 01:03:03)に変更されました。

rabbitoid: Wrong calculation, my friend. In fact, it's more than THREE years. More than 1100 days, in this case.

So... 1440*1100/92 = 17217 days. More than 47 Years!!!!

However, in brainking, this seems to be right, because "players are only using properly their time limits to move". Opinions...

By the way, we are talking of a Backgammon game. 7 points. 3 Years... and counting. It's not in the middle, yet...

P.S. - I'm not criticising directly those players. I really like them (one of them in particular), he/she is a nice player, and I don't want to offend him/her. I say is that rules should avoid that kind of games.

14. 2月 2012, 11:36:04
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Re: Slow fun game
Mousetrap: Well... I can show you a game (in a prized tournament) with 92 moves that is running since January 2009. More than 3 years ago. They would take more than 15 years to make this 1442 moves! :)

14. 2月 2012, 10:50:27
Gabriel Almeida 

Yeaaaah... but still no team tournaments news, right? :)

4. 2月 2012, 14:14:31
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Re: Special Request

coan.net: Oh yes... It seems great to me (and I think you also use that motiv) different type of games. It would be increased with the aleatory factor! :) So:

- 1 "random chess games" tournament;

- 1 "random checkers games" tournament;

- 1 "random gammon games" tournament;


I think it would be very interesting!

3. 2月 2012, 16:26:07
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Special Request
Hi people (Fencer, Coan, Tanein), how about more team tournaments? And any kind of action to "vote" games and/or type of tournament?

18. 1月 2012, 15:10:42
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Re: Ah, Rolinda my love
rabbitoid: Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssss! I've been flirted too! Thank you for your desire, Anita! :)

16. 1月 2012, 16:25:12
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Re: Hurray! 1000 wins!
Aganju: With great results, particularly in line games and chess. Congrats, Aganju!

9. 1月 2012, 17:41:02
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Re: Ah, Rolinda my love
Gabriel Almeida (9. 1月 2012, 17:41:17)に変更されました。
Aganju: If you are beeing flirted for more than 5 people, you receive an achievment...

9. 1月 2012, 17:11:01
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Re: Ah, Rolinda my love

ScarletRose: Love is in the air... BK is now a meetings site?

I must be really ugly... noone contacted me!

2. 1月 2012, 15:59:53
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Re:

rabbitoid: writting in purple would be a pleonasm. writting in red can be heterodox. What to do?

Maybe Purple must keep on writting in black... :)

1. 1月 2012, 16:44:07
Gabriel Almeida 

BWILD, Why are  you laughing? I don't know how to write in red too! 

22. 12月 2011, 13:44:31
Gabriel Almeida 
件名: Re: Bonus Left
Gabriel Almeida (22. 12月 2011, 13:45:17)に変更されました。

Fencer: Ooooohhhh... I wanted one more (Christmas gift!)

Well... I hope one day my idea can be accepted... something to increase gifts and re-inforce felowships union spirit! :)

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