ユーザー名: パスワード:
管理人: Hrqls , coan.net , rod03801 

Board for everybody who is interested in BrainKing itself, its structure, features and future.

If you experience connection or speed problems with BrainKing, please visit Host Tracker and check "BrainKing.com" accessibility from various sites around the world. It may answer whether an issue is caused by BrainKing itself or your local network (or ISP provider).

World Of Chess And Variants (videos from BrainKing): YouTube
Chess blog: LookIntoChess.com

モード: 誰でも投稿可能

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16. 3月 2009, 01:58:32
Baked Alaskan 
件名: BrainKing Trivia
I'm tired of losing to the same people  LOL
I'm here to recruit more brainking users 
Come join us for trivia here   ---->    BrainKing Trivia

24. 6月 2008, 06:37:07
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Re: pawns able to play in ponds?

Hmmm  looks like they moved and they shouldnt have 

4. 6月 2008, 04:59:59
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Re: Awww now I remember!

Yep, I experienced the same thing recently when I traveled and tried to use the hotel connection..

20. 4月 2008, 07:33:14
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Re: well said Czuch

2. 3月 2008, 09:05:17
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Re:

Ohhhhh, I like this idea  

18. 2月 2008, 01:20:30
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Re:

A very simple resizing tool Here    Just upload, select width & height and submit.

23. 1月 2008, 02:40:51
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Re: Talk

Sorry to hear you're still having issues with slowness.  As usual Its fine on my side,  I'm lucky for living on top of the world? Maybe it makes a difference  LOL
Maybe that BIG island you live on has a bad connection?  hehe 

Did you purchase that system mechanic I mentioned?  It does a lot of good for the PC
Well worth the $$$ and will come in handy for years to come. I been using it for about 4 years and already got my moneys worth 

18. 1月 2008, 01:26:49
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Re: lightweight version on the setting page

Yep, lightwieght mode is awesome, except I dont see my ponds either  :(

15. 1月 2008, 08:09:14
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Re:

I use system mechanic Here...
Its worth every penny... 

15. 1月 2008, 05:34:49
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Re:

Although I do agree that Fencer has no tact in his responses  LOL  (I'm guilty of that also sometimes)  But what gets old is hearing about the slowness of the site.  I dont see it nor do I know very many users that do. So if its just a select few then maybe its not a BK issue?  Its the PC you use.  I know this for a fact as I have mentioned lots of times that my desktop is slower loading pages here but on my laptop its lightning fast.  I have also used the PCs at a library and some friends homes, all load BK pages slower and faster.  My wife just got back from China and said it was taking her 2-3 min per move.  Is that a BK issue since at the same time she was on I was on my laptop cruising fast as can be...

There are lots of things that can make a PC a little faster, not just clearing cookies and your cache but U can also defrag your RAM (not your hard drive, RAM)  I defrag my ram when PC gets a little slow and next time I load my browser I'm going so fast I cant keep up  LOL

Also, check your bandwidth when it seems slow  Bandwidth Test 

15. 1月 2008, 03:51:16
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Re:

I disagree, using your bike is better than a car 
Excersize and environment 

15. 1月 2008, 03:48:55
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Re:

That was part of my "point" in the post.  Its NOT a BK problem all the time.  Its users ISP and their own PCs that prolly need upgraded.   As for certain users opionions U speak of, its the same 5 people over and over that complain.  I dont see any new people complaining of slowness.  I live in the middle of nowhere and have very few issues with the site.  All I was saying was the WWW is full of places to visit, if BK is slow then go visit another site for a few minutes or even an hour. 

If a person just sits on BK all day and wants to play games, thats a waste of time and brain waves, find something better to do. The internet is an awesome place to explore...

15. 1月 2008, 00:19:47
Baked Alaskan 
All the negativity from certain 4 or 5 users is getting old, If ya dont like it here, why keep logging in?  The site is NOT slow for everyone.   I myself have mentioned that Its a little sluggish from time to time on my desktop but when I use my laptop its faster than ever. What does this tell me?  well, not all PCs run the same obviously.  When BK is slow I find something else to do in the meantime.  Thats whats so great about the WWW... LOTS to do without getting bored!  

Instead of always putting the site down and having a negative attitude, maybe U should invest in a new PC?  BK isnt the slowest site and not the fastest, but the same 4 or 5 members here seem to enjoy complaining more than playing.  If U cant play because of slowness, then find something else to do, dont make BK your life.   There are millions of web sites to visit, try one of the others, its called surfing. Enjoy and have fun, STOP COMPLAINING all the time.  


23. 12月 2007, 04:05:06
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Re: Nice touch having snow capped peaks
Jim Dandy:

Great Idea  

21. 12月 2007, 00:16:29
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Re: Xmas Holidays
Jim Dandy:

(or2ak.com: Let me get this straight.You are saying we as players should not recieve an extra perk based on the principal of equality?
Isn't that cutting off your ear to spite your nose?)

Fencer already gave us 5 extra vacation days...  That was the perk 

21. 12月 2007, 00:09:50
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Re: Xmas Holidays

(or2ak.com: Im pretty sure that even if you dont celebrate
Christmas, it is still a holiday for you, and most people have it as a
day off from work?)

I dont celebrate and no, I dont get the day off.

All I'm saying is I agree with Fencer and others that we have enough vacation days. Use them wisely throuout the year 

20. 12月 2007, 23:34:51
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Re: Xmas Holidays

I agree, should be no holiday time off except for using vacation days.
Not everyone celebrates christmas and no extra time should be added.

21. 11月 2007, 13:38:38
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Re:

Thanx for getting us back on-line without losing anything...

28. 10月 2007, 02:59:25
Baked Alaskan 
件名: My 2 cents....
I have mentioned this B4 and dont understand why, but...
I dont think its always a BK issue or a ISP issue. 
I have trouble sometimes with BK (not at all this last 2 weeks as others have complained about which is weird)  but I only have trouble on my desktop PC.  I can boot up my laptop and NEVER have an issue with BK.   I dont know why, its very strange.

Sometimes I will be on my laptop playing here and the wife gets on the desktop and cant log on BK (strange? I think so)   So I dont think its always a BK issue or ISP.   So is it my PC?   Hmmm  well, that means lots of us have the same issue with our PCs (whatever it is  LOL)   But, like I said, how come I never ever have a problem when using my laptop?    If its a BK or ISP issue, I shouldnt be able to get on here like most everyone else.  

7. 10月 2007, 12:13:45
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Re:

That explains why I just seen on a profile 44  LOL
But why didnt I get 45 when I became a black rook?   I was stuck on 33. 
So when does it reset? (I'm guessing Jan 1st?)

7. 10月 2007, 07:11:21
Baked Alaskan 
Whats the maximum vacation days we can have?  

16. 8月 2007, 13:11:14
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Re: This has probably been reported on a thousand times....
The Usurper:


8. 8月 2007, 23:37:52
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Adding my 2 cents
I have a lot of problems staying connected to BK also, BUT, only on my desktop, I have never been disconnected when on my laptop (and its wireless)  I dont get it.   But since I spend most my time here on my desktop it is annoying.  
So I can understand everyones frustrations as the same thing is happening to me. (and this is the only site that cuts me off)   But, why just on my desktop and my laptop is fine?  Vey strange.

11. 7月 2007, 06:06:25
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Re:

3. 7月 2007, 11:12:39
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Re: Rich Text editing

Fortunatly, I do save it (on my desktop)

3. 7月 2007, 01:10:23
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Re: Rich Text editing

I didnt edit my profile today, yet it has completely disappeared...  (That was when I first logged in and posted that it disappeared)  Now, I just looked and there is a profile but from months ago, Not the one that was there lastnight. 

No biggie, I will delete it and start over... 

2. 7月 2007, 23:34:31
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Re: Rich Text editing

Well, my whole profile disappeared and I didnt even edit it  


10. 5月 2007, 06:20:04
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Hmmmm
No Reason, Just For Fun   

--->   BrainKing   <---

8. 5月 2007, 09:36:32
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Re: Official Tournaments
I Like The Idea

4. 5月 2007, 13:08:53
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Re: Dragon

Me 2      

It fits the theme nicely 

11. 4月 2007, 11:22:10
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Re:
Oceans Apart:

Yes    very nice Thanx

7. 3月 2007, 11:19:44
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Re: as many don't want to voice

(( people say brainking is #1 because of various reasons .. i think its #1
because of the games which are supported here, great games! great
variations! and because of the people on here, always nice (99% of them
:)) and having fun at playing .. another thing which is better than on
most gaming sites is that the owner does respond to questions (which is
what i miss on most other sites) .. another thing which makes this site
better than other game sites is the extras like fellowships,
tournaments which you can create yourself, team matches, prize
tournaments. some people (including me) like new things being added,
the old things can still be used, but new things can be explored :) ..
add all this up and you will find out this site is in many ways a
better site than others (there are other sites though which focus on 1
or 2 aspects and do that better (like dailygammon) but for the overal
aspect this site rocks :)) (in my opinion)))


I couldnt have said it better  

1. 3月 2007, 03:27:26
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Re: Fencer knows best?

I said show me a better site...
NOT, what could make this one better.  

I know the other sites offer auto pass, but they cant compare to what Fencer offers here... 

1. 3月 2007, 02:50:15
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Re: Fencer knows best?

((make the site better overall))

Show me a better "turn based" game site...
There is none...

Fencer offers the most for a VERY fair price.    And all game sites have the darn banner ads unless u become a member.

13. 2月 2007, 10:25:42
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Re: Bribary ?
Baked Alaskan (13. 2月 2007, 10:27:08)に変更されました。

Well, I play oware (wari ?) at another site, but not to fond of it. I like this version better


13. 2月 2007, 09:01:34
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Re: Bribary ?

Well, I just did 2 yrs payment...  Do I get prorated price?   If so, we have a deal 

13. 2月 2007, 08:56:43
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Bribary ?
Fencer?   Can u be bribed?   LOL

Really looking forward to "Mancala" 

Whats the price?    hehe

5. 2月 2007, 10:36:13
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Thanx Fencer
Thanx for the  free game bonus      Your have the best game site.

24. 1月 2007, 07:39:54
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Cluster Map
Kool cluster map Fencer...

I C a tiny red dot for my area, anyway of finding out all the people in my area that play here?  Looks like its just 1-9 people?  I know i'm one and my wife is one, but would like to find out who the rest are in my area if possible.

1. 1月 2007, 06:06:18
Baked Alaskan 

13. 10月 2006, 09:53:47
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Re:
Sorry, I didnt mean to upset you.  
Was just thinking, if u moved every 8seconds how in the world did u cook/make food in that 24hrs?  Or even eat it?    LOL
Didnt U use the bathroom?   No sleep in 24hrs?

Just weird, thats all..  

13. 10月 2006, 08:39:50
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Re:
Impossible to do alone..  Obviously had some help (spouce or friend)

22. 9月 2006, 10:28:12
Baked Alaskan 
件名: PDA and or PPC
I was thinking of getting one..  but only if I can play BrainKing on it  LOL

Is BK compatible with PPC?

9. 8月 2006, 10:40:42
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Re:

Sorry, was I not being nice?

Wasnt trying to come off that way.  I love BK and tell everyone I can about the site. have paid for many friends memberships and will be a paying member here till I die.

Was just stating that I (along with other people) didnt think it was right to have to view adds to participate.
Nothing more, nothing less.   Doesnt mean I dont wanna be here anymore 

9. 8月 2006, 08:58:33
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Re:

Dont really need help locating IE   LOL   But thanx.
I prefer to use Firefox since its more safe and secure.

My point was, I shouldnt have to use a less secure browser and see adds to join in on the action points.

NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING on the internet will ever make me go back to using that hole and bug infested browser  LOL

9. 8月 2006, 05:39:22
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Not fair to all....
Two things:

1) I dont use anything but Firefox so I cant get the secret stuff...
2) I dont want to see adds, Its why I paid for a membership.

Why must I change my browsing habits to get in on some action points?

25. 7月 2006, 22:43:07
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Re:
Before this happens, tournaments need to be fixed. The current system isnt really practical.
Tournys need to be round robin style till the end.  Having 3 or 4 winners for a tourney IS NOT a tourney  LOL
Should only be 1 winner per tourney..

17. 7月 2006, 13:40:50
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Re: news feed


I like it 

28. 6月 2006, 00:28:00
Baked Alaskan 
件名: Re: PayPal


22. 6月 2006, 05:46:46
Baked Alaskan 
I'm curious to know what the problem was with pay-pal.  I use Pay-Pal for eveything I buy on line. Have had 2 different accounts for around 7 yrs and never had a problem (not to say there wont be one  LOL)

But yeah, gonna make it difficult to renew now 

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