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Valvoja(t): Purple , harley , ScarletRose 
 Health and Home Remedies

A place where people can share their favourite home remedies and support for those with serious health concerns.

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26. Marraskuu 2005, 11:53:54
Foxy Lady 
Otsikko: Re: Just passing through
runningwolf: Hey RW nice to see you here.

27. Marraskuu 2005, 08:23:47
Sexy Badass 
This board dosent seem to get very many posts. By the way HI everybody

27. Marraskuu 2005, 13:25:58
Foxy Lady 
Otsikko: Re:
hotmommy22: Hi and hopefully with Winter coming this board will pick up.

27. Marraskuu 2005, 16:18:48
Otsikko: Re:
Foxy Lady: well.. maybe with just some sugestions to help those on a daily basis.. huh?? I certainly wouldn't want to wish ill health to those during the winter just to have this board active.. :)

27. Marraskuu 2005, 16:23:03
Otsikko: the pick up
nice to see a little action here. how many of yu have gotten a flu shot yet.

27. Marraskuu 2005, 16:40:05
Otsikko: A gift for someone you love
Do you know of someone who is perhaps a young college student. Or someone who travels??

Two Home Made Ideas for an Awesome Winter Holiday present

1. A First Aid Kit Survival kit for the car (For the Traveler)
I put together one of these about a half dozen years ago for my father who enjoys taking drives on the back roads of Wyoming at odd times.. after learning of one trip where he got stuck till search and rescue found him..

        ~ Survival Kits ~

 Food and water
 Flashlight and spare batteries
 Crank or battery-operated radio (portable stereo and headphones)
 Candles and matches or lighter
 Whistle (in case you need to attract attention)
 Toiletries, spare eyeglasses and other personal items
 First aid kit, prescription drugs
 Extra set of keys and money (including small change for pay telephones)
 Copies of your important documents (identification, personal papers)
 Winter clothing, boots and blankets or sleeping bags

      ~ For The Car ~

 Shovel, scraper and snow brush
 Sand, salt or cat litter and antifreeze
 Matches and candles in a metal container
 Spare clothing and shoes, blanket
 Tow rope, jumper cables, windshield-washer fluid
 Warning light or road flares and fire extinguisher
 First aid kit with seatbelt cutter
 Water and emergency food (such as energy bars)
 Roadmaps, whistle and flashlight

2. And for that College Student or New to the World Young Adult why not put together a basket of daily needs.. such as

  • Vitamins
  • Hand Lotions
  • Vicks
  • Aroma Therapy trinkets
  • (female) Facial Masques
  • Foot care needs
  • Certificates to the Beauty shop or Barbers in the neighborhood ~ or if you know where they like going, purchase them from there..
  • If they are an active College Student why not a gift certificate to the college Bookstore.

    Have a wonderful Holiday Season

  • 27. Marraskuu 2005, 16:41:54
    Otsikko: Re: the pick up
    mook53lhd: I haven't yet.. I usually don't.. but I am not high risk so I never really thought I would be permitted to..

    27. Marraskuu 2005, 19:43:11
    Foxy Lady 
    Otsikko: Re:
    ScarletRose: I have found ppl tend to post more here in the winter,thats what i ment.I like that idea for the students,and the car.

    27. Marraskuu 2005, 19:44:50
    Foxy Lady 
    Otsikko: Re: the pick up
    mook53lhd: We get a Flu shot every year.

    28. Marraskuu 2005, 00:24:24
    Sexy Badass 
    Otsikko: Re: the pick up
    mook53lhd: We didnt get the flu shot we all just got the flu. My kids had it the worst though. I am glad its over.

    28. Marraskuu 2005, 06:01:33
    Otsikko: Re: A gift for someone you love
    ScarletRose: now thats a really good idea.maybe we could make & promote a survival kit for brainking members...mmm.what shall we put in it?
    how about:
    a pair of backgammon dice
    2 candles
    a thermos of strong coffee
    a chew toy
    a nerf bat
    ..did I miss anything?

    28. Marraskuu 2005, 10:00:49
    Foxy Lady 
    Otsikko: Re: the pick up
    hotmommy22: Oh what a bummer that must of been.

    28. Marraskuu 2005, 15:37:29
    Otsikko: Re: A gift for someone you love
    nobleheart: Yes.. you missed the radar, which helps find the wittle boaties...

    29. Marraskuu 2005, 02:40:01
    Otsikko: Re: A gift for someone you love
    ScarletRose: oh you ¤¤¤cheater face¤¤¤ thats not fair!!!

    29. Marraskuu 2005, 07:58:02
    Otsikko: Re: A gift for someone you love
    Muokannut ScarletRose (29. Marraskuu 2005, 07:59:21)

    29. Marraskuu 2005, 08:12:13
    Foxy Lady 
    Otsikko: Pomagrantes
    It's the season check out this site

    29. Marraskuu 2005, 14:05:28
    Foxy Lady 

    30. Marraskuu 2005, 02:10:23
    Otsikko: Re: the pick up
    hotmommy22: your family already had it.wow. where you from. i ny the weather was cold now its 60 .but not much flu yet. gm

    30. Marraskuu 2005, 08:07:07
    Foxy Lady 
    Otsikko: Re: the pick up
    mook53lhd: Were lucky the flu hasn't hit us yet and with our crazy weather right now,it just may.

    1. Joulukuu 2005, 00:55:46
    Otsikko: Re: Pomagrantes
    Foxy Lady: ty foxy I love Pomagrantes..hey what everyones fav fruits:
    I like:
    black raspberries
    lychee nuts
    cortland or gala apples
    Comice or Asian pears
    pistachio nuts


    1. Joulukuu 2005, 00:59:01
    Otsikko: Re: Pomagrantes
    nobleheart: I like Poms and cantaloupe.. bananas and strawberries.. :)

    I am allergic to Watermelon..

    1. Joulukuu 2005, 02:19:06
    Otsikko: fruit
    though i`ve been called 1 (not a fag fruit) i never cared for fruit. fruit juices yes. orange apple peach etc. i know i`m an oddity mook

    1. Joulukuu 2005, 13:20:15
    Foxy Lady 
    Otsikko: Re: Pomagrantes
    nobleheart: Poms and Mangos are my fav.

    2. Joulukuu 2005, 03:05:11
    Otsikko: what's up doc?
    I love my juices,wish i has a juicer.
    I have a friend natasha,soaks sweet carrots overnight so they soak up more water.
    juices them..surprising how sweet carrot juice can be...surprising what an energy boost you get from it.and I'm sure its healthy.

    2. Joulukuu 2005, 07:23:12
    Foxy Lady 
    Otsikko: Re: what's up doc?
    nobleheart: All fresh juices are a great energy booster.Your getting all the nutrients without anything added.

    2. Joulukuu 2005, 15:10:43
    yes blenders & those newfangled machines are not just for making milk shakes & mixing drinks. juices are very good to have aound the house. i make a great mudslide by the way---healthy or not mook

    2. Joulukuu 2005, 21:33:26
    Foxy Lady 
    Otsikko: Re:
    mook53lhd: How you doing BTW you can PM me?

    3. Joulukuu 2005, 01:22:32
    Otsikko: my favorite things to juice:
    Muokannut nobleheart (3. Joulukuu 2005, 02:52:06)

    3. Joulukuu 2005, 15:26:39
    Otsikko: pming
    you mean you`d rather i wrote to you under friends .i was commenting to everyone .but if you tell mehow to pm --i am not a member .unless you have msn i don`tknow what you mean

    4. Joulukuu 2005, 04:57:35
    Foxy Lady 
    Otsikko: Re: pming
    mook53lhd: Private Message is what i meant.Well how are you anyways?

    4. Joulukuu 2005, 05:48:19
    Otsikko: Re: pming
    Foxy Lady: i`m ok you? i was thinking of im`s .how do you do pm`s on here .you mean you wanted me to write you alone & the hek with home remedies. i`m not usually slow on the uptake . i`m so confused you lead. gnite gonna watch hi-lites from the big M & hit the sack lon

    4. Joulukuu 2005, 15:38:55
    Foxy Lady 
    Otsikko: Re: pming
    mook53lhd: I sent you a PM.

    5. Joulukuu 2005, 12:48:16
    i replied to your message . mook

    7. Joulukuu 2005, 04:16:28
    Foxy Lady 
    Otsikko: Your computer and your eyesight

    7. Joulukuu 2005, 06:44:59
    Foxy Lady 
    Otsikko: Oh Yummy

    31. Joulukuu 2005, 21:10:03
    Otsikko: Have a Hoooooooooowwwwwwwlilling New Year
    If you are going to be a designated DRINKER, make sure you have a designed DRIVER.
    Have a Happy and Safe New Year!!

    31. Joulukuu 2005, 22:03:48
    Otsikko: Re: Have a Hoooooooooowwwwwwwlilling New Year
    runningwolf: i`m neither drinking nor driving .but that message is noteworthy. happy new year to you. mook

    31. Joulukuu 2005, 23:52:09
    Foxy Lady 
    Otsikko: Re: Have a Hoooooooooowwwwwwwlilling New Year
    runningwolf: Same to you.

    31. Joulukuu 2005, 23:53:03
    Foxy Lady 
    Otsikko: Re: Have a Hoooooooooowwwwwwwlilling New Year
    mook53lhd: Happy New Year

    4. Tammikuu 2006, 01:32:11
    Otsikko: Re: Have a Hoooooooooowwwwwwwlilling New Year
    runningwolf:I was the designated "hunk" for new years

    4. Tammikuu 2006, 02:26:17
    Otsikko: Re: Have a Hoooooooooowwwwwwwlilling New Year
    nobleheart: sounds like fun? mook

    4. Tammikuu 2006, 02:27:45
    Otsikko: Re: Have a Hoooooooooowwwwwwwlilling New Year
    Foxy Lady: thanks foxy you too gm

    7. Tammikuu 2006, 21:47:15
    Sorry about posting a joke here I will NEVER post on Brainking Again

    7. Tammikuu 2006, 21:51:18
    Otsikko: Re:
    runningwolf: What do you mean dear.. ??? I didn't get to see what all happened..

    7. Tammikuu 2006, 23:12:55
    Otsikko: Re:
    runningwolf: You lost me on that one..did someone scold you for a joke?

    8. Tammikuu 2006, 06:04:29
    Otsikko: Re:
    runningwolf: did i miss something .all i saw was a bunch of new years wishes back & forth. maybe you meant on a different board . noone cracked wise or mentioned you as a bad omedian .what gives.i don`t know you .but i am curious. i post once in a blue moon as this board sometimes is quiet for days.i know a few of the gang .never saw anything malicious here. well sorry you feel slighted for whatever reason. mook

    8. Tammikuu 2006, 08:42:28
    Foxy Lady 
    Otsikko: Re:
    runningwolf: I didn't see any joke on here.

    8. Tammikuu 2006, 09:10:01
    Foxy Lady 
    While surfing i found this


    8. Tammikuu 2006, 17:41:38
    Otsikko: Re:agreed
    Foxy Lady: must of been meant for another board. how you doing? M

    29. Tammikuu 2006, 22:03:31
    Otsikko: do we need this?

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