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Tried any new recipes lately or old favorites? Share them with people around the world.

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27. Helmikuu 2007, 20:48:28
Otsikko: ok a serious rquest for us to share..
..good links re recipes.I know a few,looking for more.
anyone know any?


4. Heinäkuu 2006, 23:24:51
Otsikko: if anyone likes artichokes...
Muokannut nobleheart (4. Heinäkuu 2006, 23:26:23)
...check out some of the recipes here:

tried these:

4. Heinäkuu 2006, 23:21:48
Otsikko: a goodie
Baked avocado

For two helpings:

1 very large or two fairly smll avocados, ripe and reasonably soft.
ounce and a half (50g) of margarine, or butter if yor careful
2 cloves garlic
8 oz (225g) firm mushrooms
1 lb ripe tomatoes
45g (1 1/2oz) fresh breadcrumbs (1 thick slice off a loaf)
30g (1oz) cheddar cheese, grated
60g (2oz) sunflower seeds
Too much Ground pepper
Preheat the oven to gas mark 5, 160 degrees celsuis

Heat the margarine and very gently fry the mushrooms and garlic until much reduced and softened. Add the quartered tomatoes (peeled if you can be bothered) and cook gently until the tomatoes mush down and have lost much of their juice - about ten minutes in total. Add lots of pepper.

Peel, halve and destone the avocado(es). Place hole side up in the dish, and sprea d the tomato and mushroom mix all round. Mix together the bread and seeds and cheese and srinkle over the dish, pressing down gently

Bake in the oven for fifteen minutes. If you overbake it, the avocado will go mushy .If the topping is not very appatesing, pop it under a hot grill to brown it off a little.

11. Toukokuu 2006, 16:44:42
Otsikko: off topic?

5. Toukokuu 2006, 16:42:01
sweet-potato-chips recipe
Baked Sweet Potato Chips

Heat oven to 350. Peel sweet potato (works with yams too) and slice
thin, as if for a thick potato chip. Cover a cookie sheet or baking
pan with foil, sprayed lightly with vegetable spray. Lay sweet potato
chips on the foil, rubbing each one slightly in the veggie spray. Then
lightly spray the tops with veggie spray, sprinkly with your favorite
spice (I use garlic salt or something called crazy salt). Bake for 20
minutes, turn, sprinkle that side, and bake for another 10 minutes.

3. Toukokuu 2006, 01:05:16
Otsikko: I posted this before..no one said boo...
..but could really use the help:

6 things I would love to know how to make well..if anyone has recipes& how to please share... 1. March 2006, 14:44:28
show this user posts | link

jamacian roti ( as in curried goat roti)
mexican burritos
chinese dumpings
good scottish shortbread cookies
french croissants
good meat pie (as in steak & kidney pie)

27. Huhtikuu 2006, 22:16:26

25. Huhtikuu 2006, 17:39:43
Otsikko: Re: Dinners...
Muokannut nobleheart (25. Huhtikuu 2006, 17:44:40)
you want favs:

Baking potatoes
Milk to moisten
Drop or 2 yellow food coloring
Bit of butter
Salt and ground black pepper to taste
Grated cheese, your choice
Grated raw onion
Optional ingredients for variety:
Garlic juice or salt, to taste
Chopped chives
Sliced tops of green onions
small cubes of cooked backbacon or well cooked crumbled bacon
Poke holes in potatoes and bake in a conventional or microwave oven until done. Cut each one in half, scoop out the centers with a spoon and place pulp in a mixing bowl. Mash while DRY. (I use my beater for this, but a potato masher will do.) Add a little milk to moisten, yellow food coloring, butter, salt and pepper.
Grate cheese and raw onion using coarsest holes of the grater or food processor. Add cheese,bacon & onion to mashed potatoes and stir well with a fork. Do NOT beat or use mixer or masher for this. Then fill each baked potato half-shell with this mixture; place in a baking dish and reheat.

To serve, heat until thoroughly warm. After re-baking the potatoes and just before removing them from the oven, I like to sprinkle Parmesan cheese (or other cheese) on top and let it melt slightly to a brown tinge.
If you like garlic, add the optional garlic juice or salt to the mixture before filling the shell or sprinkle the garlic on top before reheating the potatoes. Chopped chives, green onion tops and pimentos are colorful garnishes for these delicious potatoes.
6 lg. baked sweet potatoes
6 tbsp. apple juice
1/2 c. squeeze butter
2 tbsp. packed brown sugar
1/8 tsp. ginger
1/4 tsp. allspice
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
Drop lime juice
Cocomallow topping (recipe below)

Slice potatoes in half lengthwise. Scoop out centers, leaving 1/8 inch shell. Mash potatoes. Add apple juice, butter, brown sugar and ginger; beat until fluffy. Fill shells with potato mixture. Top with Cocomallow topping. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes. Serves 12.

1 c. miniature marshmallows
1/3 c. shredded coconut
1 tbsp. squeeze butter

24. Huhtikuu 2006, 19:17:18
Otsikko: spuds can be fun

24. Huhtikuu 2006, 19:16:16
Otsikko: Re: Dinners...

24. Huhtikuu 2006, 19:12:57
Muokannut nobleheart (3. Toukokuu 2006, 02:21:52)
I shared this link to a cool rose shaped cake pan with my freind ScarletRose..but I remembered this board..thought i would share it & a few otheres with everyone:

Rose Cake Pan

Sandcastle Bundt Pan

Cathedral Cake Pan

Sunflower Cake Pan
hey..how about a challenge..all on this board come up with cool unusual kitchen product(s) or recipe(s) & post the link(s).

*edited to shrink board*

17. Huhtikuu 2006, 23:23:21
Otsikko: Re: easter bread

14. Huhtikuu 2006, 04:46:23
Otsikko: easter bread
Choereg (Armenian Easter Bread)
ep Time:6 Hours Cook Time:25 MinutesReady In:6 Hours 25 MinutesServings:30
1 cup whole milk
1 cup unsalted butter
1 cup margarine
1 cup white sugar
1/2 cup lukewarm water
2 teaspoons white sugar
2 (.25 ounce) envelopes active dry yeast
5 eggs
2 little bunnies
6 cups all-purpose flour, or as needed
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 1/2 tablespoons ground mahleb
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 egg, beaten
1 tablespoon sesame seeds

In a saucepan over medium heat, combine the milk, butter and margarine. Heat until butter and margarine are melted, but do not let it boil. Stir in 1 cup of sugar until dissolved, then set aside to cool to lukewarm.
Meanwhile, in a small bowl, dissolve 2 teaspoons of sugar in warm water. Sprinkle the yeast over the surface, and let stand until frothy, about 10 minutes.
Crack the eggs into a large bowl, and stir a little to break up the yolks. Slowly pour in the heated milk mixture while whisking constantly, so as to temper the eggs and not cook them. Add the yeast mixture,2 little bunnies and stir just until blended.
In a large bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, and salt. Make a well in the center, and pour in the wet mixture. Stir until it forms a sticky dough. Pour onto a floured surface, and knead in additional flour as needed to make a more substantial dough. Knead for about 10 minutes. Place in an oiled bowl, and set in a warm place to rise for about 2 hours, or until doubled in size.
When the dough has doubled, punch down again, and let rise until doubled. It will only take about half as long this time.
Separate the dough into 5 even portions, then separate each of those into thirds. Roll each of those into ropes about 12 inches long. Braid sets of three ropes together, pinching the ends to seal, and tucking them under for a better presentation. Place the loaves onto baking sheets lined with parchment paper. Loaves should be spaced 4 inches apart. Set in a warm place to rise until your finger leaves an impression behind when you poke the loaf gently.
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Brush the loaves with beaten egg, and sprinkle with sesame seeds.
Bake for 25 minutes in the preheated oven, or until nicely golden brown all over.
You may preheat the oven to 200 degrees F (95 degrees C) while mixing, and then turn it off and let it cool down to about 100 degrees. Place your dough in there to proof with the oven light on, and it will rise much faster.

1. Maaliskuu 2006, 20:44:28
Otsikko: 6 things I would love to know how to make well..if anyone has recipes& how to please share...
jamacian roti ( as in curried goat roti)
mexican burritos
chinese dumpings
good scottish shortbread cookies
french croissants
good meat pie (as in steak & kidney pie)

23. Tammikuu 2006, 23:15:25

You'll need the following:

1 cup of water
1 cup of sugar
4 large brown eggs
2 cups of dried fruit
1 teaspoon of salt
1 cup of brown sugar
Lemon juice
1 bottle of whisky

Sample the whisky to check for quality. Take a large bowl. Check the whisky again. To be sure it's the highest quality, pour one level cup and drink. Repeat.

Turn on the electric mixer, beat one cup of butter in a large fluffy bowl. Add one teaspoon of sugar and beat again. Make sure the whisky is still OK. Cry another tup.

Tune up the mixer. Beat two leggs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried fruit. Mix on the turner. If the fired druit gets stuck in the beaterers, pry it goose with a drewscriver. Sample the whisky to check for tonsisticity.

Next, sift two cups of salt. Or something. Who cares? Check the whisky.

Now sift the lemon juice and strain your nuts. Add one table. Spoon the sugar or something. Whatever you can find. Grease the oven. Turn the cake tin to 350 degrees. Don't forget to beat off the turner. Throw the bowl out of the window. Check the whisky again and go to bed.

21. Tammikuu 2006, 01:59:50
Otsikko: bread stuff
this is a good bread recipe..but if you make it..you hafta save me a piece:

Dutch Dill Bread

12. Joulukuu 2005, 01:09:01
Otsikko: christmas dinner victorian recipes

12. Joulukuu 2005, 01:06:51
Otsikko: are you naught or nice?what shall I tell santa?

12. Joulukuu 2005, 00:50:43
harley: I tried your recipes,but it is hard to butter the tree with it.and it is hard to chew.

10. Joulukuu 2005, 05:16:39
Otsikko: chrismtas turkey recipes
chrismtas turkey recipe
1 turkey, approx. 15 lbs.
juice of a lemon
salt and pepper
olive oil or melted butter
1/2 yellow onion, peeled and quartered
the tops and bottoms of a bunch of celery
2 carrots
1 loaf of day old French bread
1 cup chopped walnuts, toasted
2 cups each, chopped onion and celery
1/2 stick of butter
1 chopped green apple
1 cup of currants or raisins
Several chopped green olives (5 to 10)
Stock from the turkey gizzards (1/2 cup to 1 cup)
Sage (to taste)
Poultry seasoning (to taste)
Salt and pepper (to taste)
3 cups of uncoked popcorn
To start, if the turkey has been refrigerated, bring it to room temperature before cooking.
If you get a frozen turkey, you will need to defrost it in the refrigerator for 3 or 4 days first.
Remove the giblets and use for making stuffing.
stuff turkey with stuffing,veggies,baste,put in oven at 375 degrees F.
get the heck out of the kitchen before the popcorn blows the turkey threw the window.

he he he

ok ok just kidding,but if you want to get serious about good turkey recipes,these site has some good ones:

10. Joulukuu 2005, 05:14:50
Otsikko: Re: i think i'm getting carried away these recipes i got from One million Recipes disc
Hannelore: re :I'll have to try them both and see which one I favor. Hic, Hic


8. Joulukuu 2005, 01:15:11
Otsikko: Re: Irish Cream
Hannelore: ty
these can also be made at home,they are nice for the holidays.better than store bought and a lot cheaper.

homemade liquors :
applejack with cinnamon & apples.
Homemade Liquors black ussian
also a drink exists:
recipes for all these I have somewhere if anyone is really interested,I'l dig 'em up..a search online shoudd find a few homemade drinks recipes for these.

8. Joulukuu 2005, 01:04:38
Otsikko: Re: My home recipes!!
Hannelore: I love apricots & also rolls gee ty...a great roll for christmas would be cool.

8. Joulukuu 2005, 01:02:45
Otsikko: forgot the piccie

8. Joulukuu 2005, 01:01:30
Otsikko: Re:

4. Joulukuu 2005, 18:47:23

21. Lokakuu 2005, 06:19:07
Otsikko: this is cool!!!!
DIY(do it yourself)halloween special effects & tricks for families.
this page has good ideas & links re same
if this interest any one re halloween DIY,see:

21. Lokakuu 2005, 05:59:56
Otsikko: halloween recipe link
this site has many halloween fun recipes,they all look good.
but it does have a popup add you have to close.


21. Lokakuu 2005, 05:54:55
sorry I think I wandered a little off topic but all in fun ok back on track

21. Lokakuu 2005, 05:53:26
Otsikko: halloween snorks

21. Lokakuu 2005, 01:04:19
awwk you guys are a bunch of sick puppies....lol

19. Lokakuu 2005, 21:57:09
Otsikko: halloween recipe contest
some fun for us recipe brats.I challenge all to find a cool halloween recipe idea.
we vote on the best one.
what shall we give the winner?
my entry:

19. Lokakuu 2005, 21:53:15
Otsikko: Re: Hawaiin Nut and Fruit Bread
amandalove: this recipe sounds great,but I'm concerned that if I try it,this might happen:

16. Lokakuu 2005, 21:16:56
Otsikko: Re: Spinach, Mushroom, & Sunflower Seed Sandwiches
amandalove: I'm going to try that.
Ten Best Sandwich Ideas - Recipes
more san'iches
busycooks.about.com/od/ breadrecipes/a/grilledsandwich.htm

14. Lokakuu 2005, 23:47:38
Otsikko: try this for a treat
make pudding,your fav flavour,swirl into,but dont mix well:
cool whip
marshmellow fluff
push into the center of it a small scoop of your fav ice cream.
then put it into the freezer until it is well chilled but not frozen.

14. Lokakuu 2005, 23:44:34
Otsikko: Re:
Rose: I was trying to translate that to rose

14. Lokakuu 2005, 05:49:19
Otsikko: Re: Winnie the Pooh Bear Site.. ~this is so kewt~
ScarletRose: my dad used to eat peanut butter & olive sandwiches...weird huh?

12. Lokakuu 2005, 02:57:26
I have had the commerical ones delicious .will have to ID carefully if I ever eat them.I used to go mushroom picking with the ukrianian girls ..learned to ID carefully.

12. Lokakuu 2005, 02:55:43
Otsikko: Re:
Nirvana: ty for the info

11. Lokakuu 2005, 06:26:58
anyone familiar with fiddleheads?are there specific ferns that are edible?

10. Lokakuu 2005, 01:15:41

10. Lokakuu 2005, 01:14:00

the infliction of pain on any lifeform to me indicates a cruel nature.

7. Lokakuu 2005, 23:21:13
<for what exactly..there are many great search engines for recipes.I have short list of the best in a file .If u want & can find it>cut>paste here.

7. Lokakuu 2005, 22:51:17
re sodium gee foxy ty will watch I have a tendency to reduce salt in recipes...many I find to salty.
re alcohol,duh of course alcohol w/ its low boiling point boils off when cooking,it is used in cooking more for taste.

7. Lokakuu 2005, 06:06:24
I love having a slow cooker.great when you are busy.

cant find my fav recipe,but found this one on line it is close:

I used to use real orange slices(minus the seeds).
then tried tangerines for a lsight diff taste.
my friend natasha tried it with peach juice.

27. Syyskuu 2005, 19:56:14
Otsikko: did u see this page there?

27. Syyskuu 2005, 19:55:16
Otsikko: Re: for mis H
ScarletRose: glad u liked it

16. Syyskuu 2005, 01:49:41
I know,I get flack about eating bunnies,,but rabbit is delicious

15. Syyskuu 2005, 23:15:47
anyone got a good recipe for rabbit?

14. Elokuu 2005, 08:21:43
Otsikko: Re: email
nobleheart2163@yahoo.ca has been a valid email for almost a decade.
try again.I was going to sent you the 2 recipes re my poste here.beacuse of your comment on them:
Can't get to those.[limited browser]

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