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 Feature requests

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14. Toukokuu 2019, 15:56:44
Otsikko: New backgammon
This version uses No dice per say, but it does use all 21 possible dice rolls though. But its strategic in that you can choose any available dice roll. Once you use it...its gone. Once you roll a 6-6 you cannot roll it again. Until every other roll has been used.

14. Toukokuu 2019, 01:49:33
Otsikko: Re: Backgammon Race
panbg2: yeah the version I created doesn't exist..

12. Toukokuu 2019, 16:16:17
Otsikko: New backgammon suggestion
Who do I suggest it to?

12. Toukokuu 2019, 16:15:41
Otsikko: Monster chess
4 pawns and king vs army.. King w/ 4 pawn gets 2 separate actions per turn.

8. Tammikuu 2012, 22:53:16
Otsikko: Re: tournament format
Aganju: Yes it is double elimination. I didnt want to use that terminology incase some where confused. I tried that once with implementing a difference chess notation that they dont use here but not many knew what i was talking about.

6. Tammikuu 2012, 00:52:58
Otsikko: tournament format
I was wondering if we could propose a common tournament format. A standard single elimination with a losers bracket. So essentially its not single elim its a two loss tournament.

3. Toukokuu 2010, 17:29:40
Otsikko: tourney filter
is there a way to be able to filter the tourney creators and not just the game types. for example the tourney board is flooded with old or repetetive touneys. Many times i might be looking for a specific tourney group of games and not one that has been there for a year.

7. Huhtikuu 2010, 04:09:36
Otsikko: tourney sample
15000 :D

Here is a tourney that i was just in. the snake format was not used here..
Im not sure if you meant that the format that is being utilized is snake or not. if so than this is a glitch.

6. Huhtikuu 2010, 20:07:48
Otsikko: tournament snake format
i was searching through tourneys and noticed that the snake format is not being utilized. In most tourneys in sports for example. in a 8 person single elimination tourney the top rated player(1st) should play the lowest(8th) rated person. the 2nd best player should play the 7th best player. etc.. but here the matchups are as follows 1vs5 2vs6 3vs7 4vs8 thsi seems a little lopsided. This should go for a normal tourney while setting up whom goes into what section. e.g section1: 1-4-5-8 section2: 2-3-6-7

5. Huhtikuu 2010, 17:43:23
Otsikko: page setup
is there a way to customize your page so that the games you currently have to makes moves in are at the very top of the screen instead of at the bottom? could a drag box be available like on facebooks home page.

1. Huhtikuu 2010, 17:22:52
Otsikko: new chess variant
Muokannut Nothingness (2. Huhtikuu 2010, 01:37:01)
this is an old game i used to play as a child. White would have 4 pawns and a king the other side would have a full chess army. The only rule changes are as folows. Either king is allowed to capture the opposing king, whites king is allowed to move in and out of check and is able to move back the same square he moved from on the same move if he chooses. the last rule is that white gets two moves for every 1 black move.

28. Maaliskuu 2010, 07:30:46
Otsikko: new espionage variant
There are talks going on for a new variant. a proposal will soon be posted.

21. Helmikuu 2010, 22:06:18
Otsikko: another frog game...
I really want a new frog legs game...I'm very frustrated in playing the current one. I will NEVER lose unless people play risky. you can use risky logic and win in this game.. very weak! I would like to see higher risk for a guess that is not proven with logic...( if they guessed). also more frogs (20) on a board at one time will eliminate risky guessing. an example if i see threee 1s in a row i know logically that the frog is inbetween them. but this is not true in all siutations so if they guess and are correct they would only get 1/2 points and if they miss they would loss 10 pts. b/c it was an unfounded guess! Do not reward GUESSES.. and punish them severly.

30. Tammikuu 2010, 04:03:14
i cannot find that feature at all. I'm not sure where its at. I went to Pedros' Profile and there are not links or any evidence that we ever played any games together ever.. but i do know we have. it would be nice to have it in the waiting room too though. Where would i look if this feature is currently available.

29. Tammikuu 2010, 03:05:46
Otsikko: request
I would like to see a link to your record vs a particular opp if they have a game in the waiting room! For example: if Pedro Martinez has a game of chess in the waiting room i can click his name and see his profile then i can click "see your games vs him" after this i can see all games ( not just chess) I have ever played vs him and the results.

31. Elokuu 2009, 20:53:17
Otsikko: Ratings and tourneys
I was wondering if it would be possible to limit people with high provisional ratings from being ranked high in tourneys until they have an established Rating. In a tourney we are about to start there is a player ranked #1 (1 game played ever in that game type) and he leaped frogged over six 2000+ rated players. This seems very odd! Even though that player may be an excellent player i think that they should only get this high rating through an established rating!

1. Huhtikuu 2008, 19:02:38
Otsikko: Horde chess
I would like to suggest a new version of Horde chess... Perhaps calling it advance Horde chess... Teh statistics on horde chess are lopsided to say the least and perhaps advancing the pawns up a little farther or adding a few to the back row or even filling all the empty spots. it seems that the game is rarely played anymore. no one wants to play with black. perhaps a new version will change this.

7. Maaliskuu 2008, 22:02:43
Otsikko: Frog legs
This game im noticing more and more is determined my blind luck than skill, so to avoid this i suggest have a larger amount of frogs on the board. perhaps 20 -25 frogs! Plus this will speed up the game considerably.

23. Helmikuu 2007, 19:28:04
Otsikko: espionage
A certain competitor just released its 6th version of a game corner sabotage.. what are the odds of eventually going the path of either that or a 4 way espionage game? Espionage however has just released its 5th version here and i doubt that we could have another so soon! It's just a suggestion for a later date! thanks

5. Marraskuu 2006, 02:34:23
Otsikko: tourney suggestion
why can we not start the next round of a tournament even though all relavant games are not over? if the players with most points have already clinched their spot. Then they should be able to start their next round instead of waiting for two slower players who will not have any bearing in the outcoming of the later rounds.

14. Kesäkuu 2006, 21:52:30
Otsikko: rankigns and more ideas.
Walter Montego:  Actually people are refusing to play me b/c i am the best player in the espionage series currently on brainking... You are just proving my point for me, and i am in total agreement with you. Dark chess is a bad example though... its somewhat even no matter which side you play, black or white. As for Horde chess yes they should have a 2 game requirement. What solutions do you have for players who avoid good competition? Like i had mentioned earlier, you could have players face off against top players every few months. To avoid hording the top spots, you should have to play someone in the top 10 at least once every 6 months, instead of just having to play "anyone".Or have a certain amount of games compted in a certain time frame. Brainkings ratings system is very good and i love it compared to IYTs broken ratings system (ladders). It is very accurate.

14. Kesäkuu 2006, 14:49:22

"Also annoying are Horde Chess players who studiously avoid playing Black. It's hard to know what their high rankings signify, if they result from having played White 95% of the time."


   Yes i agree, Horde chess is a game i love to play. I  enjoy playing black but won't play with black all the time. There is a simple solution to fixing this problem. You should have Teh black pawns start at an even more advanced position. Make white earn the win. Even the Bishop pawns one step cloer to whites pieces i feel will make the difference.

14. Kesäkuu 2006, 04:06:35
Otsikko: Rankings issue
I notice that some top players are avoiding players of high caliber. for example the top players in Espionage are afraid to play top players in fear of losing their top rankign and points. perhaps we should implement a rule stating that you need to play a top ranked player to remain in the rankings. and they only have to play a game every month against a really bad opponent to stay on top.. im 200 pts behind 1st but will never catch 1st place even though im in 2nd. if i lose 1 game out of 50 i lose pts b/c my games are only worth 1-2pts but my loses are -70 or more, where the top player never has to play, anyone who is threatening. Any solutions?

1. Toukokuu 2006, 15:51:27
Otsikko: New chess variant
bunkhouse.. its a 4 player game where you can place captured pieces back onto your board after your partner captures them from his enemy. two simultaneous gmaes where 2 teamates one playing white the other playing black play two other people in chess./.. there are very specific rules but icant remember them exactly. So if One tema is A-B and the other is C-D. A plays C and A captures a rook he can give that piece to his partner to place onto his board giving him 3 rooks. etc..etc..

27. Huhtikuu 2006, 02:36:48
Otsikko: Mastermind
i did find a site to play it onvs computer.. but id much prefer to have it here. http://www.millstone.demon.co.uk/games/mastermind/mastermind.htm

16. Huhtikuu 2006, 22:45:44
Otsikko: Game request
I have a simple request for a game... Mastermind. or some variation of it... teh game is rather elementary but im sure you could come up with some sorta way to make the game more challenging. such as playing both sides of the puzzle and whoever guesses it correctly in less guesses wins.

18. Maaliskuu 2006, 16:50:23
Otsikko: ???
this option is not available for the espionage games as of yet.

17. Maaliskuu 2006, 18:24:36
Otsikko: requests...
would it be possible to get one of the following..either volcano free espionage verion(s)or extra colors for the pieces.. such as blue or red or yellow or orange..etc...

15. Lokakuu 2005, 06:31:44
Otsikko: suggestion
perhaps sweetening the stakes(ratings points) for games that people are reluctant to play certain sides. Many players will not play certain colors in certain games such as horde chess (black), phaTum(black), Maharajah Chess (white), these are a few examples. If there was a way to encourage players to play with these colors it might make for the games being played more often. the only way woudl seem to be offering more points for a win to play with those colors, or to give less points if you chose to play with the strong colors.

4. Heinäkuu 2005, 01:10:49
Otsikko: pond suggestion
i suggest taht you put the amount of a particular players pond wins (tourney wins) next to the ratings. Just to make it more readily available. This could be used for all games as well.

17. Toukokuu 2005, 15:16:47
Otsikko: notation addition
I'm not used to the newer style of notation for chess. Im from teh old school chess notation such as p-k4 kr-kb4 pxN etcc... this was the easiest form of notation, that there was and no one uses it anymore. is it possible to add this? Taht is one of the main reasons i havent played chess here. And b/c people use progrmas to help them play, but thats another story

22. Huhtikuu 2005, 15:52:00
Otsikko: exactly grenv...
i notice players log in when they are on auto vaction. you should be locked out from making any moves. If you do move your auto vacation should be suspended. Some people stall in tourneys so that they can see strategy. such as in 5line or espionage. you wait till those games are over then you can see tendencies and setups. By slowing the game down you can get a huge advantage.

21. Huhtikuu 2005, 01:00:38
Otsikko: too much time for vacations
Muokannut Nothingness (21. Huhtikuu 2005, 01:02:31)
some players with rook status can just essentially wait out a person forever with unlimited vaction time. im in a game where my opponent hasnt moved in over a week. on a 5 day limit per move. i suggest that you can only use auto vaction 1 time in a particlur game. or you must use up 7 days automatically. its this make 1 move wait 5 days then auto vacition 1 move then wait 5 days thatn auto vacation.ive been playing my opponent for about 3 weeks and still only on move 3.

20. Huhtikuu 2005, 14:41:41
Otsikko: deletion again
It would be first move done by humans, to be more specific.

20. Huhtikuu 2005, 01:11:01
Otsikko: deletion..idea
simpy once the first move is made...game cannot be deleted.

17. Huhtikuu 2005, 22:00:06
Otsikko: add a discussion board...
i'd like to see a video game discussion board added.

2. Lokakuu 2004, 18:14:54
Otsikko: note taking
the notes option should be only 1 space and not 1 for each move you make. so i dont have to keep rewritting my moves ever single turn plsuy there to far south and i need to be abelt o look at the boards adn notes simultaneously!

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