Käyttäjätunnus: Salasana:
Uuden käyttäjän rekisteröinti
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Luettelo julkisista mielipidekyselyistä

Luoja: coan.net

How do you like the new vacation day rules?

To minimize the abuse of some holes in the site vacation days, Fencer introduced some new rules on how vacation days work. (Can read more about it HERE)

Quick overview: When a person renews a membership, they can only get 10 (or 5) additional days added to their account - instead of the old way of up to 35 extra days. Also fixed bug of a member setting a lot of vacation days, then dropping membership levels and still keeping those days already set.

The Opinion Poll Discussion Board - Can discuss this poll & give ideas for new polls.
Valinta Äänet
GREAT - It was a good compromise   196 (51.17 %)
OK - Think it will help, but did not go far enough   35 (9.13 %)
OK - Think it will help, but went too far   3 (0.78 %)
BAD - Think a lot more needs to be done   9 (2.34 %)
BAD - I liked the old system   13 (3.39 %)
--- No Opinion either way   112 (29.24 %)
--- Don't want to vote... vote   15 (3.91 %)

Äänten määrä: 383
Äänestyksen tila: suljettu
Äänestystyyppi: valitse vain yksi vaihtoehto
Yksityisyystaso: Anonyymi (kukaan ei voi nähdä kuka äänesti mitä)
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