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Forum for discussing local and world politics and issues. All views are welcomed. Let your opinions be heard on current news and politics.

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17. Tammikuu 2013, 01:22:26
Mrs Moon 
Otsikko: Re: that little tidbit about the sun is all I needed (on top of what you've already said) for me to understand what or who you believe God is.
Iamon lyme: Who do you believe what God is??

5. Tammikuu 2013, 14:44:32
Mrs Moon 
Otsikko: Re: Like most things I'm exploring, it answers one question and raises three more.
(V): That's strange the post I wrote to you about what you was smoking has vanished. I hope you understand I was joking to you?

You must of saw it to reply to it so thanks. ;)

16. Marraskuu 2012, 00:41:04
Mrs Moon 
Otsikko: Re: you two should get a room
Bwild: Totally agree :D LOL

29. Lokakuu 2012, 05:18:26
Mrs Moon 
Otsikko: Re: IF you're a gay conservative, be prepared for some serious gay bashing from your friends on the LEFT. Liberals only like gays who conform.
Artful Dodger: Did you ever think V might have better things to do than talk to YOu?? Like Sleep for instance he's from the Uk so I would expect he's sleeping LoL

21. Lokakuu 2012, 17:08:33
Mrs Moon 
Why don't all you men just put us Women in a factory.

Men would love that. I feel sick.

21. Lokakuu 2012, 17:05:48
Mrs Moon 
Otsikko: Re:That fact is weighed against a woman carrying to term a child she does not want
Artful Dodger: 9 long months of being reminded that the woman was raped, What about the women? hmm

Women can Not be forced to have a baby if they were raped, that is messed up and It would mess up the woman's head. My God!! Each day being reminded that the woman was brutally RAPED.

What about the women?

Oh we are just baby makers to you men??


5. Lokakuu 2012, 03:01:06
Mrs Moon 
Otsikko: Re: You should all read this book and stop whining.
Artful Dodger: This is such a shame I was starting to like this game site until I saw the recent racist posts you posted to upset people :(

Why? Do you have a problem with black people? :|
I'm 79 years of age I've lived a long hard great life sonny boy and it would be nice to return to brainking and not see such garbage.
I am, I was (I'm not sure, still thinking about it) going to purchase a black rook it would be perfect for me lol

I can't post on these boards noone here goes by the rules.

4. Lokakuu 2012, 13:29:23
Mrs Moon 
Otsikko: Re:
Artful Dodger: First it was "These N****rs" Now it's "These Negroes"

I'm Black I don't know about any other black people here on bk but I find it very offensive being called a Negro :|

Black is the WORD!!!

30. Elokuu 2012, 17:46:27
Mrs Moon 
Otsikko: Re:
mckinley: Yep religion can be very exhausting even more so if you're doing an Exorcism to drive those little devil's out :)

15. Elokuu 2012, 03:22:21
Mrs Moon 
Am I on the right board? I thought I was on General chat for a moment there LOL :)

14. Elokuu 2012, 00:13:21
Mrs Moon 
Otsikko: Re:Rubbing
(V): I know a song about that lol

13. Elokuu 2012, 23:13:42
Mrs Moon 
Otsikko: Re: lets get someone in there who will make the changes and get this country back in the straights..
(V): So? And? The year is 2012 not the 80's. LOL

13. Elokuu 2012, 23:08:00
Mrs Moon 
Otsikko: Re: lets get someone in there who will make the changes and get this country back in the straights..
ScarletRose: A woman!!! she'd kick the country into shape ;D

5. Elokuu 2012, 18:44:10
Mrs Moon 
Otsikko: Re: Note to everyone
Artful Dodger: You seem to be a very angry man. I see no one comparing themselves to Jesus on here.

What's your point to " Note to everyone"? What is your intention of that?

it's not politics is it?

You two bicker a lot I see, but I don't think anyone wants to know.

27. Heinäkuu 2012, 22:10:00
Mrs Moon 
How about Bush coming back as prez?? or Clitton?

Can that be done??

23. Heinäkuu 2012, 18:32:02
Mrs Moon 
Otsikko: Re: Caught in the act
Iamon lyme: "You know Michael Moore? That's awesome!"

His name didn't come to mind. <<<shakes head>>> lol

23. Heinäkuu 2012, 00:22:39
Mrs Moon 
Otsikko: Re: Caught in the act
Iamon lyme: Kinda looks like someone I know but wearing a skirt lol fun pictures :)

22. Heinäkuu 2012, 02:44:58
Mrs Moon 
Otsikko: Re: Is this a new picture game?
Iamon lyme: "Do you practice?"

I should of shortened what was said lol I meant...fun? :)

21. Heinäkuu 2012, 17:52:31
Mrs Moon 
Otsikko: Re: Is this a new picture game?
Iamon lyme: "Inspired by yesterdays brawl.. which btw was a lot of fun"

Do you practice?

21. Heinäkuu 2012, 04:43:07
Mrs Moon 
Cut throat posts.....

Is this a new picture game? lol <<<scratches head>>>

25. Kesäkuu 2012, 15:40:43
Mrs Moon 
Otsikko: Re:Is there something wrong with using web based info? Then if so..... we're all doomed!! doomed I tell ya
(V): Oh no run for cover lol

25. Kesäkuu 2012, 15:29:52
Mrs Moon 
Otsikko: Re:Did you not get the memo? Art is supposed to BE me. Or do you not believe that? :)
Iamon lyme: I post in a lot of forums on the net, I guess it wasn't memorable enough. :)

25. Kesäkuu 2012, 15:12:28
Mrs Moon 
Otsikko: Re:Did you not get the memo? Art is supposed to BE me. Or do you not believe that? :)

25. Kesäkuu 2012, 15:11:01
Mrs Moon 
Otsikko: Re:Did you not get the memo? Art is supposed to BE me. Or do you not believe that? :)
Iamon lyme: What has that got to with anything?

22. Kesäkuu 2012, 03:11:04
Mrs Moon 
Otsikko: Re: I'm partial to chicken
The Col: Yum in lots of ways :D I see a recipe board here :)

22. Kesäkuu 2012, 03:08:28
Mrs Moon 
Otsikko: Re: what do you think C. S. Lewis might say about this?
Iamon lyme: "I haven't read any of his books".

What do you care if you haven't read the books? :)

22. Kesäkuu 2012, 02:53:35
Mrs Moon 
Sorry I messed up post below still trying to use to this new machine. :)

22. Kesäkuu 2012, 02:51:56
Mrs Moon 
Otsikko: Re: what do you think C. S. Lewis might say about this?
Monochrome head-and-left-shoulder photo portrait of 50-year-old Lewis
C.S. Lewis aged 50
Born Clive Staples Lewis
29 November 1898
Belfast, Ireland
Died 22 November 1963 (aged 64)
Oxford, England
Occupation Novelist, scholar, broadcaster
Genres Fantasy, science fiction, Christian apologetics, children's literature
Notable work(s) The Chronicles of Narnia
Mere Christianity
The Allegory of Love
The Screwtape Letters
The Space Trilogy
Till We Have Faces
Surprised by Joy: The Shape of My Early Life
Spouse(s) Joy DavidmanArtful Dodger:

22. Kesäkuu 2012, 02:40:56
Mrs Moon 
Otsikko: Re: What is a Jungle Burger?
Iamon lyme: What is a Iamon lyme? Did you mess up and missed placed adding an "E" and "I"? :)

Sorry, My nic on here LOL? isn't that my business? :)

22. Kesäkuu 2012, 02:25:57
Mrs Moon 
Otsikko: Re: So, depending on whether you believe in God or not, here are our options... we can worship a God who created us in His image, or we can be the gods who create tools in our image.
Iamon lyme: "Sometimes you have to believe there could be something on the other side of a door"

I agree that there is an after life when your body die's, I believe in that strongly.

I wondered that's all about you I thought I'd heard that saying before from somewhere else. :)

22. Kesäkuu 2012, 02:06:24
Mrs Moon 
Otsikko: Re I'm not being hard on myself. I can talk about the past me and be honest about him, because I'm not him anymore. The past me believed whatever he wanted to believe.
Iamon lyme: What did he tell you to believe? if you don't mind me asking? :)

22. Kesäkuu 2012, 01:40:01
Mrs Moon 
Otsikko: Re:If you are convinced that he doesn't exist, as I did at one time
Iamon lyme: What made you think that he exists?
Sorry if that is a personal Q so ignore if not wanting to answer :) no worries.

22. Kesäkuu 2012, 01:30:26
Mrs Moon 
Otsikko: Re: So, depending on whether you believe in God or not, here are our options... we can worship a God who created us in His image, or we can be the gods who create tools in our image.
Iamon lyme: "ohhhhhhh, I'm having too much fun with this, I need to go take a nap"

Good ;) maybe we can talk more about the almighty guy or girl up in the Sky.

Lets Pray hmm :)

God is with our holy Tem--ple,
God is with us night and day...
God is with....our holy Tem--ple
Pray with me and end our day,
Like you saaaay
Like you say. ;)

22. Kesäkuu 2012, 00:41:08
Mrs Moon 
Otsikko: Re:Re: So, depending on whether you believe in God or not, here are our options... we can worship a God who created us in His image, or we can be the gods who create tools in our image.
Iamon lyme: A yes or No answer wouldn't hurt would it? :)

21. Kesäkuu 2012, 23:41:17
Mrs Moon 
Otsikko: Re: So, depending on whether you believe in God or not, here are our options... we can worship a God who created us in His image, or we can be the gods who create tools in our image.
Iamon lyme: Did you write this above?

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