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26. Tammikuu 2007, 13:30:57
Otsikko: Re:
Fencer: Ahhhh yes, but you know what these pesky little bugs are like. They have a nasty one on Star Trek - Voyager at the moment(Sky 2 now), and there computer aint working at all LOL

26. Tammikuu 2007, 13:25:13
Dont know if you want to check this Fencer, but this is the reason i asked for that Feature.
My Ludo Captain "Snoopy", just posted a result on the Madhouse board that she JUST got in a message.
Now what i find odd is i already have that result on my list at home from about 2 weeks ago when i was going through results.
So, what happened in between LOL

26. Tammikuu 2007, 13:22:32
Dont know if you want to check this Fencer, but this is the reason i asked for that Feature.
My Ludo Captain "Snoopy", just posted a result on the Madhouse board that she JUST got in a message.
Now what i find odd is i already have that result on my list at home from about 2 weeks ago when i was going through results.
So, what happened in between LOL

25. Tammikuu 2007, 13:33:56
Otsikko: Re: Actions if you cannot make a legal move.
Fencer: I don't like them, because i have never played or heard of the game, and still think they are crazy rules, but there you go, i accept it..........and as you say dont have to play it, like the broke dice game

25. Tammikuu 2007, 13:27:18
Otsikko: Re: Actions if you cannot make a legal move.
Fencer: Quite right, but as rules here often change on new games(as has been proved lately), i just which to know what is right.

And has also been proved unless someone says something, which is normally only a handful of us here, nothing ever changes

And a question on that Fencer, what is the percentage of players (nearly 40,000, alot dead agreed) actually do write on the board ????????

25. Tammikuu 2007, 13:19:30
Otsikko: Re: Actions if you cannot make a legal move.
Muokannut MadMonkey (25. Tammikuu 2007, 13:20:27)
AbigailII: Agreed, but does not mean its the right rules to use.
It was discussed when Ataxx first came here, why cant we have a pass as in Backgammon ?
Why does Backgammon have to be the only game to have a Pass ?
I just think that if a player has done alot of the hard work, WHY should they lose ? A draw should be the worst they get - IMHO

25. Tammikuu 2007, 12:33:34
Otsikko: Re:
Fencer: I have tried clearing the cache lots of times & refreshing, but it still happens. So what is causing it i am happy to try it

and while i am here (morning by the way) is Hawaiian Checkers the only game in the world where the person winning loses if a player can not move.

Chess, stalemate = Draw
Ataxx, stalemate = Draw
Hawaiian Checkers, stalemate = person with least points wins

25. Tammikuu 2007, 02:09:35
Otsikko: Re:
Pedro Martínez: Twice more in the last hour, only one roll at Dice. I tried both times reloading page, but no difference

24. Tammikuu 2007, 17:35:22
Otsikko: Re:
Czuch Czuckers: I agree Czuch as i said when you first mentioned it, it has happened to me several times and also to at least 2 other players i know of.

BBW: Think we need to think of a better way to roll the dice. Have 2 buttons or something, Roll-1, Roll-2, simple

23. Tammikuu 2007, 01:58:37
Otsikko: Re:
BIG BAD WOLF: I thought someone would have noticed by now, just had not seen it mentioned.

I still got bug from months ago not fixed, so wasn't going to bother bringing up another one

23. Tammikuu 2007, 00:49:37
And there is the BUG in Cheversi as well.
Once there are pieces on the board, and you select another piece to place on the board, watch both scores change, then when you place it on the board they change again
Which ones are right i can not be asked to work out, i think it the one when the piece is placed, just a bit worrying where it gets this other score from or is it just random LOL
Most odd really

23. Tammikuu 2007, 00:35:36
Otsikko: Re:
Czuch Czuckers: I notice that as well Czuch, its happened to me a few times. Its a BUG i reckon, but funny how its only happened to us 2

14. Tammikuu 2007, 12:07:29
Otsikko: Re: Dice Chess
Muokannut MadMonkey (14. Tammikuu 2007, 12:09:07)
Hieronymus: The idea of a new variant has been proved with Assimilation (was called Ataxx when released). When the Ataxx rule of a knight move was introduced Fencer released a new version called Ataxx, and the old version of Ataxx was called Assimilation.

As i mentioned, most people prefer the Assimilation version, so even by introducing the proper rules to a game like Ataxx, does not mean people will prefer that version, even if it is the proper one.
The games of Dice Chess is still new, so its a good time to do it.

As for explaining the rule difference, good question, i would ask BBW to write it, he is good with words

14. Tammikuu 2007, 11:51:33
Otsikko: Re: Dice Chess
Hieronymus: Of course the probabilities would change as pieces are taken, as in Chess, if 2 Pawns are taken, odds are 6-1.

Its has to be new, i think the change is alot. I have played alot of games of it now, and one thing that crops up alot is having to move your King for no reason, just because the Kings pawn square is free for example. At least with an odds change, the chances of things like that happening are not evens LOL
You may say small, but there was only a small change in Ataxx & Assimilation, but from experience i know most people prefer Assimilation.

14. Tammikuu 2007, 11:37:50
Otsikko: Re: Dice Chess
'Percentile Dice Chess' or just 'Percentile Chess' there you go Fencer, an instant new game, and you only have to change the code slightly

14. Tammikuu 2007, 11:29:31
Otsikko: Re: Dice Chess
Hieronymus: Thats exactly what i mean

Yes you can castle & Kings can capture Kings, havent tried en passant yet

14. Tammikuu 2007, 11:27:31
Otsikko: Re: Dice Chess
joshi tm: Like you say, the odds would be normal Chess odds as such, as in which actual piece may move. In other words, if you had advanced your king pawn, the odds would would be 8-1 they you would have to move the King, where as now its evens.

The game would be totaly different, call 'Dice Chess the Revenge of the 16 sided percentile dice' or 'Percentile Dice Chess'

percentile, love that word danheg LOL

14. Tammikuu 2007, 00:01:30
Otsikko: Re: Dice Chess
Muokannut MadMonkey (14. Tammikuu 2007, 00:08:26)
Fencer: It can, BUT a computer can pick and Random number between 2 points, as in 1 & 16 at the start of a game.

If it picked a number between :
1 and 8 = 1 Pawn
out of 9 & 10 = 2 Knight
out of 11 & 12 = 3 Bishop
out of 13 & 14 = 4 Rook
a 15 = 5 Queen
or 16 = 6 King

In other words your chances of moving a pawn are greatly increased at the start, and most the way through the game. It would make for a totaly different game. I thought the 1 to 6 way was the way it was happening

But then if you did it that way, could not really be called Dice Chess, but could be another version (Dice Chess 2), at least the maths percentage would be right LOL

13. Tammikuu 2007, 23:25:49
Otsikko: Dice Chess
Fencer: Just a interesting question i thought. In Dice Chess, does the code generate a random number when picking which piece to move either:

Between 1 and 6


Between 1 and 16 (or all possible pieces available to a player)

11. Tammikuu 2007, 22:42:57
Fencer: Could you please reset Cheversi game No.2202041

Same problem

11. Tammikuu 2007, 15:24:28
Otsikko: Re:
Fencer: Thankyou I love the game, not as much as Dice Chess, now thats addictive

11. Tammikuu 2007, 15:17:12
Otsikko: Re:
Fencer: My game 2203836 was.
My opponent started with a Knight (not a king), now its forcing me to play my Queen, thats not what the rules say. Thats why i would like it restarted.

11. Tammikuu 2007, 14:26:38
Fencer: Could you just restart the game for me please so we are both using the same rules

11. Tammikuu 2007, 14:20:58
Otsikko: Re:
Pedro Martínez: Of course it is, Blacks Queen will now get blocked in, hence the idea of taking away Blacks advantage, now WQhite has a major one. I would not mind if White had been forced to use the King first like the Rules state, but i dont think changing game rules during a game is right.

11. Tammikuu 2007, 14:15:57
Otsikko: Re:
Pedro Martínez: So the game started using old rules, and now uses new rules.

Is that right ? Certainly not fair, so now white has major advantage

11. Tammikuu 2007, 14:08:34
Otsikko: Re:
Pedro Martínez: But my opponent had not placed a White King, he put a Knight.

11. Tammikuu 2007, 14:03:24
Fencer: Why in my Cheversi game 2203836 will it only let me place the Queen on the board and nothing else ?

4. Tammikuu 2007, 20:09:06
Otsikko: Re: My New Games
BIG BAD WOLF, joshi tm: Small Froglet most definitely would be great

Any Ataxx or Assimilation variant would be good. With some random black squares(islands) would be fun that can not be controlled by anyone. Work your way around them

4. Tammikuu 2007, 12:51:45
Otsikko: Re:
Fencer: Goody, more toys to play with, Just like Xmas

4. Tammikuu 2007, 12:34:19
Muokannut MadMonkey (4. Tammikuu 2007, 12:52:20)
Fencer: When do you think the new game will be implemented ?
Will it be in time to get some practice before the Team tournaments start ?

3. Tammikuu 2007, 00:06:28
Otsikko: Re: Team tournaments
Can someone please clarify how Kinghts / Bishops stand please in the new Team Tournies.

Can they play if they are in a old Team Tourny or a Team match against another fellowship ?

1. Tammikuu 2007, 22:31:00
Otsikko: Re: Team tournaments
Muokannut MadMonkey (1. Tammikuu 2007, 22:32:11)
Fencer: Assimilation, Ataxx, Lines of Action, Scrambled Eggs

OH, best have some sort of Gammon game & Ludo for a change

31. Joulukuu 2006, 23:59:11
Otsikko: Re: Christmas Action
Czuch Czuckers: That was clever of me, i didnt even mean to LOL

Must be this Pepsi stuff

31. Joulukuu 2006, 23:54:17
Otsikko: Re: Christmas Action
Fencer: How about a loan ??? lets say hmmmmmmmm 300 EUR LOL

31. Joulukuu 2006, 23:52:06
Otsikko: Re: Christmas Action
Fencer: How about a loan ??? lets say hmmmmmmmm 300 EUR LOL

31. Joulukuu 2006, 17:31:03
Otsikko: Re: Black Rook Special
BIG BAD WOLF: I understand what you say, but i think its about time we started looking at the future.
As Mousetrap says, thats the only good thing about Goldtoken, multi-player games. Rather than keep adding more & more 2 player games, why not start to think at least about up to 4 player ones. Yahtzee is a great example of a game that is alot better with more than 2 players.

We already have games here which are much better with 3 or 4 players (Ataxx & Assimilation). I am not a programmer, but surely to start writing/coding the games now for more than 2 players would be better than having to re-code ALL the games in say a year or so.

Also there is the other way, single player games as well. Mastermind, is a great example when you are playing a computer.

31. Joulukuu 2006, 17:06:41
Otsikko: Re:
Muokannut MadMonkey (31. Joulukuu 2006, 17:07:41)
furbster: Actually, i have had a thought (Feature Request as well)

If Fencer used similar code to the way Ponds work, we could have huge games, that would be amazing fun.

Obviously without losing a player, but once everyone has taken there move we go on to the next round, i like that.

31. Joulukuu 2006, 16:53:34
Otsikko: Re:
furbster: I wonder if Fencer will make it more than 2 player though, much more fun with 4+

31. Joulukuu 2006, 00:07:16
Otsikko: Re:
furbster: I don't mind if you treat me Furby

Jason: I wonder if Fencer will just buy hexkid code off him and use that for AutoPass, save writing his own LOL

30. Joulukuu 2006, 18:31:52
Liquid: What you been up to

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Host 'vilik.uff.i' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts' in /data/www/brainking.info/web/include/db/mysql.inc.php on line 251


18. Joulukuu 2006, 13:55:55
Otsikko: Re: Store
Fencer: ok thanks, i will treat myself for my birthday instead then lol

18. Joulukuu 2006, 13:27:32
Otsikko: Store
Fencer: Any idea as to when the store will be open again. I still havent got a 'T' shirt
Thought about treating myself for Xmas

18. Joulukuu 2006, 13:23:49
Otsikko: Re:
Hrqls: Yeah, its all better now, i tried clearing the cache earlier, but it made no difference, tried again and its all better now

18. Joulukuu 2006, 12:30:50
Why i have i got GIANT American flags beside everyones name LOL

Its in place of that little square that you can click on to invite them to a game of something, most annoying.

11. Joulukuu 2006, 13:03:24
Fencer: Happy Monday to you

What happens if we set a Fellowship challenge match, where one of the Teams has a Knight or Bishop in, that does not have enough room for the game(s), in other words 50 already.

4. Joulukuu 2006, 20:25:49
Otsikko: Re: It will never be offered again

4. Joulukuu 2006, 20:10:32
Otsikko: It will never be offered again
oh well, BUT like everything, the January Sales are always better

27. Marraskuu 2006, 22:30:22
Otsikko: Re:
"Snoopy": Nope, i tried it. Good job i dont want them lol

27. Marraskuu 2006, 22:21:34
I dont know if someone has changed something, but i have just added a couple back and it seems fine Snoopone

27. Marraskuu 2006, 22:16:24
Otsikko: Re: Fencer
"Snoopy": Yes, i noticed that. I tried un-clicking them all but when i went back the old ones were there. It seems so let you remove options, but not put them back
Stick to the Greasemonkey ones, and you can have priority games as well

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