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Chess Discussion

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- information about upcoming tournaments
- discussion of games (please limit this to completed games or discussion on how a game has arrived at a certain position ... speculation on who has an advantage or the benefits of potential moves is not permitted)
- links to interesting related sites (non-promotional)

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26. Febrero 2005, 18:52:11
Asunto: eBay
Sorry for spamming, I hope you allow it. :-)

I'm selling some books (German and English) - mainly about various openings - from my chess collection. Maybe somebody from here would be interested...

16. Febrero 2005, 01:14:25
Asunto: that scandinavian roboline reminds me
Modificado por danoschek (16. Febrero 2005, 01:17:44)
of chesschallenger 2 the first platebox against which I came to play. . if you
didn't leave your half of the board it went for 3 repeats .. . a good opportunity
for a serious tip, 1)e4 d5, 2)ed Qd5:, 3)Nc3 Qa5, 4)b4!? is worth a look. ... ~*~

16. Febrero 2005, 01:02:28
Asunto: Re: awesome chess site
1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Qxd5 3.Nc3 Qd4 4.Nf3 Qd8
That can't be good for black.

15. Febrero 2005, 22:08:34
Asunto: Re: awesome chess site
ketchuplover: Cool site ! It's scary when you see all the machine's thinking visually :-)

Btw., against me, the machine played 1.e4 Nc6 2.d4 e5 ... quite uncommon opening. I did not have the time to finish the game however ...

15. Febrero 2005, 17:56:49
Asunto: awesome chess site

11. Febrero 2005, 10:51:58
Asunto: ur go
ur go i moved my piece

8. Febrero 2005, 13:08:51
Asunto: Re: hay
niganma: Click on the piece you want to move, wait for the page to refresh and click on where you want to move it to.

8. Febrero 2005, 11:37:35
Asunto: hay
how do i move my pieaces

5. Febrero 2005, 06:06:38
Grim Reaper 
I never broke 2100 in Correspondence Play, but I did just barely qualify for the 10th US Championship (minimum was 2000+ correspondence rating and 2100+ OTB rating)

I lost my shirt in that tournament!

It is shown here, I scored only 7 out of 12, and was downgraded to a 1750 player after the event

I was in section US10P07

4. Febrero 2005, 14:36:56
Modificado por Caissus (4. Febrero 2005, 20:59:45)
In my neighbourhood there lives a strong chessplayer "Roland Schmaltz".We played together in a team 8 years ago,when he was not so good and I was not so bad as today.

Now he is Grandmaster in OTB und of Germany (Fide Elo 2553)!.But his strongest playing he has in internet chess with "bullet" (one minute for the whole game).In this game he got some worldchampion titles with his in internetchess worldwide known Nick "Hawkeye".

You can meet him at "ICC" or "" but you should be a very good "bullet"-player.
I don`t think that such a player would play in internet so slowly as we do here.

4. Febrero 2005, 14:17:17
Asunto: Re:
Pafl: I don`t think that masters or international master are playing at turn based sites like BK.
You will meet them mainly at the great chessservers like "ICC" or "".

4. Febrero 2005, 14:05:24
Asunto: typo
... I meant "otb players", not "orb" .... :-)

4. Febrero 2005, 13:57:36
Caissus: I know, I just meant that strong orb players are usually strong in correspondence too, aren't they ? So I was wondering if we have some masters or international masters here ... ?
As for the PC assistance, I hope it is not so widely used here. I believe people should put the info in their profile, if they do use it.

4. Febrero 2005, 13:24:12
Asunto: Re:
Caissus: another way to play? do you mean without program assistance?

4. Febrero 2005, 08:38:37
We should not compare the correspondence chess (here) with otb ratings.It`s another way to play.
A very good correspondence chess rating (at ICCF) has "Mely" with 2644!

4. Febrero 2005, 04:52:26
Grim Reaper 
I never broke 2300 from 1986-1990, I think 2283 was the highest. I left at 2207.

4. Febrero 2005, 04:20:40
Asunto: ELO
Just out of curiosity: What is the elo of the top players on BK ? Anybody has one ?

31. Enero 2005, 18:08:44
Asunto: funny
I'll laugh later though ... ~*~

31. Enero 2005, 13:38:20
Asunto: ONE YEAR Rook Membership Contest......! Part-II
Well since last time nobody succedded, i will increase the prize..... So here is your chance to win a one year membership here, with a lot of effort of course........

The first one who will post at
Gothic Chess discussion board and only there, the correct answers to the above 4 questions, will win a 1 year Rook membership...........

The 4 questions are here.

***If there are no answers or any correct one until 10/02/2005, there will be no winner.......
***If someone posts more than 1 answer, then the accepted one, will be ONLY his last one. That means even if someone posts a correct answer before everyone, but posts another one later, not correct this time, he would not win as the accepted answer will be the last one. Even if anyone else hasn't answered correctly.......
***In the extremely rare case when there will be 2 or more correct answers at the exactly same time, the winner will be the one whose post will appear first at the Gothic Chess discussion board.
***I will post if there is a winner or not at 10/02/2005.

30. Enero 2005, 14:11:27
Asunto: The 6th tournement was my first
Modificado por Caissus (31. Enero 2005, 00:07:36)
Seven rounds,45 minutes each player,two games per week (
For interested people the seven games are here:

24. Enero 2005, 02:18:16
ughaibu scroll down and down to the depths within which he resides.

23. Enero 2005, 03:40:07
Grim Reaper 
Asunto: Longest R + P vs. R
Does anyone know off hand what the longest win is for Rook + Pawn vs Rook? This is it in Gothic Chess, 85 moves:

21. Enero 2005, 23:06:09
Asunto: that's the thrill
nobody knows exactly how to play chess ... ...
perhaps a chess programm with mentor functionality is an option, as available ... ~*~

21. Enero 2005, 20:50:08
Asunto: tutor
i like playing chess but don't exactly know how to play it can anybody help me

20. Enero 2005, 10:05:24
Asunto: agree
Modificado por rabbitoid (20. Enero 2005, 10:05:51)
even if it were not the rule, to force the program to have and calculate all the draw rules, especially the one about repetition of position 3 times, would be far too heavy on the system resources. better to resolve such positions manually by a referee.

19. Enero 2005, 22:21:44
Asunto: a player
should recognize a draw by competition.
the server could confirm it, player must claim. ~*~

19. Enero 2005, 17:40:46
Luke Skywalker 
The server should recognize a draw by repetition

19. Enero 2005, 17:31:10
Asunto: Re:
Bry: no way to check, so no way to win.

18. Enero 2005, 10:55:10
Asunto: games from the current German first league
Modificado por Caissus (18. Enero 2005, 11:23:28)
have I published for those who are interested :

16. Enero 2005, 19:55:57
Nope, it's a draw.

16. Enero 2005, 19:54:19

Is there a winner here? if so, can someone tell me....?

16. Enero 2005, 19:05:03
BuilderQ: Yes, the 3rd castling was a mistake that none of the opponents spotted (or maybe one did !). Similarly, in the 250-moves game between the two maniacs, there was actually the same position repeated 3 times but they did not realize it ... (someone was brave enough to go through the game andfound out) :-)

16. Enero 2005, 17:38:42
"Greatest number of castlings [in one game]: 3"? I hope that isn't allowed on BrainKing. :)

16. Enero 2005, 05:26:03
longest 'polygamy'???? hahaha

16. Enero 2005, 03:34:57
ustica tnp 
Asunto: Re:
Pafl: cool.:)

16. Enero 2005, 02:25:59
Chess records ... amazing what the game can bring !

22. Diciembre 2004, 19:23:47
who won?

22. Diciembre 2004, 17:03:23

13. Diciembre 2004, 04:23:22
LOL...ok ;-)

12. Diciembre 2004, 21:15:29
who won?

11. Diciembre 2004, 16:44:43
Modificado por votacommunista (11. Diciembre 2004, 16:45:23)
At i saw the book The Chess Advantage in Black and White : Opening Moves of the Grandmasters (Mckay Chess Library), written by Larry Kaufman. The book sounds good! Can tell me anybody his experiences with this book if he/she knows it?

4. Diciembre 2004, 16:06:30
I like the idea of"real time" chess,and all its variants.

4. Diciembre 2004, 16:03:03
Asunto: Re: using chess programs
Modificado por Caissus (4. Diciembre 2004, 16:13:14)
One possibility to avoid this all is to play "live-chess"and a good reference could be the new " Schacharena"(unfortunately only in German until now).You can play there 15,30.45 and 60 minutes for the whole game each player,no client is necessary and it is completely free! And the best is that the webmaster perhaps wants to implementate 8x10 chess in the future!
Would be nice if we could play in this way here in Bk anytime.

4. Diciembre 2004, 14:33:02
Asunto: using someone else's games
big deal - and even obligatory for serious players who don't want to be
caught in the same standard traps together with the average masses, permanently.
I suggest to chose a less liked opening and to become a reference yourself, possibly. ~*~

4. Diciembre 2004, 13:50:32
Logistics Man 
Asunto: Re: using chess programs
I agree. I cannot see what/where the attraction is in using computer programs or, for that matter, 'someone elses' game/s !!

2. Diciembre 2004, 23:19:42
Asunto: Re: using chess programs
Apart from the speed with which a computer program can evaluate a situation, what is the difference between refering to a computer sorted database and checking in, say, a book for the same scenario and possible lines of attack/defence which have been successful for others. I wonder if there was the same discussion when books on chess positions and reference voumes of played games first were published.

One reason I play little chess these days is that I have come to realise that I cannot compete with people with great experience who can rely upon a knowledge store of past games, strategies and tactics which I do not have. I prefer to play the variants where each game is new and strategies and tactics need to be worked out each time from scratch .... where storehouses of past games just do not exist.

2. Diciembre 2004, 11:31:02
SMIRF Engine 
Asunto: Re: using chess programs
Caissus, I would make a distinction between computer users, who are using a self written program and those who are using a foreign. The first is only a individual form of using one's experiences. Other player are querying through huge game databases also with computer support.

2. Diciembre 2004, 03:25:43
The eternal computerproblem in correspondence chess was again a theme in the forum of the German Correspondence Chess federation.For those who understand German here is the link:

26. Noviembre 2004, 08:49:03
Excellent Mely. Give em hell.

24. Noviembre 2004, 18:51:31
Asunto: Mely
Best wishes for your success.

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