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Team Tournaments

July 2024 - Backgammon 5 - Starts 26th July

August 2024 - Knight Fight 6 - Starts 9th Aug

August 2024 - Connect 2 - Starts 23rd Aug

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15. Septiembre 2015, 23:18:09
How does one set up a link to a tournament, please?

2. Febrero 2007, 01:07:32
Asunto: Re: tournament page
Modificado por tonyh (2. Febrero 2007, 11:02:19)
joshi tm: I agree; get rid of these old tournaments! No. 2 on the list has actually ended!

31. Enero 2007, 10:44:46
Asunto: Re: New Format
Pioneer54: Quite often, playing in tournaments, one meets players rated 400 points or more below your own raying. You may get 1 point for winning, with sometimes a loss of over 100 points for a loss!!
Swiss tournaments would, to a large extent, stop this happening. They combine the best of knock-outs and all-play-all tournaments.

31. Enero 2007, 08:29:42
Asunto: Re: New Format
Pioneer54: You've said it!! Mind you, I imagine it would be horribly difficult to program; fencer would be really stretched on this one!

29. Enero 2007, 22:25:27
Asunto: Re: New Format
Pioneer54: Yes, interesting, a Swiss Tournament.

12. Enero 2007, 20:44:35
Asunto: Re: cloning gammon
prettymama: Joined up!!

20. Diciembre 2006, 14:23:11
Asunto: Cubed Cloning!! (sounds weird!)
Cubed Cloning how about trying the Cubed version of this new game?

18. Octubre 2006, 10:28:27
Why is tyhis tournament showing on the list of Open tournaments, when both games have been finished?

2. Octubre 2006, 08:44:06
and why is A dalšíííííí * still showing on Tournaments to sign up, when it has finished???????

2. Octubre 2006, 08:15:52
Why is the Brain tournament, at the top of the list, still there? It should have been deleted on 8th April 2006.

21. Junio 2006, 11:59:30
All sections have their minimum number of players signed up; well done and thank you.
We'll just wait until 30 June to see if any more want to sign up.

12. Noviembre 2005, 16:38:40
Asunto: Cheating
Modificado por tonyh (12. Noviembre 2005, 16:45:09)
If you reckon that a chess player is cheating (ie using a computer program), is there any way of avoiding that player in tournaments?

11. Septiembre 2003, 16:34:38
Asunto: Re: 141 games
Sorry, typing error - but the percentages are still generally what I find! Another game where you can think for hours and come up with the wrong move; tablut.

11. Septiembre 2003, 16:10:43
Asunto: Re: 141 games
I reckon that 80% of the time, you can play moves without thinking and another 17% neds a bit of thought (about 10 seconds worth). Gothic Chess is the killer; you can think for half-an-hour and still make the wrong move.

11. Septiembre 2003, 11:59:38
Asunto: Re: Never-ending tourneys because of one player
Artful - like $2 a month!! 50c a week! A pint of bitter costs £1.90 (or around $3.00 in USA currency). How pawns can live with the tournament restrictions is beyond me.

27. Agosto 2003, 08:34:12
Asunto: Fellowship Atomic Chess Matches
Zucan - The Mercenaries are on red alert!

26. Agosto 2003, 21:17:27
Asunto: Re: Well...
Zucan - you mean, run 4 separate tournaments for the 4 team members? Like you have all the first boards in one tourn, all the 2nd boards in another and so on?

19. Marzo 2003, 09:35:52
Asunto: Re: a plea
Totally agree with dream; there is a Keryo Pente Discussion Board, where these missives will find a welcome home.

18. Marzo 2003, 12:26:46
Asunto: Re: 13 X 13 Keryo Pente
Would you be happier if IYT called their game Keryo13?

18. Marzo 2003, 10:04:36
Asunto: Re: Keryo Pente player 1 advantage
Vacation times, even during tournaments, are essential! This is one of the worst features at IYT, that they don't allow vacations for tournaments. Hence, the large number of 'forfeits'.

7. Marzo 2003, 10:00:04
Asunto: Profiles
How about putting WINNER in red alongside the tournament and, say, FINALS in red? then we can gloat a bit.
Also, how avbout telling us all when someone has won a tournament (again, might boost your Brain Knight + membership).

14. Febrero 2003, 09:50:29
Asunto: Re: Membership and Tournaments
Please do remember that a vital objective for Fencer is to make this site pay for itself.

9. Febrero 2003, 12:11:45
Asunto: Re:
I do wonder whether any of us are so mad keen to win a tournament. For me, it is a good way of getting more games started, without the hassle of sending out invites.

9. Febrero 2003, 11:56:50
Asunto: Re: Levels
If you remove Pawns who have paid to become Knights, then this might persuade them not to become knights!! But I guess this affects so few players that it hardly makes any difference which way you decide.

4. Febrero 2003, 08:49:29
Asunto: Start-ups
Shouldn't some tourneys have started by now, like Manicotti's Reversi 6x6 (entries finished 1st Feb)?

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