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3. Febrero 2012, 21:06:47
Übergeek 바둑이 
Asunto: Re: And a little help for Jules
Modificado por Übergeek 바둑이 (3. Febrero 2012, 21:08:24)
Artful Dodger:

> apples to apples FNC kicks butt ALL DAY LONG

Sounds like a great ad! Do you work for FNC, or hold stock in the company? That kidn of love comes only from somebody with a vested interest in FNC.

Well, of course, ratings is no indication of quality. Lots of people love MacDonald's. It does not mean that MacDonald's is good food, or nutritious food.

How should news be measured? Quality? Quantity? Popularity?

I find that if I want better news with more balanced reporting, then I have to see several channels to get a more complete picture. I never watch CNN or Fox. Simply because their view of the world is given through the narrow looking glass of American centrist and right-wing politics. It does not mean that they are bad networks. I just don't find their way of reporting appealing to me.

Likewise, I am sure the reporting in other channels leave a lot to be desired to other people. It is all colored by people's personal opinions.

I watch BBC News but I find a distinct pro-weswtern slant in their reporting. They are not left-leaning (as some people might want to believe). I find that they do chime of the neo-liberal ideology of modern western politics.

I watch RT (Russian television) news which has a less Eurocentric and Western-centric view. I find that they report much better in things that the western media tries to hide. A good example is their reporting of the rising sectarian violence in Lybia, something that western news media are playing down. While the western media gives a pro-western view of the situation in Syria, RT is giving what I feel is a more balanced view.

Sometimes I watch CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) news. I find them entirely western-centric and neo-liberal in their views, but they are far from left-leaning as some people might claim.

I rarely see Al Jazeera. I find them a souped up (or down?) version of BBC news.

Well, Fox might have high ratings, but I do not necessarily agree with their right-wing slant. That is just me, because I am a left winger. Those who agree with Fox will naturally defend their reporting.

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