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20. august 2007, 13:12:58
Teema: Vacation days
I have no vacation days left, and know of others in the same boat, whether like me it was because of no PC connection or moving home, there are numerous reasons

So, what do we do now ?
Well myself i try to get here every day, BUT that is not always possible for some people.

There was a mention a while ago about having people able to access someone elses account to play there games & prevent games timing out. Have not heard anymore about that

How about for those who have run out of vacation days the possibility of being able to buy more (say 2 EUR per day).
I would say a maximum of 10 so people did not just do it for the sake of it, or take undue advantage.

It would be nice if invited to a wedding, funeral or even having to go into hospital, we did not have to have the worry of games timing out on us

16. august 2007, 14:07:26
Teema: Re: Quick Update
The Usurper: Is that all ?

You must have missed some things lol

16. august 2007, 10:50:46
Teema: Re: This has probably been reported on a thousand times....
The Usurper: Firefox then come and join my Firefox Fellowship

14. august 2007, 21:16:56
Teema: Re: Can Someone help me?
Pbarb2: hmmmm the Knight in question played in that Team Tournament that is still running for another Fellowship.

Saying that he has played all his games in that Tournament & the Fellowship in question can not go through to the next round, so his Tournament is over

I know Fencer has allowed Knights to play in new Team Tournaments if a previous Team Tournament is over as such, BUT being held up by other games, BUT this time he has said no

If you are struggling to find another let me know, i will see what i can do

14. august 2007, 20:09:24
Teema: Re: Can Someone help me?
Pbarb2: I think if you ask Fencer he will make it so your Knight can play

The Tournament that is still running will not matter as apart from the few games left to finish, your Team will not be going to the next round so it should be fine

10. august 2007, 21:03:33
Teema: Re:
puupia: 100% want to agree with you, BUT as a member willing to play new players like yourself and help introduce them to brinking it is getting VERY boring now logging in to have a bundle of new messages in my Inbox saying 'I win , because your opponent Timed-out' AGAIN, as it was a Pawn accepting the game, and then not returning.
I post the invites by choice, but i will not any longer if something is not sorted out.
Sad, but i will not waste my time for those who do not appreciate it :o(

10. august 2007, 20:12:56
Teema: Re:
Jules: I know i can block Pawns, BUT i do not mind playing them at all if they like there games and are interested in brainking
It just a shame when some Pawns accept invites then do not make a move or return to brainking again.
Its another invite wasted, so yes i create more. I do not mind trying to help people that are new to the site or anything like that, but it does tend to get annoying after a while.
There again as i said what can be done ?
We could be given a certain ammount of BKR if the opponent does not make a move after accepting a game OR maybe Pawns should not be able to take games from the Waiing Room unless they have signed on 'X' ammount of times.
Something at least

10. august 2007, 11:50:02
I keep quite a few games open in the Main Waiting room (and my Madhouse one).
Is there any way Fencer to do something about Pawns (mainly) who take games out the Waiting room then never make a move in them, mostly because they do not come back to brainking.
It is getting so tedious finding a load of messages in my Inbox about games being won by me because my supposed opponent never made a move and timed out.
OK , Great, i get a win, but then just have to create more games to put in the Waiting room and get no joy about it at all.
I do not know what really can be done.
Maybe as well as the win, we get a few BKR reward for our efforts
There must be something

9. august 2007, 11:38:28
Teema: Re: blog
"Snoopy": Your name and password will be different to your brainking one providing when you signed up on the Serendipity Administration Suite page you made them different.
Best idea is open the Blog Administration page and get your password / username sent to you

9. august 2007, 01:38:21
Its me

Yes, there is a problem BIG time

When you stay playing here for more than 12 hours a day (like some of us do lol) the connection does crash time to time (notice i said connection)

Over the last few weeks it has been getting worse and should be looked into.
It does only happen on BrainKing !!
I can have numerous Tabs open on various sites (like most i would imagine).
All the other sites are fine when i get the dreaded message 'unable to connect'

I love this place, and we have a great crowd here but unless its gets sorted i think even our stay hard members will get fed up

Please look into it Fencer

8. august 2007, 01:30:45
i think, but Fencer will make it better

7. august 2007, 01:52:17
Teema: Re: Question???
Pbarb2: What rod said lol well i had hit reply anyway

He means (edit) in your Fellowship, where all the Teams are listed

Now, bed

6. august 2007, 20:04:59
Teema: Re:
Oceans Apart: I know it has been getting worse the last few days it can not all be code changes lol

It used to really only do it when Fencer added his blog to the site. Not a clue whats causing it now though

6. august 2007, 19:40:03
Teema: Re:
Oceans Apart: Shhhhhh that normally happens when Fencer makes changes to the site (like adding the Move Goto option he just did lol)

4. august 2007, 15:18:01
Teema: Odd saved Logik code
I have had a problem with a saved Logik code for a while now, but have only just got round to trying to sort it, which i did.

Problem is Fencer is what caused it lol

I loaded a position i saved ages ago to use again.
Sure enough it loaded the five coloured pegs.
Now the problem, the Status above the code says not finished and there is no way to submit the game.
If i then remove a colour (so only 4 pegs in the code now) it will say Status Finished and there is a submit Goto choice.
When you do this it just throws you out of your games, back to main screen and the code in that game is still waiting to be set.
Any of my other saved codes work fine, so what was causing this one to go crazy ??

Anyway, as i said i sort of solved it(thats Logik for you lol), but no clue why this happened.
I went to game editor, loaded the saved position, which said not Finished (even though all 5 colours were there), and thought of things to try.
So i selected 'Random placement of remaining pieces'(even though there were none available as the code had 5 in it), BUT it worked, i now had Status Finished

So the question is, what caused this ?

3. august 2007, 13:25:46
Teema: Re:
AbigailII: It normally happens to me once or twice a day, but only on brainking.
This morning was crazy, seems better now though

3. august 2007, 12:51:33
Does anyone else keeping losing access to the site this morning ?
I have lost it 5 times in the last 2 hours (Unable to connect message) the same as when Fencer make a change etc... to the place.

2. august 2007, 12:15:01
Teema: Re:
emmett: Logic would say Team Captains and Big Bosses should be able to as they can set Team challenges anyway and there is no real difference, but i see no option

22. juuli 2007, 22:10:00
Teema: Re: Found game bug.
MadMonkey toimetatud (22. juuli 2007, 22:17:54)
Kunoichi_Power: Are you certain it is a bug and not a different rule brainking uses compared to one you may know elsewhere.
It would be a shock if there was any serious bug in any game here at present(maybe a small one not fixed yet), they have all been tested thoroughly.
What type of game is it in ?

15. juuli 2007, 22:23:41
Teema: Re:
emmett: I am surprised there are not more games for the intelligent, thinking type player.
Well i know what i mean Chess, Go, Line games etc..
Three of them are dice luck games, still fun but not mind taxing.

Logik is good though

14. juuli 2007, 21:50:14
Teema: Re:
furbster: Oh yes, doubt i will be on much next weekend, i will be in the queue at midnight to get my copy

14. juuli 2007, 21:39:37
Teema: Re: Team tournaments
Tigger & emmett: And as a theme, how about Harry Potter as the last book is released next Saturday, and the 5th film is now out ( <---Quidditch lol)

14. juuli 2007, 19:11:02
Any sign of any new Team Tournaments yet Fencer ?

All those new games we have not had Tournaments for yet well, apart from Hawaiian Checkers & Cheversi, but we could have the again as they were new at the time and no one knew what to do lol

13. juuli 2007, 14:59:06
Teema: Re:
pauloaguia: True, have an option to have new games added or not

Thats would be good, solve the problem both ways then

13. juuli 2007, 14:48:53
Fencer, could you set new games to selected in our settings please as default.
As you know Behemoth Chess is rather quick , trying to get rematches set up is a nightmare till people change there filters.
Selected by default i think would be better

8. juuli 2007, 22:31:44
Teema: Re:
baddessi: theres a blog about it on the .info site, just not here yet

8. juuli 2007, 22:16:00
How longs that RSS feed been on the Main page

4. juuli 2007, 13:16:41
Teema: Re:
Jason: Hmmmm well i can see that works, but mine in he Madhouse do not now, and neither in my Notepad.........oh well

4. juuli 2007, 11:41:18
MadMonkey toimetatud (4. juuli 2007, 11:43:05)
Fencer: Could you have a look at my last post on the Madhouse Board. Its one with some Tournament results.
I set it out different from normal as you can see, by copying the URL locations & letting brainking convert them.
Just to make it all neat any tidy i used the 'pre' tag (you taught me lol), but it has no effect.
Is this down to me not using 'a href=' attribute and naming it myself or another reason ?

edited by me, just done a test, it appears the 'pre' tag no longer works

4. juuli 2007, 00:36:11
Teema: Re: random seedings
Eriisa: You can say that again lol (Deja Vu)

Monkeys playing

3. juuli 2007, 18:24:03
Teema: Thought for Monday lol
Does anyone else ever wonder if sometimes in Poker the dice you select to roll do not actually seem to roll.
I think of the times i have rolled 2, 3, 4 or 5 dice and got exact the same numbers back.
Just seems to be a very much above average of probability (someone can work it out lol) that this is happening.
An observation really as i do not play a lot of Poker, someone who plays a lot would have a better idea i guess

26. juuni 2007, 16:53:49
Fencer, its Wimbledon, but we have no Tennis Smiley
Found some HERE and HERE and HERE(nice Monkey ones there too ) could you borrow one or two do you think

17. juuni 2007, 19:25:53
Fencer, what happened to the Firefox button you had at the bottom of the left column ?

Is it possible for us to add a button anywhere, like in a Profile or top of a Discussion board.

17. juuni 2007, 02:13:31
Teema: Re: Thanks Hunkey
Eriisa: oh, got ya, i never used that so i had not noticed, but you are right
Any, open box (as in not surrounded like the box one) can be resized

17. juuni 2007, 02:05:05
Teema: Re: Thanks Hunkey
TexasToest: Some of the smaller extensions for Firefox are the best one
Duplicate Tabs & Searchbar Autosizer, are both great ones as well

Eriisa:It should do if you mean when reply to a message as it does even when you are editing
Sometimes it does not always work on the line/corner, sometimes you have to move the cursor about a bit

17. juuni 2007, 00:38:33
Teema: Re:
MadMonkey toimetatud (17. juuni 2007, 00:54:31)
plaintiger: Sorry my friend Tiger, Firefox has Resizeable Textarea for ages, well since version 1.5 was released, its just another of there 2200+ extensions
Gordon (or was it BBW) told me about it, great & very useful

See if i can find, i use it

Here it is Resizeable Textarea

12. juuni 2007, 16:45:00
Teema: Re: Problems
srnity & TheJazzCafe: There has been a conversation on the Feature Board (until they were asked to take it elsewhere(Computer Board)) last couple of days. Could be linked to the same problem, sounds like Spyware, something called Errorprotector there though & also banner ads that have been showing up.
If you have a decent Virus protector, Firewall and pop up Blocker you should be fine. I know AVG (grisoft.com) do some good free stuff & if you use Firefox you can get an add-on called Add Block Plus.

11. juuni 2007, 20:12:21
Teema: Re:
Fencer: thanks goody gumdrops

11. juuni 2007, 19:59:50
Fencer, when do you think you will set some more Team Tournaments ?

8. juuni 2007, 13:28:07
Teema: Re: FENCER regarding backgammon
Rose: hey, thats great, i miss the guy. He taught me all i know about programming (hmmmm well most of it lol), i want to get my Firefox extension working before he gets back.
I know mctrivia called him a few weeks ago and he is ok, but no news when he will be back. I had to stop the auto player a couple of months back as it was hardly playing any moves for some reason. I think from what mctrivia said that Fencer must off changed some of the code and it was not picking up certain(well most) games.
Say hello from me

8. juuni 2007, 12:55:36
Teema: Re: FENCER regarding backgammon
MadMonkey toimetatud (9. juuni 2007, 11:07:07)
AbigailII: hexkids script does both auto pass & auto move for alot of games, but sadly until he returns to brainking and fixes it at the moment it does not work

25. mai 2007, 14:29:49
Teema: Firefox Extension
Fencer: What would you say you would like this extension to do.
Presumably run on the status-bar, obviously it will log itself into a person account once set with the relevant details.
It will display number of games / ponds waiting, time till next game times out & any invites waiting.
Anything else to start with? maybe messages in box ?
I guess once logged in it can display anything hmmmmm
I will give it a go, i downloaded the Firefox extension stuff and tried months ago when hexkid was still here. Give me something to pass my time

19. mai 2007, 11:41:01
I hope you can understand what i mean by this.
As you may of noticed i have timed out on alot of games due to working away from home.
The point is a lot of games or multi-games started then that have not timed out, but because of the time outs, i am now playing a lot of the top players in Ataxx, Assimilation etc..... having a high BKR when we started, but now mine is down in the hundreds.
I feel bad about timing out but could not help it as i had to work, but i feel worse for the players i am playing.
Basically, the games as when they were started what ever the outcome, the effect would have been 0-50 BKR, but now because of timeouts if i win i take up to 200 BKR of the top players, which thinking about it is not right or very fair.
Maybe if the system could take the ratings as from the game start but then changes in BKR would take a while from other games finished unless they could be frozen for each game. The only other idea i could think of was that timed out games would not effect BKR ratings at all.
I am just trying to think of idea to stop the top players losing a lot of there hard earned BKR.
Suppose i could resign all started games

9. mai 2007, 00:51:44
Teema: Re:
emmett: We wont get very good odds at the betting shop for that

8. mai 2007, 15:14:14
Teema: Re: Official Tournaments
pauloaguia: I agree to a point, its just an idea, but also i think its nice to give the Pawns something, this way we know brainking will have one new member. True they may not keep it, but at least they may help spread the word the advantages of being a paid member.

It would also stop anyone who thinks it is clever to create multiple accounts to give themselves a number of chances to win an overall Tournament. The best they could do is win the Pawn one, unless they buy multiple accounts, but then Fencer gets money anyway

Like i say, they are just ideas. I just hope for more Team Tournaments myself or/and Team Stairs

8. mai 2007, 12:20:32
Teema: Re: Official Tournaments
Hrqls: I do not think we need regular Tournaments like IYT have. We create our own here which is great, but saying that look how many are still waiting for players. We seem to have to many individual Tournamnets as it is.
I create them 1 a week, and once a month in the Madhouse, plus any special ones people want. Yes, i go over the top, but i think Fellowships are a great thing to have and try to involve everyone as much as possible.

I like the idea of having a champion for each game every year.

As a treat maybe Fencer could have 2 prize Tournaments a year (1 for Pawns & 1 for Members).

As, has been said i think we should concentrate on Team Tournaments, as that really is part of being in a Fellowship, playing for a Team.

Its been roughly 14 weeks since the last Team ones started. Most first round are almost over, in fact some are in the final now, ok exception will always be the long games like cloning and Froglet, but why should the rest have to wait to start again. After all, there are quick games here now like Cheversi & Mancala.

I would like to see regular Team Tournaments, something like 12 every 2 or 3 months (maybe 2 chess, 2 Lines, 2 Gammons, 3 Others(as we call them) and 3 from this group (Reversi, Go, Boats & Espionage) as an idea.

One thing while i am here on Team Tournaments. At present Fencer gives a prize to the winning Team of each game. I think there should be at least 1st & 2nd place. There are some Team Tournaments that we know who will win before they even start, Chess being the prime example(nothing against Chess Club, they are awesome), so we are fighting for 2nd place.

Thats my say on Tournaments, Team & Individual.

Fencer could you still have a think about Team stairs please.

cc. Blog site

7. mai 2007, 17:45:23
Teema: Re: Open Discussion Board System
srnity: I have used one for ages for all Madhouse members.
The only draw back as such is that one is based on Paltalk.com, so you have to download there Messenger service to use, but thats no real problem.
The only other one is that myself or someone i can trust has to be there to look after it lol

One based and written just for brainking would awesome

7. mai 2007, 00:36:11
Teema: Re:
Gordon Shumway: 100% agree

I would of created like that if i knew such a crazy outcome could happen.
What happens if they have the same BKR ??? ...............I know, most letters in there name

7. mai 2007, 00:17:05
Teema: Re:
coan.net: I remember seeing that somewhere, that is one crazy rule
I do not think it is very fair way to decide the final game of a Tournament though like this was
Why not just play again or black/white peg count or something ?

6. mai 2007, 23:45:55
Fencer or BBW(sorry, coan.net lol) or any clever person lol

Why, in this final game of this Elimination Tournament which is a ONE game Final did something odd happen.

Both players solved the codes in 6 tries and rightly enough the game is a draw as it states BUT how come myself (as the organiser) got a message saying one of the players was the winner ?
Why does the other lose ?

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